Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018
Physics Master ![]() | ||||||
![]() One Core Course in Experimental or Theoretical Physics from Physics Bachelor is eligible; however, this Core Course from Physics Bachelor cannot be used to compensate for the mandatory Core Course in Experimental or Theoretical Physics. For the category assignment keep the choice "no category" and take contact with the Study Administration ( after having received the credits. | ||||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
402-0861-00L | Statistical Physics | W | 10 credits | 4V + 2U | G. Blatter | |
Abstract | The lecture focuses on classical and quantum statistical physics. Various techniques, cumulant expansion, path integrals, and specific systems are discussed: Fermions, photons/phonons, Bosons, magnetism, van der Waals gas. Phase transitions are studied in mean field theory (Weiss, Landau). Including fluctuations leads to critical phenomena, scaling, and the renormalization group. | |||||
Learning objective | This lecture gives an introduction into the the basic concepts and applications of statistical physics for the general use in physics and, in particular, as a preparation for the theoretical solid state physics education. | |||||
Content | Thermodynamics, three laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic potentials, phenomenology of phase transitions. Classical statistical physics: micro-canonical-, canonical-, and grandcanonical ensembles, applications to simple systems. Quantum statistical physics: single particle, ideal quantum gases, fermions and bosons, statistical interaction. Techniques: variational approach, cumulant expansion, path integral formulation. Degenerate fermions: Fermi gas, electrons in magnetic field. Bosons: photons and phonons, Bose-Einstein condensation. Magnetism: Ising-, XY-, Heisenberg models, Weiss mean-field theory. Van der Waals gas-liquid transition. Landau theory of phase transitions, first- and second order, tricritical. Fluctuations: field theory approach, Gauss theory, self-consistent field, Ginzburg criterion. Critical phenomena: scaling theory, universality. Renormalization group: general theory and applications to spin models (real space RG), phi^4 theory (k-space RG), Kosterlitz-Thouless theory. | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture notes available in English. | |||||
Literature | No specific book is used for the course. Relevant literature will be given in the course. | |||||
402-0843-00L | Quantum Field Theory I | W | 10 credits | 4V + 2U | A. Gehrmann-De Ridder | |
Abstract | This course discusses the quantisation of fields in order to introduce a coherent formalism for the combination of quantum mechanics and special relativity. Topics include: - Relativistic quantum mechanics - Quantisation of bosonic and fermionic fields - Interactions in perturbation theory - Scattering processes and decays - Elementary processes in QED - Radiative corrections | |||||
Learning objective | The goal of this course is to provide a solid introduction to the formalism, the techniques, and important physical applications of quantum field theory. Furthermore it prepares students for the advanced course in quantum field theory (Quantum Field Theory II), and for work on research projects in theoretical physics, particle physics, and condensed-matter physics. | |||||
Literature | as provided in the entity Lernmaterialien | |||||
402-0830-00L | General Relativity ![]() | W | 10 credits | 4V + 2U | R. Renner | |
Abstract | Manifold, Riemannian metric, connection, curvature; Special Relativity; Lorentzian metric; Equivalence principle; Tidal force and spacetime curvature; Energy-momentum tensor, field equations, Newtonian limit; Post-Newtonian approximation; Schwarzschild solution; Mercury's perihelion precession, light deflection. | |||||
Learning objective | Basic understanding of general relativity, its mathematical foundations, and some of the interesting phenomena it predicts. | |||||
Literature | Suggested textbooks: C. Misner, K, Thorne and J. Wheeler: Gravitation S. Carroll - Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity R. Wald - General Relativity S. Weinberg - Gravitation and Cosmology N. Straumann - General Relativity with applications to Astrophysics | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
402-0257-00L | Advanced Solid State Physics | W | 10 credits | 3V + 2U | A. Zheludev, K. Povarov | |
Abstract | This course is an extension of the introductory course on solid state physics. The purpose of this course is to learn to navigate the complex collective quantum phases, excitations and phase transitions that are the dominant theme in modern solid state physics. The emphasis is on the main concepts and on specific experimental examples, both classic ones and those from recent research. | |||||
Learning objective | The goal is to study how novel phenomena emerge in the solid state. | |||||
Content | = Today's challenges and opportunities in Solid State Physics = Phase transitions and critical phenomena .Main concepts: coherence length, symmetry, order parameter, correlation functions, generalized susceptibility .Bragg-Williams mean field theory .Landau theory of phase transitions .Fluctuations in Landau theory .Critical exponents: significance, measurement, inequalities, equalities .Scaling and hyperscaling .Universality .Critical dynamics .Quantum phase transitions and quantum criticality =Fermi surface instabilities . The concept of the Landau Fermi liquid in metals . Kohn anomalies . Charge density waves . Metallic ferromagnets and half-metals . Spin density waves =Magnetism of insulators .Magnetic interactions in solids and the spin Hamiltonian .Magnetic structures and phase transitions .Spin waves .Quantum magnetism = Electron correlations in solids . Mott insulating state . Phases of the Hubbard model . Layered cuprates (non-superconducting properties) | |||||
Lecture notes | The printed material for this course involves: (1) a self-contained script, distributed electronically at semester start. (2) experimental examples (Power Point slide-style) selected from original publications, distributed at the start of every lecture. | |||||
Literature | A list of books will be distributed. Numerous references to useful published scientific papers will be provided. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | This course is for students who like to be engaged in active learning. The "exercise classes" are organized in a non-traditional way: following the idea of "less is more", we will work on only about half a dozen topics, and this gives students a chance to take a look at original literature (provided), and to get the grasp of a topic from a broader perspective. Students report back that this mode of "exercise class" is more satisfying than traditional modes, even if it does not mean less effort. | |||||
402-0442-00L | Quantum Optics | W | 10 credits | 3V + 2U | T. Esslinger | |
Abstract | This course gives an introduction to the fundamental concepts of Quantum Optics and will highlight state-of-the-art developments in this rapidly evolving discipline. The topics covered include the quantum nature of light, semi-classical and quantum mechanical description of light-matter interaction, laser manipulation of atoms and ions, optomechanics and quantum computation. | |||||
Learning objective | The course aims to provide the knowledge necessary for pursuing research in the field of Quantum Optics. Fundamental concepts and techniques of Quantum Optics will be linked to modern experimental research. During the course the students should acquire the capability to understand currently published research in the field. | |||||
Content | This course gives an introduction to the fundamental concepts of Quantum Optics and will highlight state-of-the-art developments in this rapidly evolving discipline. The topics that are covered include: - coherence properties of light - quantum nature of light: statistics and non-classical states of light - light matter interaction: density matrix formalism and Bloch equations - quantum description of light matter interaction: the Jaynes-Cummings model, photon blockade - laser manipulation of atoms and ions: laser cooling and trapping, atom interferometry, - further topics: Rydberg atoms, optomechanics, quantum computing, complex quantum systems. | |||||
Lecture notes | Selected book chapters will be distributed. | |||||
Literature | Text-books: G. Grynberg, A. Aspect and C. Fabre, Introduction to Quantum Optics R. Loudon, The Quantum Theory of Light Atomic Physics, Christopher J. Foot Advances in Atomic Physics, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and David Guéry-Odelin C. Cohen-Tannoudji et al., Atom-Photon-Interactions M. Scully and M.S. Zubairy, Quantum Optics Y. Yamamoto and A. Imamoglu, Mesoscopic Quantum Optics | |||||
402-0402-00L | Ultrafast Laser Physics ![]() | W | 10 credits | 3V + 2U | L. Gallmann, S. Johnson, U. Keller | |
Abstract | Introduction to ultrafast laser physics with an outlook into cutting edge research topics such as attosecond science and coherent ultrafast sources from THz to X-rays. | |||||
Learning objective | Understanding of basic physics and technology for pursuing research in ultrafast laser science. How are ultrashort laser pulses generated, how do they interact with matter, how can we measure these shortest man-made events and how can we use them to time-resolve ultrafast processes in nature? Fundamental concepts and techniques will be linked to a selection of hot topics in current research and applications. | |||||
Content | The lecture covers the following topics: a) Linear pulse propagation: mathematical description of pulses and their propagation in linear optical systems, effect of dispersion on ultrashort pulses, concepts of pulse carrier and envelope, time-bandwidth product b) Dispersion compensation: technologies for controlling dispersion, pulse shaping, measurement of dispersion c) Nonlinear pulse propagation: intensity-dependent refractive index (Kerr effect), self-phase modulation, nonlinear pulse compression, self-focusing, filamentation, nonlinear Schrödinger equation, solitons, non-instantaneous nonlinear effects (Raman/Brillouin), self-steepening, saturable gain and absorption d) Second-order nonlinearities with ultrashort pulses: phase-matching with short pulses and real beams, quasi-phase matching, second-harmonic and sum-frequency generation, parametric amplification and generation e) Relaxation oscillations: dynamical behavior of rate equations after perturbation f) Q-switching: active Q-switching and its theory based on rate equations, active Q-switching technologies, passive Q-switching and theory g) Active modelocking: introduction to modelocking, frequency comb versus axial modes, theory for various regimes of laser operation, Haus master equation formalism h) Passive modelocking: slow, fast and ideally fast saturable absorbers, semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM), designs of and materials for SESAMs, modelocking with slow absorber and dynamic gain saturation, modelocking with ideally fast saturable absorber, Kerr-lens modelocking, soliton modelocking, Q-switching instabilities in modelocked lasers, inverse saturable absorption i) Pulse duration measurements: rf cables and electronics, fast photodiodes, linear system theory for microwave test systems, intensity and interferometric autocorrelations and their limitations, frequency-resolved optical gating, spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction and more j) Noise: microwave spectrum analyzer as laser diagnostics, amplitude noise and timing jitter of ultrafast lasers, lock-in detection k) Ultrafast measurements: pump-probe scheme, transient absorption/differential transmission spectroscopy, four-wave mixing, optical gating and more l) Frequency combs and carrier-envelope offset phase: measurement and stabilization of carrier-envelope offset phase (CEP), time and frequency domain applications of CEP-stabilized sources m) High-harmonic generation and attosecond science: non-perturbative nonlinear optics / strong-field phenomena, high-harmonic generation (HHG), phase-matching in HHG, attosecond pulse generation, attosecond technology: detectors and diagnostics, attosecond metrology (streaking, RABBITT, transient absorption, attoclock), example experiments n) Ultrafast THz science: generation and detection, physics in THz domain, weak-field and strong-field applications o) Brief introduction to other hot topics: relativistic and ultra-high intensity ultrafast science, ultrafast electron sources, free-electron lasers, etc. | |||||
Lecture notes | Class notes will be made available. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of quantum electronics (e. g., 402-0275-00L Quantenelektronik). | |||||
402-0891-00L | Phenomenology of Particle Physics I | W | 10 credits | 3V + 2U | A. Rubbia, P. Crivelli | |
Abstract | Topics to be covered in Phenomenology of Particle Physics I: Relativistic kinematics Decay rates and cross sections The Dirac equation From the S-matrix to the Feynman rules of QED Scattering processes in QED Experimental tests of QED Hadron spectroscopy Unitary symmetries and QCD QCD and alpha_s running QCD in e^+e^- annihilation Experimental tests of QCD in e^+e^- annihilation | |||||
Learning objective | Introduction to modern particle physics | |||||
Content | Topics to be covered in Phenomenology of Particle Physics I: Relativistic kinematics Decay rates and cross sections The Dirac equation From the S-matrix to the Feynman rules of QED Scattering processes in QED Experimental tests of QED Hadron spectroscopy Unitary symmetries and QCD QCD and alpha_s running QCD in e^+e^- annihilation Experimental tests of QCD in e^+e^- annihilation | |||||
Literature | As described in the entity: Lernmaterialien | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
402-0505-00L | Physics in the Smartphone | W | 6 credits | 3G | B. Batlogg, M. Sigrist | |
Abstract | Physics in today's high-tech smartphone. Examples: network topology and scratch proof glass, spin-orbit coupling - brighter displays, GPS and general theory of relativity, electromagnetic response of matter (transparent metals for displays, GPS signal propagation), light-field cameras, CCD and CMOS light sensors, physics stops Moore's law, meta-materials for antennas, MEMS sensor physics, etc. | |||||
Learning objective | Students recognize and appreciate the enormous impact "physics" has on today's high tech world. Abstract concepts, old and recent, encountered in the lectures are implemented and present all around us. Students are actively involved in the preparation and presentation of the topics, and thus acquire valuable professional skills. | |||||
Content | We explore how traditional and new physics concepts and achievements make their way into today's ubiquitous high-tech gadget : the smartphone. Examples of topics include: network topology and scratch proof Gorilla glass, spin-orbit coupling makes for four times brighter displays, no GPS without general theory of relativity, electromagnetic response of matter (transparent metals for displays, GPS signal propagation in the atmosphere), lightfield cameras replacing CCD and CMOS light sensors, physical limitations to IC scaling: the end of "Moore's law", meta-materials for antennas, physics of the various MEMS sensors, etc., etc., | |||||
Lecture notes | The presentation material and original literature will be distributed weekly. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Basic physics lectures and introduction to solid state physics are expected. This is a "3 hour" course, with two hours set for <tba>, and the third one to be set at the beginning of the semester. An introductory event is planed in the first week of the term on Wednesday, September 19th - 17:45 in the room HIT K51. In this meeting we will fix the time of the usual lecture and we will distribute the topics for the presentations during the term. The tutors will briefly present each topics. | |||||
402-0526-00L | Ultrafast Processes in Solids | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | Y. M. Acremann, A. Vaterlaus | |
Abstract | Ultrafast processes in solids are of fundamental interest as well as relevant for modern technological applications. The dynamics of the lattice, the electron gas as well as the spin system of a solid are discussed. The focus is on time resolved experiments which provide insight into pico- and femtosecond dynamics. | |||||
Learning objective | After attending this course you understand the dynamics of essential excitation processes which occur in solids and you have an overview over state of the art experimental techniques used to study fast processes. | |||||
Content | 1. Experimental techniques, an overview 2. Dynamics of the electron gas 2.1 First experiments on electron dynamics and lattice heating 2.2 The finite lifetime of excited states 2.3 Detection of lifetime effects 2.4 Dynamical properties of reactions and adsorbents 3. Dynamics of the lattice 3.1 Phonons 3.2 Non-thermal melting 4. Dynamics of the spin system 4.1 Laser induced ultrafast demagnetization 4.2 Ultrafast spin currents generated by lasers 4.3 Landau-Lifschitz-Dynamics 4.4 Laser induced switching 5. Correlated materials | |||||
Lecture notes | will be distributed | |||||
Literature | relevant publications will be cited | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The lecture can also be followed by interested non-physics students as basic concepts will be introduced. | |||||
402-0535-00L | Introduction to Magnetism | W | 6 credits | 3G | A. Vindigni | |
Abstract | Atomic paramagnetism and diamagnetism, intinerant and local-moment magnetism, Ising and Heisenberg models, the mean-field approximation, spin waves, magnetic phase transition, domains and domain walls, magnetization dynamics from picoseconds to human time scales. | |||||
Learning objective | ||||||
Content | The lecture ''Introduction to Magnetism'' is the regular course on Magnetism for the Master curriculum of the Department of Physics of ETH Zurich. With respect to specialized courses related to Magnetism such as "Quantum Solid State Magnetism" (A. Zheludev and K. Povarov) or "Ferromagnetism: From Thin Films to Spintronics" (R. Allenspach), this lecture focusses on why only few materials are magnetic at finite temperature. We will see that defining what we understand by "being magnetic" in a formal way is essential to address this question properly. Preliminary contents for the HS18: - Magnetism in atoms (quantum-mechanical origin of atomic magnetic moments, intra-atomic exchange interaction) - Magnetism in solids (mechanisms producing inter-atomic exchange interaction in solids, crystal field). - Magnetic order at finite temperatures (Ising and Heisenberg models, mean-field approximation, low-dimensional magnetism) - Dipolar interaction in ferromagnets (shape anisotropy, frustration and modulated phases of magnetic domains) - Spin physics in the time domain (Larmor precession, resonance phenomena, Bloch equation, Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, superparamagnetism) | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture notes and slides are made available during the course, through the Moodle portal. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The former title of this course unit was "Fundamental Aspects of Magnetism". This lecture insists on the fundamental aspects -- quantum physics and statistical physics of magnetism. Applications to nanoscale magnetism will be considered from the perspective of basic underlying principles. | |||||
402-0595-00L | Semiconductor Nanostructures ![]() | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | T. M. Ihn | |
Abstract | The course covers the foundations of semiconductor nanostructures, e.g., materials, band structures, bandgap engineering and doping, field-effect transistors. The physics of the quantum Hall effect and of common nanostructures based on two-dimensional electron gases will be discussed, i.e., quantum point contacts, Aharonov-Bohm rings and quantum dots. | |||||
Learning objective | At the end of the lecture the student should understand four key phenomena of electron transport in semiconductor nanostructures: 1. The integer quantum Hall effect 2. Conductance quantization in quantum point contacts 3. the Aharonov-Bohm effect 4. Coulomb blockade in quantum dots | |||||
Content | 1. Introduction and overview 2. Semiconductor crystals: Fabrication and band structures 3. k.p-theory, effective mass 4. Envelope functions and effective mass approximation, heterostructures and band engineering 5. Fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures 6. Elektrostatics and quantum mechanics of semiconductor nanostructures 7. Heterostructures and two-dimensional electron gases 8. Drude Transport 9. Electron transport in quantum point contacts; Landauer-Büttiker description 10. Ballistic transport experiments 11. Interference effects in Aharonov-Bohm rings 12. Electron in a magnetic field, Shubnikov-de Haas effect 13. Integer quantum Hall effect 14. Coulomb blockade and quantum dots | |||||
Lecture notes | T. Ihn, Semiconductor Nanostructures, Quantum States and Electronic Transport, Oxford University Press, 2010. | |||||
Literature | In addition to the lecture notes, the following supplementary books can be recommended: 1. J. H. Davies: The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Cambridge University Press (1998) 2. S. Datta: Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems, Cambridge University Press (1997) 3. D. Ferry: Transport in Nanostructures, Cambridge University Press (1997) 4. T. M. Heinzel: Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures: an Introduction, Wiley-VCH (2003) 5. Beenakker, van Houten: Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures, in: Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures, Academic Press (1991) 6. Y. Imry: Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics, Oxford University Press (1997) | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The lecture is suitable for all physics students beyond the bachelor of science degree. Basic knowledge of solid state physics is recommended. Very ambitioned students in the third year may be able to follow. The lecture can be chosen as part of the PhD-program. The course is taught in English. | |||||
402-0317-00L | Semiconductor Materials: Fundamentals and Fabrication | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | S. Schön, W. Wegscheider | |
Abstract | This course gives an introduction into the fundamentals of semiconductor materials. The main focus is on state-of-the-art fabrication and characterization methods. The course will be continued in the spring term with a focus on applications. | |||||
Learning objective | Basic knowledge of semiconductor physics and technology. Application of this knowledge for state-of-the-art semiconductor device processing | |||||
Content | 1. Fundamentals of Solid State Physics 1.1 Semiconductor materials 1.2 Band structures 1.3 Carrier statistics in intrinsic and doped semiconductors 1.4 p-n junctions 1.5 Low-dimensional structures 2. Bulk Material growth of Semiconductors 2.1 Czochalski method 2.2 Floating zone method 2.3 High pressure synthesis 3. Semiconductor Epitaxy 3.1 Fundamentals of Epitaxy 3.2 Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) 3.3 Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) 3.4 Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) 4. In situ characterization 4.1 Pressure and temperature 4.2 Reflectometry 4.3 Ellipsometry and RAS 4.4 LEED, AES, XPS 4.5 STM, AFM 5. The invention of the transistor - Christmas lecture | |||||
Lecture notes | | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The "compulsory performance element" of this lecture is a short presentation of a research paper complementing the lecture topics. Several topics and corresponding papers will be offered on the moodle page of this lecture. | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
402-0464-00L | Optical Properties of Semiconductors | W | 8 credits | 2V + 2U | A. Imamoglu, G. Scalari | |
Abstract | This course presents a comprehensive discussion of optical processes in semiconductors. | |||||
Learning objective | The rich physics of the optical properties of semiconductors, as well as the advanced processing available on these material, enabled numerous applications (lasers, LEDs and solar cells) as well as the realization of new physical concepts. Systems that will be covered include quantum dots, exciton-polaritons, quantum Hall fluids and graphene-like materials. | |||||
Content | Electronic states in III-V materials and quantum structures, optical transitions, excitons and polaritons, novel two dimensional semiconductors, spin-orbit interaction and magneto-optics. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Prerequisites: Quantum Mechanics I, Introduction to Solid State Physics | |||||
402-0484-00L | Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Gases ![]() Does not take place this semester. | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | T. Esslinger | |
Abstract | Quantum Gases are the most precisely controlled many-body systems in physics. This provides a unique interface between theory and experiment, which allows addressing fundamental concepts and long-standing questions. This course lays the foundation for the understanding of current research in this vibrant field. | |||||
Learning objective | The lecture conveys a basic understanding for the current research on quantum gases. Emphasis will be put on the connection between theory and experimental observation. It will enable students to read and understand publications in this field. | |||||
Content | Cooling and trapping of neutral atoms Bose and Fermi gases Ultracold collisions The Bose-condensed state Elementary excitations Vortices Superfluidity Interference and Correlations Optical lattices | |||||
Lecture notes | notes and material accompanying the lecture will be provided | |||||
Literature | C. J. Pethick and H. Smith, Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute Gases, Cambridge. Proceedings of the Enrico Fermi International School of Physics, Vol. CXL, ed. M. Inguscio, S. Stringari, and C.E. Wieman (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1999). | |||||
402-0444-00L | Advanced Quantum Optics | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | A. Imamoglu | |
Abstract | This course builds up on the material covered in the Quantum Optics course. The emphasis will be on quantum optics in condensed-matter systems. | |||||
Learning objective | The course aims to provide the knowledge necessary for pursuing advanced research in the field of Quantum Optics in condensed matter systems. Fundamental concepts and techniques of Quantum Optics will be linked to experimental research in systems such as quantum dots, exciton-polaritons, quantum Hall fluids and graphene-like materials. | |||||
Content | Description of open quantum systems using master equation and quantum trajectories. Decoherence and quantum measurements. Dicke superradiance. Dissipative phase transitions. Spin photonics. Signatures of electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions in optical response. | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture notes will be provided | |||||
Literature | C. Cohen-Tannoudji et al., Atom-Photon-Interactions (recommended) Y. Yamamoto and A. Imamoglu, Mesoscopic Quantum Optics (recommended) A collection of review articles (will be pointed out during the lecture) | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Masters level quantum optics knowledge | |||||
402-0465-58L | Intersubband Optoelectronics | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | J. Faist, G. Scalari | |
Abstract | Intersubband transitions in quantum wells are transitions between states created by quantum confinement in ultra-thin layers of semiconductors. Because of its inherent taylorability, this system can be seen as the "ultimate quantum designer's material". | |||||
Learning objective | The goal of this lecture is to explore both the rich physics as well as the application of these system for sources and detectors. In fact, devices based on intersubband transitions are now unlocking large area of the electromagnetic spectrum. | |||||
Content | The lecture will treat the following chapters: - Introduction: intersubband optoelectronics as an example of quantum engineering -Technological aspects - Electronic states in semiconductor quantum wells - Intersubband absorption and scattering processes - Mid-Ir and THz ISB Detectors -Mid-infrared and THz photonics: waveguides, resonators, metamaterials - Quantum Cascade lasers: -Mid-IR QCLs -THZ QCLs (direct and non-linear generation) -further electronic confinement: interlevel Qdot transitions and magnetic field effects -Strong light-matter coupling in Mid-IR and THz range | |||||
Lecture notes | The reference book for the lecture is "Quantum Cascade Lasers" by Jerome Faist , published by Oxford University Press. | |||||
Literature | Mostly the original articles, other useful reading can be found in: -E. Rosencher and B. Vinter, Optoelectronics , Cambridge Univ. Press -G. Bastard, Wave mechanics applied to semiconductor heterostructures, Halsted press | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Requirements: A basic knowledge of solid-state physics and of quantum electronics. | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
402-0715-00L | Low Energy Particle Physics | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | A. S. Antognini, P. A. Schmidt-Wellenburg | |
Abstract | Low energy particle physics provides complementary information to high energy physics with colliders. In this lecture, we will concentrate on flagship experiments which have significantly improved our understanding of particle physics today, concentrating mainly on precision experiments with neutrons, muons and exotic atoms. | |||||
Learning objective | You will be able to present and discuss: - the principle of the experiments - the underlying technique and methods - the context and the impact of these experiments on particle physics | |||||
Content | Low energy particle physics provides complementary information to high energy physics with colliders. At the Large Hadron Collider one directly searches for new particles at energies up to the TeV range. In a complementary way, low energy particle physics indirectly probes the existence of such particles and provides constraints for "new physics", making use of high precision and high intensities. Besides the sensitivity to effects related with new physics (e.g. lepton flavor violation, symmetry violations, CPT tests, search for electric dipole moments, new low mass exchange bosons etc.), low energy physics provides the best test of QED (electron g-2), the best tests of bound-state QED (atomic physics and exotic atoms), precise determinations of fundamental constants, information about the CKM matrix, precise information on the weak and strong force even in the non-perturbative regime etc. Starting from a general introduction on high intensity/high precision particle physics and the main characteristics of muons and neutrons and their production, we will then focus on the discussion of fundamental problems and ground-breaking experiments: - search for rare decays and charged lepton flavor violation - electric dipole moments and CP violation - spectroscopy of exotic atoms and symmetries of the standard model - what atomic physics can do for particle physics and vice versa - neutron decay and primordial nucleosynthesis - atomic clock - Penning traps - Ramsey spectroscopy - Spin manipulation - neutron-matter interaction - ultra-cold neutron production - various techniques: detectors, cryogenics, particle beams, laser cooling.... | |||||
Literature | Golub, Richardson & Lamoreaux: "Ultra-Cold Neutrons" Rauch & Werner: "Neutron Interferometry" Carlile & Willis: "Experimental Neutron Scattering" Byrne: "Neutrons, Nuclei and Matter" Klapdor-Kleingrothaus: "Non Accelerator Particle Physics" | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Einführung in die Kern- und Teilchenphysik / Introduction to Nuclear- and Particle-Physics | |||||
402-0767-00L | Neutrino Physics ![]() | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | A. Rubbia, C. Regenfus | |
Abstract | Theoretical basis and selected experiments to determine the properties of neutrinos and their interactions (mass, spin, helicity, chirality, oscillations, interactions with leptons and quarks). | |||||
Learning objective | Introduction to the physics of neutrinos with special consideration of phenomena connected with neutrino masses. | |||||
Lecture notes | Script | |||||
Literature | B. Kayser, F. Gibrat-Debu and F. Perrier, The Physics of Massive Neutrinos, World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physic, Vol. 25, 1989, and newer publications. N. Schmitz, Neutrinophysik, Teubner-Studienbücher Physik, 1997. D.O. Caldwell, Current Aspects of Neutrino Physics, Springer. C. Giunti & C.W. Kim, Fundamentals of Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Oxford. | |||||
402-0725-00L | Experimental Methods and Instruments of Particle Physics ![]() Special Students UZH must book the module PHY461 directly at UZH. | W | 6 credits | 3V + 1U | U. Langenegger, M. Dittmar, T. Schietinger, University lecturers | |
Abstract | Physics and design of particle accelerators. Basics and concepts of particle detectors. Track- and vertex-detectors, calorimetry, particle identification. Special applications like Cherenkov detectors, air showers, direct detection of dark matter. Simulation methods, readout electronics, trigger and data acquisition. Examples of key experiments. | |||||
Learning objective | Acquire an in-depth understanding and overview of the essential elements of experimental methods in particle physics, including accelerators and experiments. | |||||
Content | 1. Examples of modern experiments 2. Basics: Bethe-Bloch, radiation length, nucl. interaction length, fixed-target vs. collider, principles of measurements: energy- and momentum-conservation, etc 3. Physics and layout of accelerators 4. Charged particle tracking and vertexing 5. Calorimetry 6. Particle identification 7. Analysis methods: invariant and missing mass, jet algorithms, b-tagging 8. Special detectors: extended airshower detectors and cryogenic detectors 9. MC simulations (GEANT), trigger, readout, electronics | |||||
Lecture notes | Slides are handed out regularly, see | |||||
402-0777-00L | Particle Accelerator Physics and Modeling I | W | 6 credits | 2V + 1U | A. Adelmann | |
Abstract | This is the first of two courses, introducing particle accelerators from a theoretical point of view and covers state-of-the-art modelling techniques. | |||||
Learning objective | You understand the building blocks of particle accelerators. Modern analysis tools allows you to model state-of-the-art particle accelerators. In some of the exercises you will be confronted with next generation machines. We will develop a Python simulation tool (pyAcceLEGOrator) that reflects the theory from the lecture. | |||||
Content | Here is the rough plan of the topics, however the actual pace may vary relative to this plan. - Recap of Relativistic Classical Mechanics and Electrodynamics - Building Blocks of Particle Accelerators - Lie Algebraic Structure of Classical Mechanics and Applications to Particle Accelerators - Symplectic Maps & Analysis of Maps - Symplectic Particle Tracking - Collective Effects - Linear & Circular Machines incl. Cyclotrons - Radiation and Free Electron Lasers | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture notes | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Physics, Computational Science (RW) at BSc. Level This lecture is also suited for PhD. students |
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