Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

Environmental Sciences Bachelor Information
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2011)
Basic Courses II
Examination Blocks
Examination Block 1
402-0063-00LPhysics IIO5 credits3V + 1UA. Vaterlaus
AbstractIntroduction to the "way of thinking" and the methodology in Physics, with the help of demonstration experiments. The Chapters treated are Electromagnetism, Refraction and Diffraction of Waves, Elements of Quantum Mechanics with applications to Spectroscopy, Thermodynamics, Phase Transitions, Transport Phenomena. Whenever possible, examples relevant to the students' main field of study are given.
Learning objectiveIntroduction to the scientific methodology. The student should develop his/her capability to turn physical observations into mathematical models, and to solve the latter.
ContentElektromagnetismus, Elektromagnetische Wellen, Wellenoptik, Strahlenoptik, Quantenoptik, Quantenmechanik, Thermische Eigenschaften, Transportphänomene, Wärmestrahlung
Lecture notesSkript wird verteilt.
LiteratureFriedhelm Kuypers
Physik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler
Band 2 Elektrizität, Optik, Wellen
Wiley-VCH, 2012
ISBN 3527411445, 9783527411443

Douglas C. Giancoli
3. erweiterte Auflage
Pearson Studium

Hans J. Paus
Physik in Experimenten und Beispielen
Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2002, 1068 S.

Paul A. Tipler
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1998, 1522 S., ca Fr. 120.-

David Halliday Robert Resnick Jearl Walker
Wiley-VCH, 2003, 1388 S., Fr. 87.- (bis 31.12.03)

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701-0245-00LIntroduction to Evolutionary BiologyO2 credits2VG. Velicer, S. Wielgoss
AbstractThis course introduces important questions about the evolutionary processes involved in the generation and maintenance of biological diversity across all domains of life and how evolutionary science investigates these questions.
Learning objectiveThis course introduces important questions about the evolutionary processes involved in the generation and maintenance of biological diversity across all domains of life and how evolutionary science investigates these questions. The topics covered range from different forms of selection, phylogenetic analysis, population genetics, life history theory, the evolution of sex, social evolution to human evolution. These topics are important for the understanding of a number of evolutionary problems in the basic and applied sciences.
ContentTopics likely to be covered in this course include research methods in evolutionary biology, adaptation, evolution of sex, evolutionary transitions, human evolution, infectious disease evolution, life history evolution, macroevolution, mechanisms of evolution, phylogenetic analysis, population dynamics, population genetics, social evolution, speciation and types of selection.
Evolutionary Analysis
Scott Freeman and Jon Herron
5th Edition, English.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe exam is based on lecture and textbook.
701-0255-00LBiochemistryO2 credits2VH.‑P. Kohler
AbstractBuilding on the biology courses in the 1st and 2nd semesters, this course covers basic biochemical knowledge in the areas of enzymology and metabolism. Those completing the course are able to describe and understand fundamental cellular metabolic processes.
Learning objectiveStudents are able to understand
- the structure and function of biological macromolecules
- the kinetic bases of enzyme reactions
- thermodynamic and mechanistic basics of relevant metabolic processes
Students are able to describe the relevant metabolic reactions in detail

Introduction, basics, composition of cells, biochemical units, repetition of relevant organic chemistry
Structure and function of proteins
Lipids an biological membranes
Enzymes and enzyme kinetics
Catalytic strategies
Metabolism: Basic concepts and design. Repetition of basic thermodynamics
Glycolysis, fermentation
The citric acid cycle
Oxidative phosphorylation
Fatty acid metabolism
Lecture notesHorton et al. (Pearson) serves as lecture notes.
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic knowledge in biology and chemistry is a precondition.
752-4001-00LMicrobiology Information O2 credits2VM. Schuppler, S. Schlegel, J. Vorholt-Zambelli
AbstractTeaching of basic knowledge in microbiology with main focus on Microbial Cell Structure and Function, Molecular Genetics, Microbial Growth, Metabolic Diversity, Phylogeny and Taxonomy, Prokaryotic Diversity, Human-Microbe Interactions, Biotechnology.
Learning objectiveTeaching of basic knowledge in microbiology.
ContentDer Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Themen: Bakterielle Zellbiologie, Molekulare Genetik, Wachstumsphysiologie, Biochemische Diversität, Phylogenie und Taxonomie, Prokaryotische Vielfalt, Interaktion zwischen Menschen und Mikroorganismen sowie Biotechnologie.
Lecture notesWird von den jeweiligen Dozenten ausgegeben.
LiteratureDie Behandlung der Themen erfolgt auf der Basis des Lehrbuchs Brock, Biology of Microorganisms
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