Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

High-Energy Physics (Joint Master with EP Paris) Information
Core Subjects
Core Courses in Theoretical Physics
402-0843-00LQuantum Field Theory IW10 credits4V + 2UA. Gehrmann-De Ridder
AbstractThis course discusses the quantisation of fields in order to introduce a coherent formalism for the combination of quantum mechanics and special relativity.
Topics include:
- Relativistic quantum mechanics
- Quantisation of bosonic and fermionic fields
- Interactions in perturbation theory
- Scattering processes and decays
- Elementary processes in QED
- Radiative corrections
Learning objectiveThe goal of this course is to provide a solid introduction to the formalism, the techniques, and important physical applications of quantum field theory. Furthermore it prepares students for the advanced course in quantum field theory (Quantum Field Theory II), and for work on research projects in theoretical physics, particle physics, and condensed-matter physics.
Literatureas provided in the entity Lernmaterialien
Core Courses in Experimental Physics
402-0891-00LPhenomenology of Particle Physics IW10 credits3V + 2UA. Rubbia, P. Crivelli
AbstractTopics to be covered in Phenomenology of Particle Physics I:
Relativistic kinematics
Decay rates and cross sections
The Dirac equation
From the S-matrix to the Feynman rules of QED
Scattering processes in QED
Experimental tests of QED
Hadron spectroscopy
Unitary symmetries and QCD
QCD and alpha_s running
QCD in e^+e^- annihilation
Experimental tests of QCD in e^+e^- annihilation
Learning objectiveIntroduction to modern particle physics
ContentTopics to be covered in Phenomenology of Particle Physics I:
Relativistic kinematics
Decay rates and cross sections
The Dirac equation
From the S-matrix to the Feynman rules of QED
Scattering processes in QED
Experimental tests of QED
Hadron spectroscopy
Unitary symmetries and QCD
QCD and alpha_s running
QCD in e^+e^- annihilation
Experimental tests of QCD in e^+e^- annihilation
LiteratureAs described in the entity: Lernmaterialien
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