Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2024

Chemistry Master Information
Core Subjects
Inorganic Chemistry
Offered during spring semester
Organic Chemistry
529-0233-01LOrganic Synthesis: Methods and Strategies Information W+6 credits3GE. M. Carreira
529-0241-10LSelectivity in Organic SynthesisW+6 credits3GJ. W. Bode
Physical Chemistry
529-0433-01LAdvanced Physical Chemistry: Statistical ThermodynamicsW+6 credits3GR. Riek, J. Richardson
Research Projects
529-0200-10LResearch Project I Information W13 credits16ASupervisors
529-0201-10LResearch Project II Information W13 credits16ASupervisors
Industry Internship or Laboratory Course
529-0202-00LIndustry Internship Information W13 creditsSupervisors
529-0739-10LBiological Chemistry A: Technologies for Directed Evolution of Enzymes Information Restricted registration - show details
Advanced laboratory course or internship depending on lab course Biological Chemistry B
Candidates must inquire with P. Kast no later than September 1st whether course will take place (no self-enrollment)
W13 credits16PP. A. Kast
Master's Thesis
529-0500-10LMaster's Thesis Restricted registration - show details
Only students who fulfill the following criteria are allowed to begin with their Master's thesis:
a. successful completion of the Bachelor's programme;
b. fulfilling of any additional requirements necessary to gain admission to the Master's programme.

Duration of the Master's Thesis 20 weeks.
O25 credits54DSupervisors
Students are free to choose from a range of D-CHAB chemistry courses appropriate to their level of study (please note admission requirements). In case of doubt, contact the student administration.
Inorganic Chemistry
529-0141-00LPhysical Methods for Inorganic ChemistryW6 credits3GM. D. Wörle, D. Günther, J. Koch, R. Verel
Organic Chemistry
529-0243-01LTransition Metal Catalysis: From Mechanisms to Applications Information W6 credits3GB. Morandi
529-0233-01LOrganic Synthesis: Methods and Strategies Information W6 credits3GE. M. Carreira
529-0241-10LSelectivity in Organic SynthesisW6 credits3GJ. W. Bode
529-0240-00LChemical Biology - PeptidesW6 credits3GH. Wennemers
529-0731-00LNucleic Acids and Carbohydrates
Note for BSc Biology students: Only one of the two concept courses 529-0731-00 Nucleic Acids and Carbohydrates (autumn semester) or 529-0732-00 Proteins and Lipids (spring semester) can be counted for the Bachelor's degree.
W6 credits3GM. Frei, P. A. Kast, K. Lang, B. M. Lewandowski, H. Wennemers
Physical Chemistry
529-0433-01LAdvanced Physical Chemistry: Statistical ThermodynamicsW6 credits3GR. Riek, J. Richardson
529-0027-00LAdvanced Magnetic Resonance - Solid State NMR Information
Does not take place this semester.
W6 credits3GM. Ernst
529-0130-00LAdvanced Magnetic Resonance - DNP Instrumentation and Applications
Does not take place this semester.
W6 credits3GA. Barnes
529-0026-00LAdvanced Magnetic Resonance - Biological Magnetic ResonanceW6 credits3GG. Jeschke, R. Riek
Analytical Chemistry
529-0043-01LAnalytical StrategyW6 credits3GR. Zenobi, S. Giannoukos, D. Günther
Biological Chemistry
529-0733-02LChemical Biology and Synthetic BiochemistryW6 credits3GK. Lang, M. Fottner
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