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Course units in Autumn Semester 2019
Doctoral Dep. of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Courses A minimum of 12 ECTS credit points must be obtained during doctoral studies. The courses on offer below are only a small selection out of a much larger available number of courses. Please discuss your course selection with your PhD supervisor.
Number Title Type ECTS Hours Lecturers 227-0225-00L Linear System Theory W 6 credits 5G J. Lygeros 227-0377-00L Physics of Failure and Failure Analysis of Electronic Devices and Equipment W 3 credits 2V U. Sennhauser 227-0417-00L Information Theory I W 6 credits 4G A. Lapidoth 227-0427-00L Signal Analysis, Models, and Machine Learning W 6 credits 4G H.‑A. Loeliger 227-0559-10L Seminar in Communication Networks: Learning, Reasoning and Control Number of participants limited to 24.
W 2 credits 2S L. Vanbever 227-0689-00L System Identification W 4 credits 2V + 1U R. Smith 227-0955-00L Seminar in Electromagnetics, Photonics and Terahertz W 3 credits 2S J. Leuthold 227-0974-00L TNU Colloquium W 0 credits 2K K. Stephan 252-0535-00L Advanced Machine Learning W 8 credits 3V + 2U + 2A J. M. Buhmann 252-0417-00L Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Methods W 8 credits 3V + 2U + 2A A. Steger 263-4500-00L Advanced Algorithms W 6 credits 2V + 2U + 1A M. Ghaffari ,
A. Krause 327-2132-00L Multifunctional Ferroic Materials: Growth, Characterisation, Simulation W 2 credits 2G M. Trassin ,
M. Fiebig 401-3055-64L Algebraic Methods in Combinatorics W 6 credits 2V + 1U B. Sudakov 401-5680-00L Foundations of Data Science Seminar Z 0 credits P. L. Bühlmann ,
A. Bandeira ,
H. Bölcskei ,
J. M. Buhmann ,
T. Hofmann ,
A. Krause ,
A. Lapidoth ,
H.‑A. Loeliger ,
M. H. Maathuis ,
G. Rätsch ,
C. Uhler ,
S. van de Geer »
Course Catalogue of ETH Zurich