860-0031-00L  Policy Analysis

SemesterHerbstsemester 2024
DozierendeB. Steffen, T. Schmidt, Noch nicht bekannt
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
LehrveranstaltungFindet dieses Semester nicht statt.

KurzbeschreibungThe course Policy Analysis 1 will introduce important concepts and methods for ex-ante policy analysis. It will mostly focus on the policy content (vis-à-vis the policy process). We will primarily discuss quantitative methods. The course will contain several practical assignments in which students have to apply the concepts and methods studied.
LernzielStudents should gain the skill to perform policy analyses independently. To this end, students will be enabled to understand a policy problem and the rationale for policy intervention; to select appropriate impact categories and methods to address a policy problem through policy analysis; to assess policy alternatives, using various ex-ante policy analysis methods; and to communicate the results of the analysis.
InhaltThe course has four major topics:
•Rationales for public policy in Science and Technology
•Impact of policies on firms and investors
•Impacts of policies on socio-technical systems
•Impact of policies on society at large