The course provides an introduction to the field of human-computer interaction and focuses on role of the user in system design. Methods used to analyze the user experience will be introduced to show how they inform the design of new interfaces, systems, and technologies. Emerging methods and tools in computational interaction and optimization for UI design will also be introduced.
The goal of the course is for students to understand the principles of user-centered design and be able to apply these in practice. Another goal is to understand the basic notions of Computational Design in a HCI context.
The course will introduce students to several methods of analysing the user experience, showing how these can be used at different stages of system development from requirements analysis through to usability testing.
Students will get experience of designing and carrying out user studies as well as analysing results. The course will also cover the basic principles of interaction design. Practical exercises related to touch and gesture-based interaction will be used to reinforce the concepts introduced in the lecture. To get students to further think beyond traditional system design, we will discuss issues related to ambient information and awareness.
Die Leistungskontrolle wird nur am Semesterende nach der Lerneinheit angeboten. Die Repetition ist nur nach erneuter Belegung möglich.
schriftlich 120 Minuten
Zusatzinformation zum Prüfungsmodus
All participating students will take part in a mandatory project during the semester. This project will contribute to the overall grade. The grade is determined by the project (50%) and the final written exam (50%).