Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2016

Environmental Sciences Bachelor Information
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2016)
Basic Courses I
First Year Examinations
529-2001-02LChemistry I Information O4 credits2V + 2UW. Uhlig, J. E. E. Buschmann, S. Canonica, P. Funck, E. C. Meister, R. Verel
401-0251-00LMathematics I Information O6 credits4V + 2UA. Cannas da Silva
701-0007-00LTackling Environmental Problems I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Environmental Sciences BSc.
O5 credits4GC. E. Pohl, P. Krütli, B. B. Pearce
551-0001-00LGeneral Biology I Restricted registration - show details O3 credits3VU. Sauer, O. Y. Martin, A. Widmer
701-0243-01LBiology III: Essentials of EcologyO3 credits2VS. Güsewell, C. Vorburger
701-0027-00LEnvironmental Systems IO2 credits2VC. Schär, S. Bonhoeffer, N. Dubois
701-0029-00LEnvironmental Systems IIO3 credits2VB. Wehrli, C. Garcia, M. Sonnevelt
Additional First Year Compulsory Courses
252-0839-00LInformatics Information O2 credits2GL. E. Fässler, M. Dahinden
529-0030-00LLaboratory Course: Elementary Chemical TechniquesO3 credits6PN. Kobert, M. Morbidelli, M. H. Schroth, B. Wehrli
751-0801-00LBiology I: Laboratory Exercises Information O1 credit2UE. B. Truernit
Social Sciences and Humanities
701-0757-00LPrinciples of Economics Information O3 credits2GR. Schubert
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2011)
Basic Courses II
Examination Blocks
Examination Block 1
402-0063-00LPhysics IIO5 credits3V + 1UA. Vaterlaus
701-0245-00LIntroduction to Evolutionary BiologyO2 credits2VG. Velicer, S. Wielgoss
701-0255-00LBiochemistryO2 credits2VH.‑P. Kohler
752-4001-00LMicrobiology Information O2 credits2VM. Schuppler, S. Schlegel, J. Vorholt-Zambelli
Examination Block 2
701-0023-00LAtmosphere Information O3 credits2VH. Wernli, E. Fischer, T. Peter
701-0071-00LMathematics III: Systems AnalysisO4 credits2V + 1UN. Gruber, D. Byrne
701-0401-00LHydrosphereO3 credits2VR. Kipfer, C. Roques
701-0501-00LPedosphere Information O3 credits2VR. Kretzschmar
Additional Compulsory Courses
701-0033-00LLaboratory Course in Physics for Students of Environmental Sciences Information O2 credits4PM. Münnich, A. Biland, N. Gruber
701-0035-00LIntegrated Practical Observation Networks Information O1.5 credits4PJ. Henneberger, T. Tormann
Social Sciences and Humanities Module
Module Economics
Compulsory Courses
363-0387-00LCorporate SustainabilityO3 credits2GV. Hoffmann
751-1551-00LRessourcen- und Umweltökonomie Information O3 credits2VL. Bretschger, A. Müller
Core Courses
701-0763-00LBasic Concepts of ManagementW2 credits2VR. Schwarzenbach
151-0757-00LEnvironmental ManagementW2 credits2GR. Züst
351-0778-00LDiscovering Management
Entry level course in management for BSc, MSc and PHD students at all levels not belonging to D-MTEC. This course can be complemented with Discovering Management (Excercises) 351-0778-01.
W3 credits3GB. Clarysse, M. Ambühl, S. Brusoni, E. Fleisch, G. Grote, V. Hoffmann, P. Schönsleben, G. von Krogh, F. von Wangenheim
351-0778-01LDiscovering Management (Exercises)
Complementary exercises for the module Discovering Managment.

Prerequisite: Participation and successful completion of the module Discovering Management (351-0778-00L) is mandatory.
W1 credit1UB. Clarysse, L. De Cuyper
363-0503-00LPrinciples of MicroeconomicsW3 credits2GM. Filippini
751-1101-00LFinances and Accounting SystemW2 credits2GM. Dumondel
851-0626-01LInternational Aid and Development
Does not take place this semester.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of economics
W2 credits2VI. Günther
Module Political and Social Sciences
Compulsory Courses
701-0747-00LEnvironmental Policy of Switzerland IO3 credits2VE. Lieberherr
851-0577-00LPrinciples of Political ScienceO4 credits2V + 1US. Mohrenberg, Q. Nguyen
Core Courses
701-0727-00LPolitics of Environmental Problem Solving in Developing CountriesW2 credits2GU. Scheidegger
701-0731-00LEnvironmental Behavior in Social ContextW2 credits2SH. Bruderer Enzler
701-0985-00LSocial Intercourse with Current Environmental RisksW1 credit1VB. Nowack, C. M. Som-Koller
227-0802-02LSociologyW2 credits2VA. Diekmann
851-0591-00LDigital Sustainability in the Knowledge Society
Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MATL, D-MAVT, D-MTEC, D-USYS.
W2 credits2VM. M. Dapp
851-0594-00LInternational Environmental Politics
Particularly suitable for students of D-ITET, D-USYS
W3 credits2VT. Bernauer
Module Individual Sciences
Compulsory Courses
701-0721-00LPsychologyO3 credits2VR. Hansmann, C. Keller, M. Siegrist
752-2120-00LConsumer Behaviour IO2 credits2VM. Siegrist, C. Keller, B. S. Sütterlin
Core Courses
701-0771-00LEnvironmental Conciousness and Public Relations Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 60.

Sign in until 29.09.2016.

Please describe your expectations. Why do want to attend this special topic? Do you have any pre-information about the integral model? Do you have any practical experience in environmental communication?
W2 credits2GR. Locher Van Wezemael
701-0785-00LEnvironmental and Science Communication Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 120.
60 ETH students and 60 UZH students. The time (date and exact time) of enrolment is decisive.
If there are less than 60 enrolments of one group either ETH or UZH students then the available spaces will be given to the other group.
ATTENTION: Enrolment of this course unit is only possible from August 31 until September 14, 2016.

Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit is only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module 251359 at UZH.
Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
W4 credits2VM. Schäfer
Module Humanities
Compulsory Courses
701-0701-00LPhilosophy of ScienceO3 credits2VG. Hirsch Hadorn, C. J. Baumberger
701-0703-00LEnvironmental Ethics Information O2 credits2VM. Huppenbauer
Core Courses
701-0701-01LPhilosophy of Science: ExercisesW1 credit1UG. Hirsch Hadorn, C. J. Baumberger
701-0791-00LEnvironmental History - Introduction and Overview Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 100.
W2 credits2VD. Speich Chassé
Compulsory Electives D-GESS SiP (For All Modules Eligible)
» Political Science
» Law
» Sociology
» Economy
» Psychology, Pedagogics
» History
» Philosophy
» Science Research
Natural Science and Technical Electives
Natural Science Modules
227-0399-10LPhysiology and Anatomy for Biomedical Engineers I Information W3 credits2GH. Niemann
551-0317-00LImmunology I Information W3 credits2VA. Oxenius, M. Kopf
752-6001-00LIntroduction to Nutritional Science Information W3 credits2VM. B. Zimmermann, C. Wolfrum
Soil Sciences
701-0533-00LSoil ChemistryW3 credits2GR. Kretzschmar, D. I. Christl
701-0535-00LEnvironmental Soil Physics/Vadose Zone Hydrology Information W3 credits2G + 2UD. Or
651-3525-00LIntroduction to Engineering GeologyW3 credits3GS. Löw
Methodes of Statistical Data Analysis
701-0105-00LApplied Statistics for Environmental SciencesW3 credits2GC. Bigler, U. Brändle, M. Kalisch, L. Meier
701-1671-00LSampling Techniques for Forest InventoriesW3 credits2VD. Mandallaz
401-0625-01LApplied Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design Information W5 credits2V + 1UL. Meier
401-0649-00LApplied Statistical Regression Information W5 credits2V + 1UM. Dettling
401-6215-00LUsing R for Data Analysis and Graphics (Part I) Information W1 credit1GA. Drewek, A. J. Papritz
401-6217-00LUsing R for Data Analysis and Graphics (Part II) Information W1 credit1GA. Drewek, A. J. Papritz
Ecology and Conservation Biology
701-0305-00LVertebrate EcologyW2 credits2GW. Suter, J. Senn
701-0405-00LFresh Water: Concepts and Methods for Sustainable Management Information W3 credits2GC. Scheidegger, C. Weber, V. Weitbrecht
701-1663-00LExploring Resilience of Tropical Forest Landscapes
This course will run in complement to 701-1661-00 Conservation and Development in Complex Landscapes.
W4 credits9GC. Kettle, C. D. Philipson
Environmental Chemistry/Ecotocxicology
701-0201-00LIntroduction to Environmental Organic ChemistryW5 credits4GM. Sander, K. McNeill
701-0225-00LOrganic ChemistryW2 credits2VK. McNeill
701-0297-00LApplied EcotoxicologyW2 credits2VK. Fent
529-0051-00LAnalytical Chemistry IW3 credits3GD. Günther, M.‑O. Ebert, R. Zenobi
Environmental Physics
701-0479-00LEnvironmental Fluid Dynamics Information W3 credits2GH. Wernli, M. Croci-Maspoli
101-0203-01LHydraulics IW5 credits3V + 1UR. Stocker
102-0455-01LGroundwater IW3 credits2GM. Willmann
651-3561-00LCryosphere Information W3 credits2VM. Funk, M. Huss, K. Steffen
Module Engineering and Planning
Spacial and Transport Planning
701-0951-00LGIS - Introduction into Geoinformation Science and Technology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 60.
W5 credits2V + 3PM. A. M. Niederhuber, S. Salvini
101-0415-01LRailway Infrastructures (Transportation II)W3 credits2GU. A. Weidmann
Renewable Energy
701-0967-00LProject Development in Renewable Energies Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.
W2 credits2GR. Rechsteiner, A. Appenzeller, A. Wanner
529-0193-00LRenewable Energy Technologies I
The lectures Renewable Energy Technologies I (529-0193-00L) and Renewable Energy Technologies II (529-0191-01L) can be taken independently from one another.
W4 credits3GA. Wokaun, A. Steinfeld
Individual Subjects
701-0317-00LIdentification of Woody Plants in WinterW1 credit1GA. Rudow
701-0901-00LETH Week 2016: Challenging Water Restricted registration - show details
All ETH Bachelor`s, Master`s students and exchange students can take part in the ETH week 2016.
Tuition, food and accommodation are free of charge.
W1 creditR. Knutti, C. Bratrich, S. Brusoni, P. Burlando, A. Cabello Llamas, G. Folkers, D. Molnar, A. Vaterlaus, B. Wehrli
051-0159-00LUrban Design I Information W1 credit2VH. Klumpner, A. Brillembourg
751-3401-00LPlant Nutrition IW2 credits2VE. Frossard
751-4801-00LSystem-Oriented Management of Herbivore Insects IW2 credits2GD. Mazzi
» Courses of the Specialisation in an Environmental System
Specialization in an Environmental System
701-0216-00LBiogeochemical CyclesW3 credits2GB. Wehrli
701-0419-01LSeminar for Bachelor Students: BiogeochemistryO2 credits2SG. Furrer, R. Kretzschmar, B. Wehrli
701-0423-00LChemistry of Aquatic SystemsW3 credits2GL. Winkel
701-0533-00LSoil ChemistryW3 credits2GR. Kretzschmar, D. I. Christl
701-0535-00LEnvironmental Soil Physics/Vadose Zone Hydrology Information W3 credits2G + 2UD. Or
Atmosphere and Climate
701-0459-00LSeminar for Bachelor Students: Atmosphere and Climate Information W2 credits2SR. Knutti, H. Joos, O. Stebler
701-0461-00LNumerical Methods in Environmental Sciences Information W3 credits2GC. Schär, O. Fuhrer
701-0471-01LAtmospheric Chemistry Information W3 credits2GM. Ammann, D. W. Brunner
701-0473-00LWeather Systems Information W3 credits2GM. A. Sprenger, C. Grams
701-0475-00LAtmospheric PhysicsW3 credits2GU. Lohmann, A. A. Mensah
Environmental Biology
701-0301-00LApplied Systems EcologyW3 credits2VD. Schröter, A. Gessler
701-0320-00LSeminar for Bachelor Students: Environmental Biology Restricted registration - show details O2 credits2SD. Ramseier
701-0323-00LPlant EcologyW3 credits2VS. Güsewell, J. Levine
701-1413-00LPopulation and Quantitative GeneticsW3 credits2VT. Städler, P. C. Brunner
701-1413-01LEcological GeneticsW3 credits2VA. Widmer, M. Fischer
Human-Environment Systems
701-0301-00LApplied Systems EcologyW3 credits2VD. Schröter, A. Gessler
701-0651-00LCoevolution between Society and Environment: Analysis and InfluenceW3 credits2VJ. Minsch
701-0659-00LTropical Forests, Agroforestry and Complex Socio-Ecological SystemsW3 credits2GC. Garcia, A. Giger Dray
701-0791-00LEnvironmental History - Introduction and Overview Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 100.
W2 credits2VD. Speich Chassé
701-0963-00LEnergy and Mobility Information W3 credits2GP. J. de Haan van der Weg, M.  Müller
Forest and Landscape
701-0553-00LLandscape Ecology Information W3 credits2GF. Kienast, L. Pellissier
701-0559-00LSeminar for Bachelor Students: Forest and LandscapeO2 credits2SH. Bugmann, E. Lieberherr, P. Rotach
701-0561-00LForest Ecology Information W3 credits2VH. Bugmann
701-0563-00LForest and Tree DiseasesW3 credits3GT. N. Sieber
701-0565-00LFundamentals of Natural Hazards ManagementW3 credits3GH. R. Heinimann, B. Krummenacher, S. Löw
Bachelor's Thesis
Students can choose between one Bachelor thesis of 10 KP or two Bachelor theses of 5 KP each.
701-0010-02LShort Bachelor's Thesis in Social Sciences and Humanities Restricted registration - show details W5 credits11DLecturers
701-0010-03LShort Bachelor's Thesis in Natural Sciences and Engineering Restricted registration - show details W5 credits11DLecturers
701-0010-10LBachelor's Thesis Restricted registration - show details W10 credits21DLecturers