Search result: Courses in Spring Semester 2020

Cyber Security Master Information
Field of Specialization
Core Courses
263-4660-00LApplied Cryptography Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 150.
W8 credits3V + 2U + 2P
263-4660-00 VApplied Cryptography3 hrs
Mon13:15-14:00CAB G 61 »
Tue08:15-10:00CAB G 11 »
K. Paterson
263-4660-00 UApplied Cryptography2 hrs
Thu12:15-14:00CAB G 56 »
12:15-14:00CAB G 57 »
Fri08:15-10:00CAB G 52 »
10:15-12:00CAB G 51 »
K. Paterson
263-4660-00 PApplied Crpytography2 hrs
Fri13:15-15:00CAB H 56 »
13:15-15:00CAB H 57 »
13:15-15:00HG E 19 »
K. Paterson
252-0408-00LCryptographic Protocols Information W6 credits2V + 2U + 1A
252-0408-00 VCryptographic Protocols2 hrs
Wed12:15-14:00CAB G 51 »
M. Hirt, U. Maurer
252-0408-00 UCryptographic Protocols2 hrs
Wed14:15-16:00CAB G 51 »
M. Hirt, U. Maurer
252-0408-00 ACryptographic Protocols1 hrsM. Hirt, U. Maurer
263-2925-00LProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability Information W6 credits2V + 1U + 2A
263-2925-00 VProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability2 hrs
Mon14:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
14:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
P. Tsankov
263-2925-00 UProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability1 hrs
Tue15:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
15:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
P. Tsankov
263-2925-00 AProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability2 hrsP. Tsankov
263-4600-00LFormal Methods for Information Security Information W5 credits2V + 1U + 1A
263-4600-00 VFormal Methods for Information Security2 hrs
Thu09:15-11:00CAB G 52 »
R. Sasse, C. Sprenger
263-4600-00 UFormal Methods for Information Security1 hrs
Thu11:15-12:00CAB G 52 »
R. Sasse, C. Sprenger
263-4600-00 AFormal Methods for Information Security1 hrsR. Sasse, C. Sprenger
263-4656-00LDigital Signatures Information W4 credits2V + 1A
263-4656-00 VDigital Signatures2 hrs
Tue10:00-12:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-12:00ML E 12 »
D. Hofheinz
263-4656-00 ADigital Signatures1 hrsD. Hofheinz
263-4651-00LCurrent Topics in Cryptography Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 24.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 credits2S
263-4651-00 SCurrent Topics in Cryptography2 hrs
Thu16:15-18:00CAB G 56 »
12.03.16:15-18:00LFV E 41 »
D. Hofheinz, U. Maurer, K. Paterson
Semester Project
260-0100-00LSemester Project
Only for Cyber Security MSc
W12 credits26A
260-0100-00 ASemester Project360s hrsProfessors
Computational Science
Core Courses
401-3632-00LComputational StatisticsW8 credits3V + 1U
401-3632-00 VComputational Statistics3 hrs
Thu13:00-15:00ER SA TZ »
13:15-15:00HG F 1 »
Fri09:00-10:00ER SA TZ »
09:15-10:00NO C 60 »
M. H. Maathuis
401-3632-00 UComputational Statistics
A "Präsenzstunde" directly following the exercises will be offered Friday 11-12 in HG G 5.
1 hrs
Fri10:00-11:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-11:00HG G 5 »
M. H. Maathuis
252-0526-00LStatistical Learning Theory Information W7 credits3V + 2U + 1A
252-0526-00 VStatistical Learning Theory3 hrs
Mon14:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
14:15-16:00HG G 3 »
Tue17:00-18:00ER SA TZ »
17:15-18:00HG G 3 »
J. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0526-00 UStatistical Learning Theory2 hrs
Mon16:00-18:00ER SA TZ »
16:15-18:00HG G 3 »
J. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0526-00 AStatistical Learning Theory1 hrsJ. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
261-5120-00LMachine Learning for Health Care Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 150.
W5 credits3P + 1A
261-5120-00 PMachine Learning for Health Care3 hrs
Thu15:00-18:00ER SA TZ »
15:15-18:00ETF C 1 »
G. Rätsch, J. Vogt, V. Boeva
261-5120-00 AMachine Learning for Health Care1 hrsG. Rätsch, J. Vogt, V. Boeva
263-5300-00LGuarantees for Machine Learning Information Restricted registration - show details W5 credits2V + 2A
263-5300-00 VGuarantees for Machine Learning
Special selection process. Preference is given to Masters and Doctorate students. If need be other criteria are degree program and previous courses taken.
2 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00CAB G 51 »
F. Yang
263-5300-00 AGuarantees for Machine Learning2 hrsF. Yang
Distributed Systems
Core Courses
227-0558-00LPrinciples of Distributed Computing Information W7 credits2V + 2U + 2A
227-0558-00 VPrinciples of Distributed Computing2 hrs
Wed08:00-10:00ER SA TZ »
08:15-10:00CAB G 11 »
R. Wattenhofer, M. Ghaffari
227-0558-00 UPrinciples of Distributed Computing
In Gruppen
2 hrs
Wed13:15-15:00LFW C 11 »
15:15-17:00HG G 26.1 »
R. Wattenhofer, M. Ghaffari
227-0558-00 APrinciples of Distributed Computing
No presence required.
Creative task outside the regular weekly exercises.
2 hrsR. Wattenhofer, M. Ghaffari
263-3800-00LAdvanced Operating Systems Information W7 credits2V + 2U + 2A
263-3800-00 VAdvanced Operating Systems2 hrs
Thu13:15-15:00CAB G 51 »
D. Cock, T. Roscoe
263-3800-00 UAdvanced Operating Systems2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00CAB H 56 »
10:15-12:00CAB H 57 »
D. Cock, T. Roscoe
263-3800-00 AAdvanced Operating Systems
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
2 hrsD. Cock, T. Roscoe
Elective Courses
252-0312-00LUbiquitous Computing Information W4 credits2V + 1A
252-0312-00 VUbiquitous Computing2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00CAB G 51 »
C. Holz, F. Mattern, S. Mayer
252-0312-00 AUbiquitous Computing1 hrsC. Holz, F. Mattern, S. Mayer
252-0437-00LDistributed Algorithms Information W5 credits3V + 1A
252-0437-00 VVerteilte Algorithmen
Findet im FS20 zum letzten Mal statt!
3 hrs
Wed09:15-12:00ML F 38 »
F. Mattern
252-0437-00 AVerteilte Algorithmen
Findet im FS20 zum letzten Mal statt!
1 hrsF. Mattern
252-0817-00LDistributed Systems Laboratory Information
In the Master Programme max. 10 credits can be accounted by Labs
on top of the Interfocus Courses. Additional Labs will be listed on the Addendum.
W10 credits9P
252-0817-00 PDistributed Systems Laboratory9 hrsby appt.G. Alonso, T. Hoefler, F. Mattern, A. Singla, R. Wattenhofer, C. Zhang
263-3710-00LMachine Perception Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 200.
W5 credits2V + 1U + 1A
263-3710-00 VMachine Perception2 hrs
Thu10:00-12:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-12:00CAB G 11 »
O. Hilliges
263-3710-00 UMachine Perception1 hrs
Thu13:00-15:00ER SA TZ »
13:15-15:00CAB G 11 »
Fri13:00-15:00ER SA TZ »
13:15-15:00CAB G 11 »
O. Hilliges
263-3710-00 AMachine Perception1 hrsO. Hilliges
Information Systems
Core Courses
263-2925-00LProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability Information W6 credits2V + 1U + 2A
263-2925-00 VProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability2 hrs
Mon14:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
14:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
P. Tsankov
263-2925-00 UProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability1 hrs
Tue15:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
15:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
P. Tsankov
263-2925-00 AProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability2 hrsP. Tsankov
Elective Courses
252-0312-00LUbiquitous Computing Information W4 credits2V + 1A
252-0312-00 VUbiquitous Computing2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00CAB G 51 »
C. Holz, F. Mattern, S. Mayer
252-0312-00 AUbiquitous Computing1 hrsC. Holz, F. Mattern, S. Mayer
Software Engineering
Core Courses
263-2925-00LProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability Information W6 credits2V + 1U + 2A
263-2925-00 VProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability2 hrs
Mon14:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
14:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
P. Tsankov
263-2925-00 UProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability1 hrs
Tue15:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
15:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
P. Tsankov
263-2925-00 AProgram Analysis for System Security and Reliability2 hrsP. Tsankov
Elective Courses
In spring 2020 there will be no course offered in this category.
Theoretical Computer Science
Core Courses
261-5110-00LOptimization for Data Science Information W8 credits3V + 2U + 2A
261-5110-00 VOptimization for Data Science3 hrs
Mon15:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
15:15-16:00ETF C 1 »
Tue10:00-12:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-12:00ETF C 1 »
B. Gärtner, D. Steurer
261-5110-00 UOptimization for Data Science2 hrs
Tue13:15-15:00HG D 3.2 »
13:15-15:00HG D 5.2 »
B. Gärtner, D. Steurer
261-5110-00 AOptimization for Data Science2 hrsB. Gärtner, D. Steurer
Elective Courses
252-1424-00LModels of ComputationW6 credits2V + 2U + 1A
252-1424-00 VModels of Computation2 hrs
Fri14:15-16:00CAB G 51 »
M. Cook
252-1424-00 UModels of Computation
Exercise lessons start in the second week of semester.
2 hrs
Tue15:00-17:00Y55 G 20 »
M. Cook
252-1424-00 AModels of Computation
No presence required.
1 hrsM. Cook
272-0302-00LApproximation and Online Algorithms Information W5 credits2V + 1U + 1A
272-0302-00 VApproximations- und Online-Algorithmen2 hrs
Wed13:15-15:00CAB G 59 »
H.‑J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm
272-0302-00 UApproximations- und Online-Algorithmen1 hrs
Wed15:15-16:00CAB G 59 »
H.‑J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm
272-0302-00 AApproximations- und Online-Algorithmen1 hrsH.‑J. Böckenhauer, D. Komm
263-4400-00LAdvanced Graph Algorithms and Optimization Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.
W5 credits3G + 1A
263-4400-00 GAdvanced Graph Algorithms and Optimization3 hrs
Wed09:15-12:00CAB G 52 »
R. Kyng
263-4400-00 AAdvanced Graph Algorithms and Optimization1 hrsR. Kyng
401-3052-05LGraph Theory Information W5 credits2V + 1U
401-3052-05 VGraph Theory28s hrs
Wed/110:00-12:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-12:00HG E 5 »
Thu/110:00-12:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-12:00HG F 3 »
B. Sudakov
401-3052-05 UGraph Theory7s hrs
Thu/115:15-16:00CAB G 52 »
15:15-16:00CAB G 56 »
15:15-16:00HG E 21 »
17:15-18:00HG E 33.5 »
B. Sudakov
401-3903-11LGeometric Integer ProgrammingW6 credits2V + 1U
401-3903-11 VGeometric Integer Programming2 hrs
Thu13:15-15:00HG E 33.3 »
J. Paat
401-3903-11 UGeometric Integer Programming1 hrs
Wed12:15-13:00HG E 33.3 »
J. Paat
Visual Computing
Core Courses
252-0538-00LShape Modeling and Geometry Processing Information W6 credits2V + 1U + 2A
252-0538-00 VShape Modeling and Geometry Processing2 hrs
Wed10:15-12:00CAB G 51 »
O. Sorkine Hornung
252-0538-00 UShape Modeling and Geometry Processing1 hrs
Fri11:15-12:00CAB G 56 »
O. Sorkine Hornung
252-0538-00 AShape Modeling and Geometry Processing2 hrsO. Sorkine Hornung
Elective Courses
252-0526-00LStatistical Learning Theory Information W7 credits3V + 2U + 1A
252-0526-00 VStatistical Learning Theory3 hrs
Mon14:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
14:15-16:00HG G 3 »
Tue17:00-18:00ER SA TZ »
17:15-18:00HG G 3 »
J. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0526-00 UStatistical Learning Theory2 hrs
Mon16:00-18:00ER SA TZ »
16:15-18:00HG G 3 »
J. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0526-00 AStatistical Learning Theory1 hrsJ. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0570-00LGame Programming Laboratory Information
In the Master Programme max. 10 credits can be accounted by Labs on top of the Interfocus Courses. Additional Labs will be listed on the Addendum.
W10 credits9P
252-0570-00 PGame Programming Laboratory9 hrs
Tue15:15-18:00CAB G 56 »
B. Sumner
252-0579-00L3D Vision Information W5 credits3G + 1A
252-0579-00 G3D Vision3 hrs
Mon09:15-12:00CAB G 51 »
M. Pollefeys, V. Larsson
252-0579-00 A3D Vision1 hrsM. Pollefeys, V. Larsson
252-5706-00LMathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Vision Information W5 credits2V + 1U + 1A
252-5706-00 VMathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Vision2 hrs
Tue09:15-11:00CAB G 56 »
M. R. Oswald, C. Öztireli
252-5706-00 UMathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Vision1 hrs
Tue11:15-12:00CAB G 56 »
M. R. Oswald, C. Öztireli
252-5706-00 AMathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Vision1 hrsM. R. Oswald, C. Öztireli
263-3710-00LMachine Perception Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 200.
W5 credits2V + 1U + 1A
263-3710-00 VMachine Perception2 hrs
Thu10:00-12:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-12:00CAB G 11 »
O. Hilliges
263-3710-00 UMachine Perception1 hrs
Thu13:00-15:00ER SA TZ »
13:15-15:00CAB G 11 »
Fri13:00-15:00ER SA TZ »
13:15-15:00CAB G 11 »
O. Hilliges
263-3710-00 AMachine Perception1 hrsO. Hilliges
263-5806-00LComputational Models of Motion for Character Animation and Robotics Information W6 credits2V + 2U + 1A
263-5806-00 VComputational Models of Motion for Character Animation and Robotics2 hrs
Wed14:00-16:00ER SA TZ »
14:15-16:00HG E 1.2 »
S. Coros, M. Bächer, B. Thomaszewski
263-5806-00 UComputational Models of Motion for Character Animation and Robotics2 hrs
Thu15:15-17:00ML F 40 »
S. Coros, M. Bächer, B. Thomaszewski
263-5806-00 AComputational Models of Motion for Character Animation and Robotics1 hrsS. Coros, M. Bächer, B. Thomaszewski
227-1034-00LComputational Vision (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: INI402

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W6 credits2V + 1U
227-1034-00 VComputational Vision (University of Zurich)
**Course at University of Zurich**
2 hrs
Thu17:15-19:00Y35 F 32 »
D. Kiper
227-1034-00 UComputational Vision (University of Zurich)
**Course at University of Zurich**
Exercise dates by arrangement.
1 hrsD. Kiper
Interfocus Courses
263-0007-00LAdvanced Systems Lab Information Restricted registration - show details
Only for master students, otherwise a special permission by the study administration of D-INFK is required.
W8 credits3V + 2U + 2A
263-0007-00 VAdvanced Systems Lab Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.3 hrs
Mon10:00-12:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-12:00HG F 3 »
Thu09:00-10:00ER SA TZ »
09:15-10:00HG F 3 »
M. Püschel, C. Zhang
263-0007-00 UAdvanced Systems Lab2 hrs
Wed13:00-15:00ER SA TZ »
13:15-15:00HG D 3.2 »
M. Püschel, C. Zhang
263-0007-00 AAdvanced Systems Lab
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
2 hrsM. Püschel, C. Zhang
263-0008-00LComputational Intelligence Lab
Only for master students, otherwise a special permission by the study administration of D-INFK is required.
W8 credits2V + 2U + 3A
263-0008-00 VComputational Intelligence Lab2 hrs
Fri08:00-10:00ER SA TZ »
08:15-10:00HG E 7 »
T. Hofmann
263-0008-00 UComputational Intelligence Lab2 hrs
Thu14:15-16:00CHN C 14 »
Fri15:15-17:00CAB G 61 »
T. Hofmann
263-0008-00 AComputational Intelligence Lab
No presence required.
3 hrsT. Hofmann
Free Electives
All Master level courses offered by ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne and the University of Zurich may be chosen.
» Course Catalogue of ETH Zurich
GESS Science in Perspective
» Recommended GESS Science in Perspective (Type B) for D-INFK.
» see GESS Science in Perspective: Type A: Enhancement of Reflection Capability
» see GESS Science in Perspective: Language Courses ETH/UZH
Only for Cyber Security MSc
E-0 credits
260-0700-00 PPraktikumexternal organisers
Master's Thesis
260-0800-00LMaster's Thesis Restricted registration - show details
Only students who fulfill the following criteria are allowed to begin with their master thesis:
a. successful completion of the bachelor programme;
b. fulfilling of any additional requirements necessary to gain admission to the master programme.
O30 credits64D
260-0800-00 DMaster's Thesis Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.900s hrsby appt.Professors