Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2021

Agricultural Sciences Bachelor Information
The electives listed are recommended.
However, electives can be chosen from the complete course offer of the ETH Zurich and University of Zurich.
751-0903-00LMicroeconomics of the Agriculture and Food SectorW3 credits2VS. Wimmer
751-0401-00LOptimization of Agricultural Production SystemsW3 credits2GR. Huber
363-0537-00LResource and Environmental EconomicsW3 credits2GL. Bretschger
752-2120-00LConsumer Behaviour IW2 credits2VM. Siegrist, A. Bearth, A. Berthold
751-4108-00LInnovation in Smart Farming Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 16.

A motivation letter must be submitted after the first lecture Monday 27.9. (maximum 100 words) until 29.9. to Achim Walter ( A confirmation of the definitive participation in the course will be communicated on 1.10. The definitive registration for the course will be undertaken by the study secretariat.
W3 credits2GA. Walter
751-4504-00LPlant Pathology IW2 credits2GB. McDonald
751-4801-00LSystem-Oriented Management of Herbivore Insects
Does not take place this semester.
W2 credits2Gto be announced
751-5003-00LSustainable Agroecosystems IIW2 credits2VK. Benabderrazik, M. Hartmann
751-7101-00LApplied Animal NutritionW2 credits2GS. Müller, G. Bee, M. A. Boessinger, F. Leiber, F. Sutter
751-7103-00LAnimal Feed and Feeding of RuminantsW2 credits2VM. A. Boessinger
751-6121-00LRegulatory Physiology Information W2 credits2VS. E. Ulbrich, J. Müller, M. Saenz de Juano Ribes
751-5005-00LAgroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food SystemsW+2 credits2GM. Sonnevelt, M. Grant, S. E. Ulbrich, B. Wehrli
701-0903-00LThe Sustainable Development Goals Book ClubW+2 creditsB. B. Pearce, J. Ghazoul
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