052-0707-00L  Urban Design III

SemesterHerbstsemester 2024
DozierendeH. Klumpner, F. T. Salva Rocha Franco
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung


052-0707-00 VUrban Design III
No course 24.10.2024 (seminar week) and in the last two semester weeks (final critiques).
2 Std.
Do07:45-09:30HPH G 2 »
14.11.07:45-09:30HPH G 1 »
07:45-09:30HPV G 4 »
H. Klumpner, F. T. Salva Rocha Franco


KurzbeschreibungStudents are introduced to a narrative of 'Urban Stories' through a series of three tools driven by social, governance, and environmental transformations in today's urbanization processes. Each lecture explores one city's spatial and organizational ingenuity born out of a particular place's realities, allowing students to transfer these inventions into a catalog of conceptual tools.
LernzielHow can students of architecture become active agents of change? What does it take to go beyond a building's scale, making design-relevant decisions to the city rather than a single client? How can we design in cities with a lack of land, tax base, risk, and resilience, understanding that Zurich is the exception and these other cities are the rule? How can we discover, set rather than follow trends and understand existing urban phenomena activating them in a design process? The lecture series produces a growing catalog of operational urban tools across the globe, considering Governance, Social, and Environmental realities. Instead of limited binary comparing of cities, we are building a catalog of change, analyzing what design solutions cities have been developing informally incrementally over time, why, and how. We look at the people, institutions, culture behind the design and make concepts behind these tools visible. Students get first-hand information from cities where the chair as a Team has researched, worked, or constructed projects over the last year, allowing competent, practical insight about the people and topics that make these places unique. Students will be able to use and expand an alternative repertoire of experiences and evidence-based design tools, go to the conceptual core of them, and understand how and to what extent they can be relevant in other places. Urban Stories is the basic practice of architecture and urban design. It introduces a repertoire of urban design instruments to the students to use, test, and start their designs.
InhaltUrban form cannot be reduced to physical space. Cities result from social construction, under the influence of technologies, ecology, culture, the impact of experts, and accidents. Urban un-concluded processes respond to political interests, economic pressure, cultural inclinations, along with the imagination of architects and urbanists and the informal powers at work in complex adaptive systems. Current urban phenomena are the result of urban evolution. The facts stored in urban environments include contributions from its entire lifecycle, visible in the physical environment, and non-physical aspects. This imaginary city exists along with its potentials and problems and with the conflicts that have evolved. Knowledge and understanding, along with a critical observation of the actions and policies, are necessary to understand the diversity and instability present in the contemporary city and understand how urban form evolved to its current state.

How did cities develop into the cities we live in now? Urban plans, instruments, visions, political decisions, economic reasonings, cultural inputs, and social organization have been used to operate in urban settlements in specific moments of change. We have chosen cities that exemplify how these instruments have been implemented and how they have shaped urban environments. We transcribe these instruments into urban operational tools that we have recognized and collected within existing tested cases in contemporary cities across the globe.

This lecture series will introduce urban knowledge and the way it has introduced urban models and operational modes within different concrete realities, therefore shaping cities. The lecture series translates urban knowledge into operational tools, extracted from cities where they have been tested and become exemplary samples, most relevant for understanding how the urban landscape has taken shape. The tools are clustered in twelve thematic clusters and three tool scales for better comparability and cross-reflection.

The Tool case studies are compiled into a global urbanization toolbox, which we use as typological models to read the city and critically reflect upon it. The presented contents are meant to serve as inspiration for positioning in future professional life and provide instruments for future design decisions.

In an interview with a local designer, we measure our insights against the most pressing design topics in cities today, including inclusion, affordable housing, provision of public spaces, and infrastructure for all.
SkriptThe learning material, available via https://moodle-app2.let.ethz.ch/ is comprised of the following:

- Toolbox 'Reader' with an introduction to the lecture course and tool summaries
- Weekly exercise tasks
- Infographics with basic information about each city
- Quiz question for each tool
- Additional reading material
- Interviews with experts
- Archive of lecture recordings

Structure and Grading:
- 70% Exam
- 20% Exercise (one group workshop per semester)  
- 10% Participation (drawing exercises)  

For one-semester students, only a Research will be required.
Literatur- Reading material will be provided throughout the semester.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengefördert
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengefördert
Medien und digitale Technologiengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgefördert
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgeprüft
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt geprüft
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengefördert
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Integrität und Arbeitsethikgefördert
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert


Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)
Leistungskontrolle als Jahreskurs mit 052-0708-00L Urban Design IV (nächstes Semester)
Für Reglement
Bachelor-Studiengang Architektur 2016 (Prüfungsblock 2)
ECTS Kreditpunkte4 KP
Leistungskontrolle als Semesterkurs (übrige Studiengänge)
ECTS Kreditpunkte2 KP
PrüfendeH. Klumpner, F. T. Salva Rocha Franco
Formunbenotete Semesterleistung
RepetitionRepetition nur nach erneuter Belegung der Lerneinheit möglich.
Zusatzinformation zum PrüfungsmodusSemester course ("Semesterkurs") students from other departments or students taking this lecture course as GESS / Studium Generale course as well as exchange students must successfully hand in a Research Paper at the end of the semester, which will be subject to the performance assessment: pass ("Bestanden") or failed ("Nicht bestanden"). The performance assessment type, for "Urban Design III" taken as a semester course, is categorized as ungraded semester performance ("unbenotete Semesterleistung").
Falls die Lerneinheit innerhalb eines Prüfungsblockes geprüft wird, werden die Kreditpunkte für den gesamten bestandenen Block erteilt.
Diese Angaben können noch zu Semesterbeginn aktualisiert werden; verbindlich sind die Angaben auf dem Prüfungsplan.


Es werden nur die öffentlichen Lernmaterialien aufgeführt.


Keine Informationen zu Gruppen vorhanden.


Keine zusätzlichen Belegungseinschränkungen vorhanden.

Angeboten in

Architektur BachelorPrüfungsblock 2OInformation
Bauingenieurwissenschaften MasterEmpfohlene Wahlfächer des StudiengangsWInformation
Integrated Building Systems MasterVertiefungsfächerWInformation
Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme MasterEmpfohlene Wahlfächer des StudiengangsWInformation
Science, Technology, and Policy MasterStädte, Infrastruktur und PlanungWInformation
Science, Technology, and Policy MasterWahlfächerWInformation