Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Doctorate Health Sciences and Technology Information
Transferable Skills
» Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC
» Language Courses ETH/UZH: see Science in Perspective
851-0047-00LEthics, Science and Scientific Integrity Restricted registration - show details W1 credit1SN. Mazouz, F. Altner, M. Hampe, T. Lobo, B. Wang
AbstractIn this course, doctoral students are sensibilized to ethical issues in the sciences. After a general introduction to ethics as well as to ethics in the sciences, selected topics of scientific integrity will be dealt with in an exemplary way. Thirdly, discipline-specific problems of ethics are addressed in group work.
Learning objectiveDoctoral students receive an overview of philosophical ethics as well as of ethics in the sciences and humanities. They are supported in identifying, analyzing and dealing with ethical problems in their own scientific research. Furthermore, they can reflect on their professional role as scientific researchers.
ContentIn this course, doctoral students are sensibilized to ethical issues in the sciences. First, a general introduction to ethics as well as to ethics in the sciences will be given in a lecture and discussion format. Second, selected topics of scientific integrity will be dealt with in an exemplary way in a mixed format, consisting of lectures and discussions as well as workshops. Thirdly, specific problems of ethics and scientific integrity in certain disciplines will be addresses in group work in a workshop format.
851-0094-00LIntroduction to Practical Philosophy for PhD's
This course is open to PhD students only. BA and MA students enroll for the course "851-0101-01L Introduction to Practical Philosophy".
W1 credit2GL. Wingert
AbstractPractical philosophy deals in a descriptive and evaluative way with the realm of the practical, that is, with action, practices, norms of action, and values held by people and societies. Ethics and political philosophy are branches of practical philosophy. This introductory course will treat some of the main questions and introduce students to the thinking of central figures in the field.
Learning objectiveThis course will be a mixture of lecture and seminar. Credits will be earned after consultation with the instructor by submitting a small written paper on topics related to ethics.
ContentEthics is an account and instruction of the good, that could be reached by conscious, intentional behaviour (=action). Ethics is an essential part of practical philosophy. Therefore one of those central questions, which will be discussed in the course, is:

1. What is the meaning of words like "good" and "bad", used in ethical language? What is meant by "good", if one says: "Working as a volunteer for the <Red Cross> is good"? Does one mean, that doing so is useful, or that it is altruistic, or that is fair?

Further questions, to be discussed in the course, are:

2. Are moral judgements apt to be justified, e.g. judgments like "Lower taxes for rich foreigners in the <Kanton Zug> are unjust" or "Every person ought to be entitled to leave any religious community"? If so, how far a moral judgment's justification can reach? Is one right in arguing: "It is possible to show the truth of the proposition (a):The emissions of nitrogen dioxide in Zurich is far beyond the permissible limit (80 mg/m3). But it is not possible to verify the proposition (b): In our times, the inequal global distribution of wealth is far beyond the permissible limit. Proposition (a) states an objective fact, whereas (b) expresses a mere subjective evaluation, though that evaluation might be widely spread.

3. What are just laws, and what is the relationship between law and morality?

4. Is freedom of a person, though presupposed by criminal law and morality, nevertheless an illusion?

These questions will be partly discussed with reference to seminal authors within the western philosophical tradition (among else Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Immanuel Kant). Contemporary philosophers like Jürgen Habermas, Thomas Nagel, Ernst Tugendhat or Bernard Williams will be included, too.

5. A part of the course will examine the question of what "good" research ethics and intellectual probity mean.
LiteratureZur Vorbereitung:

-Dieter Birnbacher, Analytische Einführung in die Ethik, 2. Aufl. Berlin: de Gruyter Verlag 2006.
- Simon Blackburn, Denken, Darmstadt: Primus Verlag 2001, Kapitel 3 und 8.
- Philippa Foot, <Tugenden und Laster> sowie <Moral, Handlung und Ergebnisse> beide in: dies., Die Wirklichkeit des Guten. Moralphilosophische Aufsätze, Frankfurt/M.: Fischer Taschenbuch 1997.
- H.L.A. Hart, <Der Positivismus und die Trennung von Recht und Moral> (1958), in: ders., Recht und Moral, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1971, S. 5-57.
- Detlef Horster, Rechtsphilosophie zur Einführung, Hamburg: Junius Verlag 2002
- Robert Kane, <Introduction: The Contours of the Contemporary Free Will Debates>, in: ders., (Hg.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will, Oxford 2002.
– Thomas Nagel, Die Grenzen der Objektivität. Philosophische Vorlesungen, Stuttgart: Reclam 1991.
- Ulrich Pothast, <Einleitung> in: ders., (Hg.), Seminar: Freies Handeln und Determinismus, Frankfurt/M.: suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft 1978, S. 7-31.
- Bernard Williams, Der Begriff der Moral. Eine Einführung in die Ethik, Reclam: Stuttgart 1976.
- Peter Winch, Die Idee der Sozialwissenschaft und ihr Verhältnis zur Philosophie, Frankfurt/M.: suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft 1974 (Kap. II: <Das Wesen sinnvollen Verhaltens>).
Prerequisites / NoticeDer Kurs wird eine Mischung aus Vorlesung und Seminar sein. Leistungspunkte können durch Essays zu vorgegebenen und zu frei gewählten Themen erworben werden.
851-0097-00LWhat Is Knowledge and Under What Conditions Are We Entitled to Claim Knowledge?
Doctoral students can receive credit for the achievements of this course in the section "Transferable Skills".
W3 credits2GL. Wingert
AbstractThe seminar aims at a clarification of the concept of knowledge, as it is built in our experiential relations to the world. An analysis is needed of the difference between knowledge and belief, of the relation between objectivity and knowledge, and of the role of reasons for having knowledge. Additionally, the legitimacy of different types of knowledge claims should be evaluated.
Learning objectiveOn will able to evaluate the arguments pro and con the thesis, that knowledge is justified, true belief. Furthermore, one will gain some insights in the role of reasons for knowledge and in the merits and misgivings of a naturalistic account of knowledge. Finally, one will be a bit more familiar with some theories of philosophical epistemology (e.g. empiricism, rationalism).
900-0100-DRLTransferable Skills Course I (1-3 days) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W1 credit2SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days.
900-0101-DRLTransferable Skills Course II (1-3 days) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W1 credit2SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days.
900-0102-DRLTransferable Skills Course III (1-3 days) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W1 credit2SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days.
900-0103-DRLTransferable Skills Course I (1-3 days, with Poster or Talk) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W2 credits4SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
900-0104-DRLTransferable Skills Course II (1-3 days, with Poster or Talk) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W2 credits4SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
900-0105-DRLTransferable Skills Course III (1-3 days, with Poster or Talk) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W2 credits4SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of short courses or workshops with a maximum duration of 3 days. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
900-0106-DRLTransferable Skills Course I (1 week) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W2 credits4SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week.
900-0107-DRLTransferable Skills Course II (1 week) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W2 credits4SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week.
900-0108-DRLTransferable Skills Course III (1 week) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W2 credits4SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week.
900-0109-DRLTransferable Skills Course I (1 week, with Poster or Talk) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W3 credits6SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
900-0110-DRLTransferable Skills Course II (1 week, with Poster or Talk) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W3 credits6SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
900-0111-DRLTransferable Skills Course III (1 week, with Poster or Talk) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W3 credits6SLecturers
AbstractAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
Learning objectiveAcquisition of transferable skills and cross-disciplinary competences in the range of courses or workshops with a minimum duration of 1 week. Participants need to present either a poster or a talk at this occasion.
900-0112-DRLParticipation in Commission I (min 1 year) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W1 credit2PLecturers
AbstractActive participation in commissions or university bodies, like associations of scientific staff, the university assembly or similar for at least 1 year.
Learning objectiveActive participation in commissions or university bodies, like associations of scientific staff, the university assembly or similar for at least 1 year.
900-0113-DRLParticipation in Commission II (min 1 year) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W1 credit2PLecturers
AbstractActive participation in commissions or university bodies, like associations of scientific staff, the university assembly or similar for at least 1 year.
Learning objectiveActive participation in commissions or university bodies, like associations of scientific staff, the university assembly or similar for at least 1 year.
900-0114-DRLMember of Executive Board (min 1 year) Restricted registration - show details
Only for doctoral students.

Please select your doctoral thesis supervisor as a lecturer and prove your participation with the appropriate certificate.
W2 credits4PLecturers
AbstractActive participation in the presidium or executive board of a university group for at least 1 year.
Learning objectiveActive participation in the presidium or executive board of a university group for at least 1 year.
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