Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2021

Environmental Sciences Bachelor Information
Students can choose between one Bachelor thesis of 10KP or two Bachelor theses of 5KP each.

In principle, all professors and lecturers involved in the teaching of the Environmental Sciences degree programme are entitled to supervise a Bachelor's thesis (BA).
BA in the area of social sciences and humanities can only be supervised by lecturers who teach in this area. The same applies to BA in the field of natural sciences and technology.
If the thesis is supervised by a person who does not teach in the Environmental Sciences degree programme or who does not have ETH lecturer status, then the student has to fill in the "Form for supervisors of a Bachelor thesis who do not teach in the Environmental Sciences degree programme" Link
Social Sciences and Humanities
Module Individual Sciences
701-0721-00LPsychologyW3 credits2VR. Hansmann, A. Bearth, M. Siegrist
701-0785-00LIntroduction to Science Communication (Universitiy of Zurich)
Does not take place this semester.
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: 251403

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W4 credits2VM. Schäfer
701-0903-00LThe Sustainable Development Goals Book ClubW2 creditsB. B. Pearce, J. Ghazoul
752-2120-00LConsumer Behaviour IW2 credits2VM. Siegrist, A. Bearth, A. Berthold
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