Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2024

Science, Technology, and Policy Master Information
Minor in Natural Sciences and Engineering
Energy and Mobility
151-0216-00LWind EnergyW4 credits2V + 1UN. Chokani
AbstractThe objective of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamentals, technologies, modern day application, and economics of wind energy. These subjects are introduced through a discussion of the basic principles of wind energy generation and conversion, and a detailed description of the broad range of relevant technical, economic and environmental topics.
Learning objectiveThe objective of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamentals, technologies, modern day application, and economics of wind energy.
ContentThis mechanical engineering course focuses on the technical aspects of wind turbines; non-technical issues are not within the scope of this technically oriented course. On completion of this course, the student shall be able to conduct the preliminary aerodynamic and structural design of the wind turbine blades. The student shall also be more aware of the broad context of drivetrains, dynamics and control, electrical systems, and meteorology, relevant to all types of wind turbines.
227-0731-00LPower Market I - Portfolio and Risk ManagementW6 credits4GD. Reichelt, G. A. Koeppel
AbstractPortfolio and risk management in the electrical power business, Pan-European power market and trading, futures and forward contracts, hedging, options and derivatives, performance indicators for the risk management, modelling of physical assets, cross-border trading, ancillary services, balancing power market, Swiss market model.
Learning objectiveKnowlege on the worldwide liberalisation of electricity markets, pan-european power trading and the role of power exchanges. Understand financial products (derivatives) based on power. Management of a portfolio containing physical production, contracts and derivatives. Evaluate trading and hedging strategies. Apply methods and tools of risk management.
Content1. Pan-European power market and trading
1.1. Power trading
1.2. Development of the European power markets
1.3. Energy economics
1.4. Spot and OTC trading
1.5. European energy exchange EEX

2. Market model
2.1. Market place and organisation
2.2. Balance groups / balancing energy
2.3. Ancillary services
2.4. Market for ancillary services
2.5. Cross-border trading
2.6. Capacity auctions

3. Portfolio and Risk management
3.1. Portfolio management 1 (introduction)
3.2. Forward and futures contracts
3.3. Risk management 1 (m2m, VaR, hpfc, volatility, cVaR)
3.4. Risk management 2 (PaR)
3.5. Contract valuation (HPFC)
3.6. Portfolio management 2
2.8. Risk Management 3 (enterprise wide)

4. Energy & Finance I
4.1. Options 1 – basics
4.2. Options 2 – hedging with options
4.3. Introduction to derivatives (swaps, cap, floor, collar)
4.4. Financial modelling of physical assets
4.5. Trading and hydro power
4.6. Incentive regulation
Lecture notesHandouts of the lecture
Prerequisites / NoticeCase studies and ML exercise for Power Market can give bonus points for the exam. Guest speakers for specific topics.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesDecision-makingassessed
Media and Digital Technologiesassessed
Project Managementassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityfostered
Creative Thinkingfostered
Critical Thinkingfostered
363-1047-00LUrban Systems and TransportationW3 credits2GM. Köthenbürger, G. Loumeau
AbstractThis course is an introduction to urban and regional economics. It focuses on the formation and development of urban systems, and highlight how transport infrastructure investments can affect the location, size and composition of such systems.
Learning objectiveThe main objective of this course is to provide students with some basic tools to analyze the fundamental economic forces at play in urban systems (i.e., agglomeration and congestion forces), and the role of transport networks in shaping the structure of these systems. Why do urban areas grow or decline? How do transport networks affect the location of individuals and firms? Does the location of a firm determine its productivity? Can transport infrastructure investments reduce economic disparities? These are some of the questions that students should be able to answer after having completed the course.
ContentThe course is organized in four parts. I start with the key observation that economic activity (both in terms of population density and productivity) is unevenly distributed in space. For instance, the share of the population living in urban centers is increasing globally, from 16% in 1900 and 50% in 2000 to about 68% by the year 2050 (UN, World Economic Prospects, 2014). The goal of the first part is then to understand the economic forces at play behind these trends, looking at the effects within and across urban areas. I will also discuss how natural or man-made geographical characteristics (e.g., rivers, mountains, borders, etc.) affect the development of such urban systems.

In the second part, I discuss the planning and pricing of transport networks, moving from simple local models to more complex transport models at a global scale. The key aspects include: the first and second best road pricing, the public provision of transport networks and the demographic effects of transport networks.

In the third part, I combine the previous two parts and analyze the interaction between urban systems and transportation. Thereby, the main focus is to understand the economic mechanisms that can lead to a general equilibrium of all actors involved. However, as the study of the historical development of urban systems and transport networks provides interesting insights, I will discuss how their interaction in the past shapes today’s economic geography.

Finally, I broaden the scope of the course and explore related topics. There will be a particular emphasis on the relation between urban systems and fiscal federalism as well as environmental policies. Both aspects are important determinants of the contemporary developments of urban systems, and as such deserve our attention.

In general, this class focuses on the latest research developments in urban and regional economics, though it does not require prior knowledge in this field. It pays particular attention to economic approaches, which are based on theoretical frameworks with strong micro-foundations and allow for precise policy recommendations.
Lecture notesCourse slides will be made available to students prior to each class.
LiteratureCourse slides will be made available to students.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingfostered
Critical Thinkingfostered
151-0163-00LNuclear Energy ConversionW4 credits2V + 1UA. Manera
AbstractPhyisical fundamentals of the fission reaction and the sustainable chain reaction, thermal design, construction, function and operation of nuclear reactors and power plants, light water reactors and other reactor types, conversion and breeding
Learning objectiveStudents get an overview on energy conversion in nuclear power plants, on construction and function of the most important types of nuclear reactors with special emphasis to light water reactors. They obtain the mathematical/physical basis for quantitative assessments concerning most relevant aspects of design, dynamic behaviour as well as material and energy flows.
ContentNuclear physics of fission and chain reaction. Themodynamics of nuclear reactors. Design of the rector core. Introduction into the dynamic behaviour of nuclear reactors. Overview on types of nuclear reactors, difference between thermal reactors and fast breaders. Construction and operation of nuclear power plants with pressurized and boiling water reactors, role and function of the most important safety systems, special features of the energy conversion. Development tendencies of rector technology.
Lecture notesHand-outs will be distributed. Additional literature and information on the course moodle website
LiteratureS. Glasston & A. Sesonke: Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Reactor System Engineering, Ed. 4, Vol. 2., Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V.

R. L. Murray: Nuclear Energy (Sixth Edition), An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes, Elsevier
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesfostered
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesfostered
Personal CompetenciesCritical Thinkingfostered
151-1633-00LEnergy Conversion
This course is intended for students outside of D-MAVT.
W4 credits3GG. Sansavini, S. A. Hosseini, I. Karlin
AbstractThis course provides the students with an introduction to thermodynamics and energy conversion. Students shall gain basic understanding of energy and energy interactions as well as their link to energy conversion technologies.
Learning objectiveThermodynamics is key to understanding and use of energy conversion processes in Nature and technology. Main objective of this course is to give a compact introduction into basics of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic states and thermodynamic processes; Work and Heat; First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Students shall learn how to use energy balance equation in the analysis of power cycles and shall be able to evaluate efficiency of internal combustion engines, gas turbines and steam power plants. The course shall extensively use thermodynamic charts to building up students’ intuition about opportunities and restrictions to increase useful work output of energy conversion. Thermodynamic functions such as entropy, enthalpy and free enthalpy shall be used to understand chemical and phase equilibrium. The course also gives introduction to refrigeration cycles, combustion and refrigeration. The course compactly covers the standard course of thermodynamics for engineers, with additional topics of a general physics interest (nonideal gas equation of state and Joule-Thomson effect) also included.

In the course "Energy Conversion", the competencies of process understanding and system understanding are applied and examined and the competencies process understanding and modeling are taught.
Content1. Thermodynamic systems, states and state variables
2. Properties of substances: Water, air and ideal gas
3. Energy conservation in closed and open systems: work, internal energy, heat and enthalpy
4. Second law of thermodynamics and entropy
5. Energy analysis of steam power cycles
6. Energy analysis of gas power cycles
7. Refrigeration and heat pump cycles
8. Nonideal gas equation of state and Joule-Thomson effect
9. Maximal work and exergy
10. Mixtures
11. Chemical reactions and combustion systems; chemical and phase equilibrium
Lecture notesLecture slides and supplementary documentation will be available online.
LiteratureThermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, by Cengel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A., McGraw Hill
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course is intended for students outside of D-MAVT.

Students are assumed to have an adequate background in calculus, physics, and engineering mechanics.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Media and Digital Technologiesfostered
Project Managementfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Customer Orientationfostered
Leadership and Responsibilityassessed
Self-presentation and Social Influence fostered
Sensitivity to Diversityfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityfostered
Creative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsassessed
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management assessed
151-0567-00LEngine Systems Information W4 credits3GC. Onder
AbstractIntroduction to current and future engine systems and their control systems
Learning objectiveIntroduction to methods of control and optimization of dynamic systems. Application to real engines. Understand the structure and behavior of drive train systems and their quantitative descriptions.
ContentPhysical description and mathematical models of components and subsystems (mixture formation, load control, supercharging, emissions, drive train components, etc.).
Case studies of model-based optimal design and control of engine systems with the goal of minimizing fuel consumption and emissions.
Lecture notesIntroduction to Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engine Systems
Guzzella Lino, Onder Christopher H.
2010, Second Edition, 354 p., hardbound
ISBN: 978-3-642-10774-0
Prerequisites / NoticeCombined homework and testbench exercise (air-to-fuel-ratio control or idle-speed control) in groups
227-0122-00LIntroduction to Electric Power Transmission: System & TechnologyW4 credits4GC. Franck, G. Hug
AbstractIntroduction to theory and technology of electric power transmission systems.
Learning objectiveAt the end of this course, the student will be able to: describe the structure of electric power systems, name the most important components and describe what they are needed for, apply models for transformers and overhead power lines, explain the technology of lines, know about electrical safety, calculate electric withstand strength of gas gaps, stationary power flows and other basic parameters in simple power systems.
ContentStructure of electric power systems, transformer and power line models, analysis of and power flow calculation in basic systems, technology and principle of electric power systems.
Lecture notesLecture script in English, exercises and sample solutions.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesfostered
Media and Digital Technologiesfostered
Project Managementfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Customer Orientationfostered
Leadership and Responsibilityfostered
Self-presentation and Social Influence fostered
Sensitivity to Diversityfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityfostered
Creative Thinkingfostered
Critical Thinkingfostered
Integrity and Work Ethicsfostered
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management fostered
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