Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2024

High-Energy Physics (Joint Master with IP Paris) Information
Core Subjects
Core Courses in Theoretical Physics
402-0843-00LQuantum Field Theory I
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY551 directly at UZH.
W10 credits4V + 2UL. Senatore
Core Courses in Experimental Physics
402-0891-00LPhenomenology of Particle Physics IW10 credits3V + 2UP. Crivelli, A. de Cosa
Optional Subjects in Physics
402-0220-MSLExtended Research Project Restricted registration - show details
This course unit can only be booked together with a research project (402-0218-MS). This extension is not available for the options Proseminars, Particle Physics at PSI, Medical Physics and Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics. The extension is only possible with the agreement of the supervising professor. The extension must be booked at the same time as the research project.
W4 credits8ASupervisors
402-0457-00LQuantum Technologies for Searches of New Physics
Does not take place this semester.
W6 credits2V + 1UP. Crivelli
402-0713-00LAstro-Particle Physics I Information W6 credits2V + 1UA. Biland
402-0715-00LLow Energy Particle PhysicsW6 credits2V + 1UA. S. Antognini, D. Ries
402-0725-00LExperimental Methods and Instruments of Particle PhysicsW6 credits3V + 1UM. Backhaus, D. Sgalaberna
402-0767-00LNeutrino PhysicsW6 credits2V + 1UA. Rubbia, D. Sgalaberna
402-0777-00LParticle Accelerator Physics and Modeling IW6 credits2V + 1UA. Adelmann
402-0836-16LQuantum Simulations of Gauge Theories
Does not take place this semester.
W6 credits2V + 1UM. Krstic Marinkovic
402-0830-00LGeneral Relativity Information W10 credits4V + 2UR. Renner
402-0845-61LEffective Field Theories for Particle Physics
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY578 directly at UZH.
W6 credits2V + 1UA. Signer
402-0851-00LQCD: Theory and Experiment Information
Does not take place this semester.
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY561 directly at UZH.
W3 credits3GA. Gehrmann-De Ridder, R. Wallny
402-0870-00LIntroduction to Quantum ElectrodynamicsW6 credits2V + 1UA. Lazopoulos
402-0883-63LSymmetries in PhysicsW6 credits3GG. M. Graf
402-0886-00LQCD and Scattering Amplitudes Information
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY564 directly at UZH.
W6 credits2V + 1UA. Gehrmann-De Ridder
402-0897-00LIntroduction to String TheoryW6 credits2V + 1UJ. Brödel
Optional Subjects in Mathematics
401-3531-00LDifferential Geometry I Information
At most one of the three course units (Bachelor Core Courses)
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I
401-3601-00L Probability Theory
can be recognised for the Master's degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. In this case, you cannot change the category assignment by yourself in myStudies but must take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
W9 credits4V + 1UU. Lang
401-3461-00LFunctional Analysis I Information
At most one of the three course units (Bachelor Core Courses)
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I
401-3601-00L Probability Theory
can be recognised for the Master's degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. In this case, you cannot change the category assignment by yourself in myStudies but must take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
W9 credits4V + 1UM. Burger
Proseminars and Semester Papers
402-0218-MSLResearch Project Restricted registration - show details W8 credits15ASupervisors
402-0219-MSLResearch Project II Restricted registration - show details
To register, please contact the study administration at
W8 credits15ASupervisors
Science in Perspective
» see Science in Perspective: Language Courses ETH/UZH
» see Science in Perspective: Type A: Enhancement of Reflection Capability
» Recommended Science in Perspective (Type B) for D-PHYS
Master's Thesis
402-2000-00LScientific Works in Physics
Target audience:
Master students who cannot document to have received an adequate training in working scientifically.

Directive Link
O0 creditsD. Kienzler
462-0900-00LMaster's Thesis Restricted registration - show details O30 credits57DSupervisors