Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2024

Computer Science Bachelor Information
Minor Courses
101-0531-00LDigital Transformation for Circular Construction Restricted registration - show details
All students who register go on a waiting list until 09.02.2024. To register:
1. Enroll before 09.02.2024
2. Send a short motivation letter (max. 300 words) and a 1-page CV to by 09.02.2024
3. MIBS students: This course is mandatory and there is no need to send your application documents

Please only register for the course if you really intend to participate on all course dates (see course catalog), otherwise, you will deprive someone else of a place.
W8 credits7.5PC. De Wolf
151-0854-00LAutonomous Mobile Robots Information W5 credits4GR. Siegwart, L. Ott
227-0076-00LElectrical Engineering IIW4 credits2V + 2UC. Studer
227-0123-00LMechatronicsW6 credits4GT. M. Gempp
227-0147-00LVLSI 2: From Netlist to Complete System on Chip Information W6 credits5GF. K. Gürkaynak, L. Benini
227-0707-00LOptimization Methods for EngineersW3 credits2GJ. Smajic, G. Beccuti
227-0730-00LPower Market II - Modeling and Strategic PositioningW6 credits4GD. Reichelt, G. A. Koeppel
227-0945-11LCell and Molecular Biology for Engineers
Students who have taken the semester course 227-0945-00L Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers I, 227-0945-10L Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers II or the year-long course before FS23 cannot earn credit points for this course.
W6 credits4GC. Frei
252-5053-00LWhat Kind of AI Do We Want? Bringing Artistic and Technological Practices Together Information Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
W2 credits3S
351-0578-00LIntroduction to Economic Policy Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Not for students belonging to D-MTEC!
W2 credits1V
363-1038-00LSustainability Start-Up Seminar Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.
W3 credits2GA. H. Sägesser
363-1122-00LFrom Entrepreneurial Thinking to Market Relevance - How Startups Scale Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
All interested students are invited to apply for this course by sending a short motivation letter to [NAME]: [Mailadresse]
Additionally please enroll via mystudies.
W3 credits2Gto be announced
363-1153-00LDecentralized FinanceW3 credits2VB. J. Bergmann, H. Gersbach, R. Wattenhofer
Primarily designed for Health Sciences and Technology students.

The Biomechatronics lecture is not appropriate for students who already attended the lecture "Physical Human-Robot Interaction"(376-1504-00L), because it covers similar topics.

Matlab skills are beneficial-> online Tutorial
W4 credits3GR. Riener, R. Gassert, N. Gerig, O. Lambercy
401-0302-10LComplex Analysis Restricted registration - show details W4 credits3V + 1UM. Akveld, C. Urech
401-4054-24LRamsey TheoryW4 credits2VY. Wigderson
402-0810-00LComputational Quantum Physics
UZH students are not allowed to register this course unit at ETH. They must book the module PHY522 directly at UZH.
W8 credits2V + 2UJ. Carrasquilla Alvarez
402-0812-00LComputational Statistical Physics Information W8 credits2V + 2UA. Adelmann
402-1782-00LPhysics IIW7 credits4V + 2UR. Wallny
636-0702-00LStatistical Models in Computational BiologyW6 credits2V + 1U + 2AN. Beerenwinkel
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