272-0300-00L  Algorithmics for Hard Problems

SemesterSpring Semester 2024
LecturersD. Komm
Periodicitytwo-yearly recurring course
CourseDoes not take place this semester.
Language of instructionGerman
CommentThis course d o e s n o t include the Mentored Work Specialised Courses with an Educational Focus in Computer Science A.

AbstractThis course unit looks into algorithmic approaches to the solving of hard problems, particularly with moderately exponential-time algorithms and parameterized algorithms.

The seminar is accompanied by a comprehensive reflection upon the significance of the approaches presented for computer science tuition at high schools.
Learning objectiveTo systematically acquire an overview of the methods for solving hard problems. To get deeper knowledge of exact and parameterized algorithms.
ContentFirst, the concept of hardness of computation is introduced (repeated for the computer science students). Then some methods for solving hard problems are treated in a systematic way. For each algorithm design method, it is discussed what guarantees it can give and how we pay for the improved efficiency. A special focus lies on moderately exponential-time algorithms and parameterized algorithms.
Lecture notesUnterlagen und Folien werden zur Verfügung gestellt.
LiteratureJ. Hromkovic: Algorithmics for Hard Problems, Springer 2004.

R. Niedermeier: Invitation to Fixed-Parameter Algorithms, 2006.

M. Cygan et al.: Parameterized Algorithms, 2015.

F. Fomin et al.: Kernelization, 2019.

F. Fomin, D. Kratsch: Exact Exponential Algorithms, 2010.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Self-presentation and Social Influence fostered
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management fostered