Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2021

Agricultural Sciences Bachelor Information
Agricultural Sciences Disciplines
Agricultural Economics
363-1109-00LIntroduction to Microeconomics
GESS (Science in Perspective):
This course is only for students enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme.

Students enrolled in a Master’s degree programme may attend “Principles of Microeconomics” (LE 363-0503-00L) instead.

Note for D-MAVT students: If you have already successfully completed “Principles of Microeconomics” (LE 363-0503-00L), then you will not be permitted to attend it again.
O3 credits2GM. Wörter, M. Beck
751-0903-00LMicroeconomics of the Agriculture and Food SectorW+3 credits2VS. Wimmer
751-0401-00LOptimization of Agricultural Production SystemsW+3 credits2GR. Huber
363-0537-00LResource and Environmental EconomicsW+3 credits2GL. Bretschger
752-2120-00LConsumer Behaviour IW2 credits2VM. Siegrist, A. Bearth, A. Berthold
751-5005-00LAgroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food SystemsW2 credits2GM. Sonnevelt, M. Grant, S. E. Ulbrich, B. Wehrli
Plant Sciences
751-3700-00LPlant Ecophysiology Information O2 credits2VM. Gharun, M. Lehmann, A. Walter
751-3401-00LPlant Nutrition IO2 credits2VE. Frossard
751-4108-00LInnovation in Smart Farming Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 16.

A motivation letter must be submitted after the first lecture Monday 27.9. (maximum 100 words) until 29.9. to Achim Walter ( A confirmation of the definitive participation in the course will be communicated on 1.10. The definitive registration for the course will be undertaken by the study secretariat.
W+3 credits2GA. Walter
751-4504-00LPlant Pathology IW+2 credits2GB. McDonald
751-4801-00LSystem-Oriented Management of Herbivore Insects
Does not take place this semester.
W+2 credits2Gto be announced
751-5003-00LSustainable Agroecosystems IIW+2 credits2VK. Benabderrazik, M. Hartmann
751-4201-00LHorticultureW+2 credits2VC. Carlen, A. Bühlmann, A. Guyer, A. Näf, T. Verdenal
751-5005-00LAgroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food SystemsW2 credits2GM. Sonnevelt, M. Grant, S. E. Ulbrich, B. Wehrli
Animal Sciences
751-6101-00LAnatomy and Physiology of Man and Animals IO2 credits2VS. E. Ulbrich, T. Fleischmann, J. Müller
751-7501-00LAnimal Housing and BehaviourO1 credit1VJ. Müller, S. Goumon
751-7101-00LApplied Animal NutritionW+2 credits2GS. Müller, G. Bee, M. A. Boessinger, F. Leiber, F. Sutter
751-7103-00LAnimal Feed and Feeding of RuminantsW+2 credits2VM. A. Boessinger
751-6121-00LRegulatory Physiology Information W+2 credits2VS. E. Ulbrich, J. Müller, M. Saenz de Juano Ribes
751-5005-00LAgroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food SystemsW2 credits2GM. Sonnevelt, M. Grant, S. E. Ulbrich, B. Wehrli
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