Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2022

Computer Science Bachelor Information
First Year Examinations
First Year Examination Block 1
Offered in the autumn semester.
First Year Examination Block 2
401-0212-16LAnalysis I Information O7 credits4V + 2UÖ. Imamoglu
252-0028-00LDigital Design and Computer Architecture Information O7 credits4V + 2UO. Mutlu, F. K. Gürkaynak
252-0029-00LParallel Programming Information O7 credits4V + 2UT. Hoefler, B. Solenthaler
252-0030-00LAlgorithms and Probability Information Restricted registration - show details O7 credits4V + 2UA. Steger, E. Welzl
Basic Courses
252-0058-00LFormal Methods and Functional Programming Information O7 credits4V + 2UP. Müller, C. Sprenger
252-0063-00LData Modelling and Databases Information O7 credits4V + 2UC. Zhang
252-0064-00LComputer Networks Information O7 credits4V + 2UA. Perrig, M. Legner
401-0614-00LProbability and Statistics Information O5 credits2V + 2UV. Tassion
Core Courses
Major: Systems and Software Engineering
252-0216-00LRigorous Software Engineering Information O8 credits4V + 2U + 1AM. Schwerhoff, M. Vechev
Major: Information and Data Processing
252-0220-00LIntroduction to Machine Learning Information Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants. Preference is given to students in programmes in which the course is being offered. All other students will be waitlisted. Please do not contact Prof. Krause for any questions in this regard. If necessary, please contact
O8 credits4V + 2U + 1AA. Krause, F. Yang
Major: Theoretical Computer Science
252-0211-00LInformation Security Information O8 credits4V + 3UD. Hofheinz, S. Krstic, K. Paterson, J. L. Toro Pozo
Students may also choose courses from the Master's program in Computer Science. It is their responsibility to make sure that they meet the requirements and conditions for these courses.
252-0341-01LInformation Retrieval Information W4 credits2V + 1UG. Fourny
252-0820-00LInformation Technology in PracticeW5 credits2V + 1U + 1AM. Brandis
151-0116-10LHigh Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) for Engineers II Information W4 credits4GP. Koumoutsakos, S. M. Martin
151-0306-00LVisualization, Simulation and Interaction - Virtual Reality I Information W4 credits4GA. Kunz
401-0674-00LNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Not meant for BSc/MSc students of mathematics.
W10 credits2G + 2U + 2P + 4AR. Hiptmair
Students may also choose a seminar from the Master's program in Computer Science. It is their responsibility to make sure that they meet the requirements and conditions for this seminar.
252-2310-00LUnderstanding Context-Free Parsing Algorithms Information Restricted registration - show details
The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.

Number of participants limited to 24.
W2 credits2SR. Cotterell
252-2603-00LSeminar on Systems Security Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 22.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 credits2SS. Shinde
252-3510-00LComputing Platforms Information Restricted registration - show details
The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 credits2SG. Alonso, M. J. Giardino
252-3800-00LAdvanced Topics in Mixed Reality Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 24.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 credits2SC. Holz
252-3810-00LDatacenter Network Monitoring and Management Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 22.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 credits2SD. Wagenknecht-Dimitrova
252-4225-00LPresenting Theoretical Computer Science Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 24.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 credits2SB. Gärtner, R. Kyng, A. Steger, D. Steurer, E. Welzl
252-4910-00LRandomized Algorithms Information Restricted registration - show details
The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.

Number of participants limited to 24.
W2 credits2SH.‑J. Böckenhauer, R. Kralovic
227-2211-00LSeminar in Computer Architecture Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 22.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 credits2SO. Mutlu, M. H. K. Alser, J. Gómez Luna
Minor Courses
101-0531-00LDigitalization for Circular Construction (D4C^2) Restricted registration - show details
All students who register go onto a waiting list and 25 of them will be selected by the lecturer
W4 credits9PC. De Wolf
151-0854-00LAutonomous Mobile Robots Information W5 credits4GR. Siegwart, M. Chli, N. Lawrance
227-0075-00LElectrical Engineering IW3 credits2V + 2UJ. Leuthold
227-0123-00LMechatronicsW6 credits4GT. M. Gempp
227-0707-00LOptimization Methods for EngineersW3 credits2GJ. Smajic
227-0803-00LEnergy, Resources, Environment: Risks and ProspectsW6 credits4GO. Zenklusen, T. Flüeler
227-0945-10LCell and Molecular Biology for Engineers II
This course is part II of a two-semester course.
Knowledge of part I is required.
W3 credits2GC. Frei
227-1046-00LComputer Simulations of Sensory Systems Information
Does not take place this semester.
W3 credits3G
252-5053-00LWhat Kind of AI Do We Want? Bringing Artistic and Technological Practices Together Restricted registration - show details W2 credits3SN. Gräfin von Reischach, A. C. Notz
351-0578-00LIntroduction to Economic Policy Restricted registration - show details
Not for students belonging to D-MTEC!
W2 credits1VH. Mikosch
351-1138-00LPRISMA Capstone - Rethinking Sustainable Cities and Communities
Bachelor students get preferential access to this course. All interested students must apply through a separate application process at:

Participation is subject to successful selection through this sign-up process.

Not for students belonging to D-MTEC!
W4 credits4VA. Cabello Llamas
363-1038-00LSustainability Start-Up Seminar Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.
W3 credits2GA. H. Sägesser
363-1122-00LFrom Entrepreneurial Thinking to Market Relevance - How Startups Scale Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 40.

All interested students are invited to apply for this course by sending a short motivation letter to Anil Sethi:
Additionally please enroll via mystudies.
W3 credits2GA. Sethi
Primarily designed for Health Sciences and Technology students.

The Biomechatronics lecture is not appropriate for students who already attended the lecture "Physical Human-Robot Interaction"(376-1504-00L), because it covers similar topics.

Matlab skills are beneficial-> online Tutorial
W4 credits3GR. Riener, N. Gerig, O. Lambercy
401-0302-10LComplex Analysis Restricted registration - show details W4 credits3V + 1UA. Iozzi
402-0810-00LComputational Quantum Physics
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY522 directly at UZH.
W8 credits2V + 2UK. Pakrouski
402-0812-00LComputational Statistical Physics Information W8 credits2V + 2UM. Krstic Marinkovic
402-1782-00LPhysics IIW7 credits4V + 2UR. Wallny
636-0702-00LStatistical Models in Computational BiologyW6 credits2V + 1U + 2AN. Beerenwinkel
851-0370-00LDidactic Basics for Student Teaching AssistantsW1 credit1SS. Pedrocchi, M. Lehner, B. Volk
851-0557-00LSoccer Analytics
Students should be comfortable with mathematical derivations and scripting for data analysis.
W3 credits2GU. Brandes
851-0585-38LData Science in Techno-Socio-Economic Systems Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 130.

This course is thought be for students in the 5th semester or above with quantitative skills and interests in modeling and computer simulations.

Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT, D-MTEC, D-PHYS
W3 credits2VD. Helbing, N. Antulov-Fantulin, V. Vasiliauskaite
851-0602-00LShaping a DCent.Society: Assessing Societal Implications of Bitcoin, Blockchains & Smart Contracts Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2VM. M. Dapp
851-0739-01LNatural Language Processing for Law and Social Science
Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MTEC
W3 credits2VE. Ash
851-0739-02LNatural Language Processing for Law and Social Science (Course Project)
This is the optional course project for "Natural Language Processing for Law and Social Science".

Please register only if attending the lecture course or with consent of the instructor.

Some programming experience in Python is required, and some experience with text mining is highly recommended.
W2 credits2VE. Ash
Science in Perspective
Science in Perspective
» see Science in Perspective: Type A: Enhancement of Reflection Capability
» Recommended Science in Perspective (Type B) for D-INFK
Language Courses
» see Science in Perspective: Language Courses ETH/UZH
Bachelor's Thesis
252-0500-00LBachelor's Thesis Information O10 credits21DProfessors