Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2024

Mathematics Master Information
Core Courses
For the Master's degree in Applied Mathematics the following additional condition (not manifest in myStudies) must be obeyed: At least 14 of the required 26 credits from core courses and electives must be acquired in areas of applied mathematics and further application-oriented fields.
Bachelor Core Courses: Pure Mathematics
Further restrictions apply, but in particular:
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I can only be recognised for the Master Programme if 401-3532-00L Differential Geometry II has not been recognised for the Bachelor Programme.
Analogously for:
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I - 401-3462-00L Functional Analysis II
401-3001-61L Algebraic Topology I - 401-3002-12L Algebraic Topology II
401-3132-00L Commutative Algebra - 401-3146-12L Algebraic Geometry
For the category assignment take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
401-3461-00LFunctional Analysis I Information
At most one of the three course units (Bachelor Core Courses)
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I
401-3601-00L Probability Theory
can be recognised for the Master's degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. In this case, you cannot change the category assignment by yourself in myStudies but must take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
E-9 credits4V + 1UM. Burger
401-3531-00LDifferential Geometry I Information
At most one of the three course units (Bachelor Core Courses)
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I
401-3601-00L Probability Theory
can be recognised for the Master's degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. In this case, you cannot change the category assignment by yourself in myStudies but must take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
E-9 credits4V + 1UU. Lang
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