Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2021

Agricultural Sciences Master Information
Major in Animal Sciences
Disciplinary Competences
751-6501-00LRuminant Science (HS)W+4 credits4GK. Giller, M. Terranova, U. Witschi
751-6601-00LPig Science (HS)
Does not take place this semester.
W+2 credits2Vto be announced
751-6001-00LForum: Livestock in the World Food System Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.
W+2 credits1SS. Meese
Livestock Biology
751-7211-00LRuminal Digestion
Does not take place this semester.
W+1 credit1Gnot available
751-6113-00LEndocrinology and Biology of ReproductionW+3 credits2GS. E. Ulbrich, S. M. Bernal Ulloa
751-7310-00LBioactive Food and Feed ComponentsW+2 credits2VK. Giller
701-0263-01LSeminar in Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases Information W+3 credits2GR. R. Regös, S. Bonhoeffer
Livestock Genetics
751-6243-00LBreeding and conservation of Animal Genetic ResourcesW+2 credits2VH. Signer-Hasler, C. Flury, S. Neuenschwander
751-6305-00LLivestock Breeding and GenomicsW3 credits3GP. von Rohr
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