Suchergebnis: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2019

Informatik Master Information
Vertiefung General Studies
Wahlfächer der Vertiefung General Studies
252-0286-00LSystem Construction Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 30.
W5 KP2V + 1U + 1A
252-0286-00 VSystem Construction
No lecture in the first semester week. Course will start in the second week of the semester.
2 Std.
Mi13:15-15:00CAB H 52 »
F. Friedrich Wicker
252-0286-00 USystem Construction
No exercise session in the first semester week. Exercise session will start in the second week of the semester.
1 Std.
Mi15:15-16:00CAB H 52 »
16:15-17:00CAB H 52 »
30.10.15:15-16:00CHN E 42 »
16:15-17:00CHN E 42 »
20.11.15:15-17:00CHN E 42 »
11.12.15:15-17:00CHN E 42 »
17:15-18:00CHN E 42 »
F. Friedrich Wicker
252-0286-00 ASystem Construction1 Std.F. Friedrich Wicker
252-0543-01LComputer Graphics Information W7 KP3V + 2U + 1A
252-0543-01 VComputer Graphics3 Std.
Mo13:15-14:00HG D 7.2 »
Fr10:15-12:00HG E 1.1 »
M. Gross, M. Papas
252-0543-01 UComputer Graphics2 Std.
Fr13:15-15:00HG D 1.1 »
M. Gross, M. Papas
252-0543-01 AComputer Graphics1 Std.M. Gross, M. Papas
252-0546-00LPhysically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics Information W5 KP2V + 1U + 1A
252-0546-00 VPhysically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics2 Std.
Mi09:15-11:00CHN E 42 »
V. da Costa de Azevedo, B. Solenthaler
252-0546-00 UPhysically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics1 Std.
Mi11:15-12:00CHN E 42 »
V. da Costa de Azevedo, B. Solenthaler
252-0546-00 APhysically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics1 Std.V. da Costa de Azevedo, B. Solenthaler
252-0811-00LApplied Security Laboratory Information
In the Master Programme max. 10 credits can be accounted by Labs on top of the Interfocus Courses. Additional Labs will be listed on the Addendum.
252-0811-00 PApplied Security Laboratory7 Std.
Do09:15-12:00CAB E 87.1 »
D. Basin
252-0817-00LDistributed Systems Laboratory
Im Masterstudium können zusätzlich zu den Vertiefungsübergreifenden Fächern nur max. 10 Kreditpunkte über Laboratorien erarbeitet werden. Diese Labs gelten nur für das Masterstudium. Weitere Laboratorien werden auf dem Beiblatt aufgeführt.
W10 KP9P
252-0817-00 PDistributed Systems Laboratory
Lab projects are typically carried out in groups of two or three students.
9 Std.n. V.G. Alonso, F. Mattern, T. Roscoe, A. Singla, R. Wattenhofer, C. Zhang
252-1407-00LAlgorithmic Game Theory Information W7 KP3V + 2U + 1A
252-1407-00 VAlgorithmic Game Theory3 Std.
Fr13:15-16:00CAB G 51 »
P. Penna
252-1407-00 UAlgorithmic Game Theory2 Std.
Di10:15-12:00CAB G 56 »
10:15-12:00CAB G 57 »
17:15-19:00CAB G 59 »
P. Penna
252-1407-00 AAlgorithmic Game Theory
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
1 Std.P. Penna
252-1411-00LSecurity of Wireless Networks Information W5 KP2V + 1U + 1A
252-1411-00 VSecurity of Wireless Networks2 Std.
Di13:15-15:00ML F 34 »
S. Capkun, K. Kostiainen
252-1411-00 USecurity of Wireless Networks1 Std.
Fr/2w13:15-15:00CAB E 87.2 »
S. Capkun, K. Kostiainen
252-1411-00 ASecurity of Wireless Networks
includes a semester long project
1 Std.S. Capkun, K. Kostiainen
252-1425-00LGeometry: Combinatorics and Algorithms Information W6 KP2V + 2U + 1A
252-1425-00 VGeometry: Combinatorics and Algorithms2 Std.
Do13:15-15:00CAB G 51 »
B. Gärtner, M. Hoffmann, M. Wettstein
252-1425-00 UGeometry: Combinatorics and Algorithms2 Std.
Do15:15-17:00ML H 41.1 »
28.11.17:15-19:00ML H 41.1 »
B. Gärtner, M. Hoffmann, M. Wettstein
252-1425-00 AGeometry: Combinatorics and Algorithms
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
1 Std.B. Gärtner, M. Hoffmann, M. Wettstein
263-2210-00LComputer Architecture Information W8 KP6G + 1A
263-2210-00 GComputer Architecture6 Std.
Do12:15-15:00HG D 16.2 »
Fr13:15-16:00HG D 16.2 »
22.11.13:15-16:00CAB G 11 »
O. Mutlu
263-2210-00 AComputer Architecture1 Std.O. Mutlu
263-2400-00LReliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence Information W5 KP2V + 1U + 1A
263-2400-00 VReliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence2 Std.
Mi15:15-17:00HG G 3 »
M. Vechev
263-2400-00 UReliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence
No exercise session in the first semester week. Exercise session will start in the second week of the semester.
1 Std.
Mo13:15-14:00LFW C 4 »
Mi11:15-12:00CAB G 59 »
M. Vechev
263-2400-00 AReliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence1 Std.M. Vechev
263-3210-00LDeep Learning Information W5 KP2V + 1U + 1A
263-3210-00 VDeep Learning
Vorlesung im HG F7 mit Videoübertragung im HG F5.
2 Std.
Do15:15-17:00HG F 5 »
15:15-17:00HG F 7 »
T. Hofmann
263-3210-00 UDeep Learning1 Std.
Mo15:15-16:00CAB G 11 »
Do17:15-18:00CAB G 11 »
T. Hofmann
263-3210-00 ADeep Learning1 Std.T. Hofmann
263-3850-00LInformal Methods Information W4 KP2G + 1A
263-3850-00 GInformal Methods2 Std.
Do10:15-12:00CAB G 59 »
D. Cock
263-3850-00 AInformal Methods1 Std.D. Cock
263-4500-00LAdvanced Algorithms Information W6 KP2V + 2U + 1A
263-4500-00 VAdvanced Algorithms2 Std.
Di10:15-12:00CAB G 61 »
06.12.16:15-18:00CAB G 51 »
M. Ghaffari, A. Krause
263-4500-00 UAdvanced Algorithms2 Std.
Fr10:15-12:00CAB G 59 »
M. Ghaffari, A. Krause
263-4500-00 AAdvanced Algorithms1 Std.M. Ghaffari, A. Krause
263-5210-00LProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W5 KP2V + 1U + 1A
263-5210-00 VProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence
Vorlesung im HG E 7 mit Videoübertragung im HG E 3.
2 Std.
Fr10:15-12:00HG E 3 »
10:15-12:00HG E 7 »
A. Krause
263-5210-00 UProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence1 Std.
Fr13:15-14:00CHN C 14 »
14:15-15:00CHN C 14 »
15:15-16:00CHN C 14 »
A. Krause
263-5210-00 AProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence1 Std.A. Krause
263-5701-00LVisualization Information W5 KP2V + 1U + 1A
263-5701-00 VVisualization2 Std.
Mo10:15-12:00CAB G 51 »
T. Günther
263-5701-00 UVisualization1 Std.
Mo12:15-13:00CAB G 51 »
T. Günther
263-5701-00 AVisualization1 Std.T. Günther
263-5905-00LMixed Reality Laboratory Information
Im Masterstudium können zusätzlich zu den Vertiefungsübergreifenden Fächern nur max. 10 Kreditpunkte über Laboratorien erarbeitet werden. Weitere Laboratorien werden auf dem Beiblatt aufgeführt.
W10 KP9P
263-5905-00 PMixed Reality Laboratory9 Std.
Di15:15-18:00LFW C 5 »
12.11.15:15-18:00HG E 23 »
F. Bogo, M. R. Oswald
261-5100-00LComputational Biomedicine Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 60.
W5 KP2V + 1U + 1A
261-5100-00 VComputational Biomedicine2 Std.
Di10:15-12:00LEE E 101 »
G. Rätsch, V. Boeva, N. Davidson
261-5100-00 UComputational Biomedicine1 Std.
Di13:15-14:00CAB G 56 »
G. Rätsch, V. Boeva, N. Davidson
261-5100-00 AComputational Biomedicine1 Std.G. Rätsch, V. Boeva, N. Davidson
227-0575-00LAdvanced Topics in Communication Networks (Autumn 2019) Information W6 KP2V + 2U
227-0575-00 VAdvanced Topics in Communication Networks (Autumn 2019)2 Std.
Di13:15-15:00ML H 44 »
L. Vanbever
227-0575-00 UAdvanced Topics in Communication Networks (Autumn 2019)2 Std.
Di15:15-17:00ML H 44 »
L. Vanbever
401-3055-64LAlgebraic Methods in Combinatorics Information W6 KP2V + 1U
401-3055-64 VAlgebraic Methods in Combinatorics2 Std.
Mi10:15-12:00HG E 1.1 »
B. Sudakov
401-3055-64 UAlgebraic Methods in Combinatorics
Gruppeneinteilung erfolgt über myStudies.
1 Std.
Mo15:15-16:00HG D 1.1 »
15:15-16:00LFW C 5 »
B. Sudakov
401-3901-00LMathematical Optimization Information W11 KP4V + 2U
401-3901-00 VMathematical Optimization
The class on 19 December 2019 will take place in HG E 1.1.
4 Std.
Mo13:15-15:00HG E 1.1 »
Do10:15-12:00HG G 5 »
19.12.10:15-12:00HG E 1.1 »
R. Zenklusen
401-3901-00 UMathematical Optimization
Gruppeneinteilung erfolgt über myStudies.
Thu 13-15 or Fri 10-12 or Fr 12-14 or Fri 14-16 (depending on demand)
2 Std.
Do13:15-15:00HG F 26.5 »
Fr10:15-12:00CAB G 51 »
12:15-14:00HG E 1.2 »
14:15-16:00HG G 26.1 »
R. Zenklusen
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