Suchergebnis: Lerneinheiten im Herbstsemester 2023

Biologie Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2023)
Vertiefung in Biochemie
Wahlpflicht Masterkurse
551-1153-00LSystems Biology of Metabolism
Number of participants limited to 15.
W4 KP2VU. Sauer, N. Zamboni
636-0007-00LComputational Systems Biology Information W6 KP3V + 2UJ. Stelling
401-0649-00LApplied Statistical RegressionW5 KP2V + 1UM. Dettling
529-0041-00LModerne Massenspektroskopie, gekoppelte Analysenmethoden, ChemometrieW6 KP3GR. Zenobi, B. Hattendorf, P. Sinués Martinez-Lozano
636-0108-00LBiological Engineering and BiotechnologyW4 KP3VM. Fussenegger
551-1407-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series I: Transcription & Processing & Translation
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W4 KP2VF. Allain, N. Ban, S. Jonas, U. Kutay, weitere Dozierende
551-1409-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series II: Non-Coding RNAs: Biology and TherapeuticsW4 KP2VJ. Hall, M. Stoffel, weitere Dozierende
227-0939-00LCell BiophysicsW6 KP4GT. Zambelli
551-0357-00LCellular Matters: Properties, Functions and Applications of Biomolecular Condensates
The number of participants is limited to 30 and will only take place with a minimum of 6 participants.

The first lecture will serve to form groups of students and assign papers.
W4 KP2ST. Michaels, F. Allain, P. Arosio, Y. Barral, D. Hilvert, M. Jagannathan, R. Mezzenga, G. Neurohr, R. Riek, A. E. Smith, K. Weis, H. Wennemers, weitere Dozierende
529-0733-02LChemical Biology and Synthetic BiochemistryW6 KP3GK. Lang, M. Fottner
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