Science, Technology, and Policy Master |
Sozialwissenschaftliche Fächer |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
860-0034-00L | Assessing Political Feasibility of Policies - Public Opinion Research, Survey and Field Experiments Priority for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc and PhD students. | O | 4 KP | 2G | E. K. Smith,
S. Gomm |
860-0004-00L | Concepts, Theories, and Methods for Public Policy Analysis ISTP-PhD students please register via the Study Administration. | O | 4 KP | 2S | T. Bernauer,
I. Günther,
M. Leese,
T. Schmidt,
T. Stadler,
B. Steffen,
E. Tilley |
860-0005-00L | Colloquium Science, Technology, and Policy (HS) | O | 1 KP | 1K | T. Schmidt,
T. Bernauer,
E. Tilley |
860-0031-00L | Policy Analysis Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | O | 4 KP | 2V | B. Steffen,
T. Schmidt,
Noch nicht bekannt |
363-0503-00L | Principles of Microeconomics | O | 3 KP | 2G | M. Filippini |
860-0041-00L | Data Analysis for Public Policy Research | O | 4 KP | 2V | E. K. Smith,
C. Fournier De Lauriere |
363-0565-00L | Principles of Macroeconomics | O | 3 KP | 2V | J.‑E. Sturm,
E. Baselgia |
860-0001-00L | Public Institutions and Policy-Making Processes Number of participants limited to 30.
Priority for Science, Technology, and Policy Master. | O | 3 KP | 2G | T. Bernauer,
S. Bechtold,
F. Schimmelfennig |
860-0008-00L | MSc STP Introductory Day | O | 0 KP | 1V | T. Bernauer |
Naturwissenschaftlich-technische Ergänzung |
Städte, Infrastruktur und Planung |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
701-1453-00L | Ecological Assessment and Evaluation | W | 3 KP | 3G | F. Knaus |
363-1047-00L | Urban Systems and Transportation | W | 3 KP | 2G | M. Köthenbürger,
G. Loumeau |
101-0509-00L | Infrastructure Management 1: Process | W | 6 KP | 2G | B. T. Adey |
103-0347-01L | Landscape Planning and Environmental Systems (GIS Exercises) | W | 3 KP | 2U | A. Grêt-Regamey,
C. Brouillet,
N. Klein,
I. Nicholson Thomas |
103-0347-00L | Landscape Planning and Environmental Systems | W | 3 KP | 2V | A. Grêt-Regamey |
101-0427-01L | Public Transport Design and Operations | W | 6 KP | 4G | F. Corman |
103-0317-00L | Spatial Planning and Development Nur für Master-Studierende, ansonsten ist eine Spezialbewilligung des Dozierenden notwendig. | W | 3 KP | 2G | D. Kaufmann,
A. Kuitenbrouwer |
052-0707-00L | Urban Design III | W | 2 KP | 2V | H. Klumpner,
F. T. Salva Rocha Franco |
851-0252-08L | Evidence-Based Design: Methods and Tools for Evaluating Architectural Design Particularly suitable for students of D-ARCH. | W | 3 KP | 2S | C. Hölscher,
L. Aguilar Melgar,
M. Gath Morad,
L. Narvaez Zertuche,
C. Veddeler,
Noch nicht bekannt |
Mobilität und Energie |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
151-0216-00L | Wind Energy | W | 4 KP | 2V + 1U | N. Chokani |
227-0731-00L | Power Market I - Portfolio and Risk Management | W | 6 KP | 4G | D. Reichelt,
G. A. Koeppel |
363-1047-00L | Urban Systems and Transportation | W | 3 KP | 2G | M. Köthenbürger,
G. Loumeau |
151-0163-00L | Nuclear Energy Conversion | W | 4 KP | 2V + 1U | A. Manera |
151-1633-00L | Energy Conversion This course is intended for students outside of D-MAVT. | W | 4 KP | 3G | G. Sansavini,
S. A. Hosseini,
I. Karlin |
151-0567-00L | Engine Systems | W | 4 KP | 3G | C. Onder |
227-0122-00L | Introduction to Electric Power Transmission: System & Technology | W | 4 KP | 4G | C. Franck,
G. Hug |
Daten und Informationstechnologie |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
263-3210-00L | Deep Learning | W | 8 KP | 3V + 2U + 2A | T. Hofmann |
252-1414-00L | System Security | W | 7 KP | 2V + 2U + 2A | S. Capkun,
S. Shinde |
263-4640-00L | Network Security | W | 8 KP | 2V + 2U + 3A | P. De Vaere,
S. Frei,
K. Paterson,
A. Perrig |
252-0535-00L | Advanced Machine Learning | W | 10 KP | 3V + 2U + 4A | J. M. Buhmann,
C. Cotrini Jimenez |
263-2400-00L | Reliable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence | W | 6 KP | 2V + 2U + 1A | M. Vechev |
263-3845-00L | Data Management Systems | W | 8 KP | 3V + 1U + 3A | G. Alonso |
263-5902-00L | Computer Vision | W | 8 KP | 3V + 1U + 3A | M. Pollefeys,
S. Tang |
252-3005-00L | Natural Language Processing | W | 7 KP | 3V + 3U + 1A | R. Cotterell |
263-5057-00L | From Publication to the Doctor's Office The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar. | W | 3 KP | 2S + 1A | O. Demler |
Gesundheitswissenschaften und -technologie |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
376-0021-00L | Materials and Mechanics in Medicine | W | 4 KP | 3G | M. Zenobi-Wong,
J. G. Snedeker |
376-1103-00L | Frontiers in Nanotechnology | W | 4 KP | 4V | V. Vogel,
weitere Dozierende |
376-1714-00L | Biocompatible Materials | W | 4 KP | 3V | K. Maniura,
M. Rottmar,
M. Zenobi-Wong |
376-0300-00L | Essentials in Translational Science | W | 3 KP | 2G | J. Goldhahn,
N. K. Brasier,
D. Schaffarczyk |
752-6105-00L | Epidemiology and Prevention | W | 3 KP | 2V | M. Puhan,
R. Heusser |
752-6151-00L | Public Health Concepts | W | 3 KP | 2V | R. Heusser |
636-0109-00L | Stem Cells: Biology and Therapeutic Manipulation | W | 4 KP | 3G | T. Schroeder |
376-0225-00L | Critical Appraisal of Evidence for Exercise in Health and Disease | W | 3 KP | 2V | E. Giannouli,
E. de Bruin,
R. Knols |
Umwelt und Ressourcen |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
103-0347-00L | Landscape Planning and Environmental Systems | W | 3 KP | 2V | A. Grêt-Regamey |
651-4057-00L | Climate History and Palaeoclimatology | W | 4 KP | 2G | H. Stoll,
I. Hernández Almeida |
701-1677-00L | Quantitative Vegetation Dynamics: Models from Tree to Globe | W | 3 KP | 3G | H. Lischke,
U. Hiltner,
B. Rohner |
701-1346-00L | Climate Change Mitigation: Carbon Dioxide Removal | W | 3 KP | 2G | N. Gruber,
C. Brunner |
103-0347-01L | Landscape Planning and Environmental Systems (GIS Exercises) | W | 3 KP | 2U | A. Grêt-Regamey,
C. Brouillet,
N. Klein,
I. Nicholson Thomas |
701-1257-00L | European Climate Change | W | 3 KP | 2G | E. Fischer,
J. Rajczak,
S. C. Scherrer |
751-5201-10L | Tropical Cropping Systems, Soils and Livelihoods (with Excursion) IMPORTANT: Students who enroll for this course are strongly recommended to verify with lecturers from other courses whether their absence of two weeks may affect their performance in the respective courses. | W | 5 KP | 10G | J. Six,
K. Benabderrazik |
651-4037-00L | Mineral Resources I Möglich als Wahlfach für Bachelor. Studierende mit Interesse für Modul "Mineral Resources" im nachfolgenden Master sollten die Kurse Mineral Resources I und II besser im ersten MSc Jahr belegen. | W | 3 KP | 2G | C. Chelle-Michou,
L. Tavazzani |
Fallstudien |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
860-0011-00L | Complex Social Systems: Modeling Agents, Learning, and Games - With Coding Project Prerequisites: Good mathematical skills, basic programming skills, elementary probability and statistics. | W | 6 KP | 2S + 2A | D. N. Dailisan,
D. Helbing,
D. Carpentras |
101-0417-00L | Transport Planning Methods | W | 6 KP | 4G | E. Heinen |
860-0040-00L | Case Study Research Paper in Science, Technology and Policy 1 | W | 3 KP | 6A | Dozent/innen |
860-0040-01L | Case Study Research Paper in Science, Technology and Policy 2 | W | 3 KP | 6A | Dozent/innen |
851-0760-00L | Building a Robot Judge: Data Science for Decision-Making Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MTEC. | W | 3 KP | 2V | E. Ash |
701-1563-00L | Climate Policy | W | 6 KP | 4G | A. Patt,
S. Hanger-Kopp |
063-0859-24L | Subject Semester HS24 (Fachsemester) in the Field of History and Theory of Urban Design (Avermaete) Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. A student can only register once for a "Fachsemester" during the Master studies!
The application deadline for this "Fachsemester" 4.9.2024, 8 p.m. You will receive a message about acceptance or rejection for the subject semester by 5.9.2024, 2 p.m. at the latest. Students who have been rejected have the opportunity to choose a design class (enrollment ends on 5.9.2024, at 6 p.m.).“ | W | 14 KP | 29A | T. Avermaete |
Wahlfächer |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
351-0778-01L | Discovering Management (Pitch) Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. Complementary exercises for the module Discovering Managment.
Prerequisite: Participation and successful completion of the module Discovering Management (351-0778-00L) is mandatory. | W | 1 KP | 1U | B. Clarysse |
851-0609-06L | Governing the Energy Transition Primarily suited for Master and PhD level. | W | 2 KP | 2V | T. Schmidt,
L. P. Fesenfeld |
857-0027-00L | International Organizations (Field Trip) | W | 2 KP | 1S | V. Koubi |
860-0023-00L | International Environmental Politics Besonders geeignet für Studierende D-ITET, D-USYS. | W | 3 KP | 2V | T. Bernauer |
701-1631-00L | Foundations of Ecosystem Management | W | 5 KP | 3G | J. Ghazoul,
A. Giger Dray |
851-0467-00L | From Traffic Modeling to Smart Cities and Digital Democracies | W | 3 KP | 2S | D. Helbing,
R. K. Dubey |
851-0585-41L | Computational Social Science | W | 3 KP | 2S | D. Helbing,
C. I. Hausladen,
J. C.‑Y. Yang |
363-0537-00L | Resource and Environmental Economics | W | 3 KP | 2G | A. Miftakhova,
A. Minabutdinov |
052-0707-00L | Urban Design III | W | 2 KP | 2V | H. Klumpner,
F. T. Salva Rocha Franco |
851-0101-86L | Complex Social Systems: Modeling Agents, Learning, and Games Prerequisites: Basic programming skills, elementary probability and statistics. | W | 3 KP | 2S | D. N. Dailisan,
D. Carpentras,
D. Helbing |
851-0732-06L | Law & Tech | W | 3 KP | 2S | A. Stremitzer,
J. Merane |
151-8101-00L | International Engineering: from Hubris to Hope | W | 4 KP | 3G | E. Tilley,
J. Freihardt,
C. Walder |
851-0760-00L | Building a Robot Judge: Data Science for Decision-Making Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MTEC. | W | 3 KP | 2V | E. Ash |
851-0685-00L | Data and Society | W | 3 KP | 2V | M. Leese |
860-0001-01L | Public Institutions and Policy-Making Processes; Research Paper Prerequisite: you have to be enrolled in 860-0001-00L during the same semester. | W | 3 KP | 3A | T. Bernauer,
S. Bechtold,
F. Schimmelfennig |
Die Leistungen können in der Kategorie "Wahlfächer" angerechnet werden. |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
860-0600-00L | Internship - Short The internship can be started the earliest in the second semester. The internship needs to be approved by the study director. Therefore students need to hand in a short description to the study secretary before they start the internship. | W | 6 KP | | externe Veranstalter |
860-0700-00L | Internship - Long The internship can be started the earliest in the second semester. The internship needs to be approved by the study director. Therefore students need to hand in a short description to the study secretary before they start the internship. | W | 12 KP | | externe Veranstalter |
Master-Arbeit |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
860-0900-00L | Master's Thesis Only students who fulfill the following criteria are allowed to begin with their master thesis: a. successful completion of the bachelor programme; b. fulfilling of any additional requirements necessary to gain admission to the master programme. | O | 30 KP | 64D | Dozent/innen |