Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2023

Biology Master Information
Master Studies (Programme Regulations 2023)
Major in Molecular and Structural Biology
Compulsory Concept Courses
551-0307-00LMolecular and Structural Biology I: Protein Structure and Function
D-BIOL students are obliged to take part I and part II (next semester) as a two-semester course
O3 credits2VR. Glockshuber, K. Locher, E. Weber-Ban
Elective Compulsory Concept Courses
See D-BIOL Master Studies Guide
551-0319-00LCellular Biochemistry (Part I)W3 credits2VU. Kutay, F. Allain, T. Kleele, I. Zemp
551-0313-00LMicrobiology (Part I)W3 credits2VW.‑D. Hardt, L. Eberl, B. Nguyen, J. Piel, M. Pilhofer, A. Vagstad
551-0309-00LConcepts in Modern Genetics
Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module BIO348 at UZH.

Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
W6 credits4VY. Barral, D. Bopp, A. Hajnal, O. Voinnet
551-1299-00LBioinformatics Restricted registration - show details W6 credits4GS. Sunagawa, P. Beltrao, V. Boeva, A. Kahles, C. von Mering, N. Zamboni
529-0731-00LNucleic Acids and Carbohydrates
Note for BSc Biology students: Only one of the two concept courses 529-0731-00 Nucleic Acids and Carbohydrates (autumn semester) or 529-0732-00 Proteins and Lipids (spring semester) can be counted for the Bachelor's degree.
W6 credits3GK. Lang, P. A. Kast, S. J. Sturla, H. Wennemers
Elective Compulsory Master Courses
551-1401-00LAdvanced Protein Engineering (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: BCH420

Restricted to max.10 students from ETH

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W2 credits2GUniversity lecturers
551-1153-00LSystems Biology of Metabolism
Number of participants limited to 15.
W4 credits2VU. Sauer, N. Zamboni
529-0004-01LClassical Simulation of (Bio)Molecular Systems Information W6 credits4GP. H. Hünenberger, J. Dolenc, S. Riniker
401-0649-00LApplied Statistical RegressionW5 credits2V + 1UM. Dettling
401-6215-00LUsing R for Data Analysis and Graphics (Part I) Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits1GM. Mächler
529-0041-00LModern Mass Spectrometry, Hyphenated Methods, and ChemometricsW6 credits3GR. Zenobi, B. Hattendorf, P. Sinués Martinez-Lozano
551-1407-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series I: Transcription & Processing & Translation
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits2VF. Allain, N. Ban, S. Jonas, U. Kutay, further lecturers
551-1409-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series II: Non-Coding RNAs: Biology and TherapeuticsW4 credits2VJ. Hall, M. Stoffel, further lecturers
227-0939-00LCell BiophysicsW6 credits4GT. Zambelli
529-0733-02LChemical Biology and Synthetic BiochemistryW6 credits3GK. Lang, M. Fottner
Recommended Mastercourses
551-0575-00LWriting Scientific Reports for MSc Biology Restricted registration - show details W2 credits1GR. Taylor
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