Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2019

Computational Science and Engineering Bachelor Information
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2018)
First Year Compulsory Courses
First Year Examination Block 1
401-0151-00LLinear Algebra Information Restricted registration - show details O5 credits3V + 2U
401-0151-00 VLineare Algebra
Vorlesung im HG F 1 mit Videoübertragung im HG F 3.
jeweils bis 12:45
3 hrs
Fri10:15-13:00HG F 1 »
10:15-13:00HG F 3 »
V. C. Gradinaru
401-0151-00 ULineare Algebra
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Mo 10-12 für Studiengang Materialwissenschaft.
Di 15-17 oder Do 15-17 für Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie gemäss Gruppeneinteilung.
Do 10-12 für Studiengang Rechnergestützte Wissenschaften.
Übungen in den einzelnen Übungsgruppen beginnen in der zweiten Semesterwoche.

Zusätzlich zu den Übungen wird ein Study Center angeboten:
(ab der zweiten Semesterwoche, gemäss )
2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00CAB G 52 »
10:15-12:00CHN E 46 »
10:15-12:00NO C 44 »
Tue15:15-17:00CAB G 61 »
15:15-17:00CLA E 4 »
15:15-17:00IFW A 36 »
15:15-17:00ML F 40 »
15:15-17:00NO D 11 »
15:15-17:00RZ F 21 »
Thu10:15-12:00HG E 22 »
10:15-12:00HG F 26.5 »
15:15-17:00CHN D 42 »
15:15-17:00CHN D 44 »
15:15-17:00ETZ E 8 »
15:15-17:00LEE D 101 »
15:15-17:00ML F 34 »
15.10.15:15-17:00HG E 23 »
V. C. Gradinaru
252-0025-01LDiscrete Mathematics Information O7 credits4V + 2U
252-0025-00 VDiskrete Mathematik
Mo 13-15 im HG E7 mit Videoübertragung im HG E5
Mi 13-15 im HG F7 mit Videoübertragung im HG F5
4 hrs
Mon13:15-15:00HG E 5 »
13:15-15:00HG E 7 »
Wed13:15-15:00HG F 5 »
13:15-15:00HG F 7 »
U. Maurer
252-0025-00 UDiskrete Mathematik
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Keine Übungsstunden in der ersten Semesterwoche.
2 hrs
Mon15:15-17:00CAB G 56 »
15:15-17:00CAB G 57 »
15:15-17:00CAB G 59 »
15:15-17:00CHN D 44 »
15:15-17:00CHN D 46 »
15:15-17:00CHN D 48 »
15:15-17:00CHN E 46 »
15:15-17:00ETZ F 91 »
15:15-17:00ETZ G 91 »
15:15-17:00HG D 5.1 »
15:15-17:00HG E 21 »
15:15-17:00LFW E 13 »
Tue15:15-17:00CAB G 57 »
15:15-17:00CHN D 42 »
15:15-17:00CHN D 46 »
15:15-17:00CHN G 22 »
15:15-17:00ETZ E 6 »
15:15-17:00ETZ E 7 »
15:15-17:00ETZ E 9 »
15:15-17:00ETZ F 91 »
15:15-17:00ETZ H 91 »
15:15-17:00ETZ J 91 »
15:15-17:00LFW C 1 »
15:15-17:00LFW E 13 »
12.11.15:15-17:00CAB G 52 »
U. Maurer
252-0856-00LComputer Science Information O4 credits2V + 2U
252-0856-00 VInformatik2 hrs
Mon08:15-10:00CAB G 61 »
18.09.10:15-12:00CAB G 11 »
F. Friedrich Wicker, M. Schwerhoff
252-0856-00 UInformatik
Übungen finden ab der zweiten Semesterwoche statt.
2 hrs
Tue12:45-14:30HCI F 8 »
12:45-14:30HIT K 52 »
Wed10:15-12:00CAB G 56 »
10:15-12:00LFW B 3 »
Thu17:15-19:00CHN D 48 »
F. Friedrich Wicker, M. Schwerhoff
First Year Examination Block 2
401-0231-10LAnalysis 1 Information Restricted registration - show details
Students in BSc EEIT may instead register for 401-1261-07L Analysis I (for BSc Mathematics, BSc Physics and BSc Interdisciplinary Science (Phys Chem)) and take the performance assessment of the corresponding two-semester course. Students in BSc EEIT who wish to register for 401-1261-07L/401-1262-07L Analysis I/II instead of 401-0231-10L/401-0232-10L Analysis 1/2 must get in touch with the Study Administration before the registration.
O8 credits4V + 3U
401-0231-10 VAnalysis 1 (für EEIT und RW)4 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00HG F 1 »
Thu08:15-10:00HG F 1 »
P. Feller
401-0231-10 UAnalysis 1 (für EEIT und RW)
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Mo 10-12 für Studiengang Rechnergestützte Wissenschaften.
Mo 13-15 oder Mo 15-17 gemäss Gruppeneinteilung für Studiengänge Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie bzw. Interdisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften.
Schnellübungen Fr 8-10 (14-täglich).

Zusätzlich zu den Übungen wird ein Study Center angeboten:
- Di 17-19 im CHN G 42
- Fr 17-19 im HG G 1
jeweils ab der zweiten Semesterwoche.
3 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00CAB G 56 »
10:15-12:00LFW C 4 »
13:15-15:00ETZ F 91 »
13:15-15:00ETZ J 91 »
13:15-15:00HG D 3.1 »
13:15-15:00IFW A 36 »
13:15-15:00LEE C 114 »
13:15-15:00LFV E 41 »
15:15-17:00ETZ J 91 »
15:15-17:00HG D 3.1 »
15:15-17:00IFW A 36 »
15:15-17:00LEE C 114 »
15:15-17:00LFV E 41 »
15:15-17:00ML J 37.1 »
Fri/2w08:15-10:00HG D 3.2 »
08:15-10:00HG E 1.1 »
08:15-10:00HG E 21 »
08:15-10:00HG G 1 »
08:15-10:00HG G 26.5 »
08:15-10:00LFV E 41 »
08:15-10:00NO C 44 »
P. Feller
402-0043-00LPhysics IO4 credits3V + 1U
402-0043-00 VPhysik I3 hrs
Tue14:45-15:30HPH G 3 »
Thu14:45-16:30HPH G 3 »
S. P. Quanz
402-0043-00 UPhysik I
Di 16-17 für Studiengänge Rechnergestützte Wissenschaften sowie Raumbezogene Ingenieurwissenschaften.
Mi 9-10 (oder Di 16-17 als Ausweichtermin) für Studiengänge Chemie bzw. Chemieingenieurwissenschaften sowie Interdisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften.
1 hrs
Tue15:45-16:30HCI D 8 »
15:45-16:30HCI E 2 »
15:45-16:30HCI E 8 »
15:45-16:30HIL F 10.3 »
15:45-16:30HIT F 11.1 »
Wed09:15-10:00CAB G 56 »
09:15-10:00HG E 21 »
09:15-10:00HG E 33.3 »
09:15-10:00HG E 33.5 »
09:15-10:00HG G 26.3 »
09:15-10:00ML H 41.1 »
09:15-10:00ML J 34.1 »
09:15-10:00ML J 34.3 »
S. P. Quanz
Basic Courses
Block G1
401-0353-00LAnalysis 3 Information O4 credits2V + 2U
401-0353-00 VAnalysis 32 hrs
Mon08:15-10:00HG G 3 »
M. Iacobelli
401-0353-00 UAnalysis 3
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Exercises start in the second week of the semester.
Es wird auch mindestens eine Übungsgruppe auf Deutsch angeboten.
2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00CAB G 56 »
10:15-12:00CLA E 4 »
10:15-12:00ETZ E 7 »
10:15-12:00ETZ G 91 »
10:15-12:00ETZ H 91 »
10:15-12:00LEE C 114 »
10:15-12:00LFV E 41 »
10:15-12:00LFW B 3 »
24.01.13:15-15:00HG G 26.1 »
M. Iacobelli
401-0647-00LIntroduction to Mathematical Optimization Information O5 credits2V + 1U
401-0647-00 VIntroduction to Mathematical Optimization2 hrs
Tue15:15-17:00HG F 5 »
D. Adjiashvili
401-0647-00 UIntroduction to Mathematical Optimization
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Wed 12-13 or Wed 15-16
1 hrs
Wed12:15-13:00HG D 1.1 »
15:15-16:00HG D 7.2 »
D. Adjiashvili
401-0663-00LNumerical Methods for CSEO8 credits4V + 2U + 1P
401-0663-00 VNumerical Methods for CSE
No lectures on 26 and 27 September and on 3 and 4 October 2019.
The cancelled lectures will be compensated as follows:
19 September 2019, 12-13
20 September 2019, 15-17
10 October 2019, 12-13
11 October 2019, 15-17
18 October 2019, 15-17
4 hrs
Thu10:15-12:00HG F 1 »
Fri13:15-15:00HG F 1 »
19.09.12:15-13:00HG F 1 »
20.09.15:15-17:00HG F 1 »
10.10.12:15-13:00HG F 1 »
11.10.15:15-17:00HG F 1 »
18.10.15:15-17:00HG F 1 »
R. Hiptmair
401-0663-00 UNumerical Methods for CSE
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Mon 10-12 or Mon 13-15 according to exercise group allocation.
In addition, a `Zentralpräsenz' will be offered (Mon 18-20 in HG E 41).
2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00CLA E 4 »
10:15-12:00LFW B 3 »
10:15-12:00LFW E 13 »
10:15-12:00ML H 41.1 »
10:15-12:00ML J 34.1 »
10:15-12:00ML J 34.3 »
13:15-15:00HG E 33.3 »
13:15-15:00LEE D 105 »
13:15-15:00LFW B 3 »
13:15-15:00LFW C 5 »
13:15-15:00ML F 40 »
R. Hiptmair
401-0663-00 PNumerical Methods for CSE
programming homework
1 hrsR. Hiptmair
Block G2
402-0811-00LProgramming Techniques for Scientific Simulations IO5 credits4G
402-0811-00 GProgramming Techniques for Scientific Simulations I4 hrs
Thu13:45-17:30HCI J 3 »
25.09.14:45-16:30HCI G 3 »
R. Käppeli
252-0061-00LSystems Programming and Computer Architecture Information O7 credits4V + 2U
252-0061-00 VSystems Programming and Computer Architecture4 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00HG E 7 »
Wed10:15-12:00NO C 60 »
T. Roscoe
252-0061-00 USystems Programming and Computer Architecture
Groups are selected in myStudies.
2 hrs
Wed13:15-15:00CHN D 42 »
13:15-15:00CHN G 22 »
13:15-15:00ETZ F 91 »
13:15-15:00ETZ G 91 »
13:15-15:00HG D 3.3 »
13:15-15:00LEE D 105 »
13:15-15:00ML H 34.3 »
T. Roscoe
Block G3
All course units within Block G3 are offered in the spring semester.
Block G4
All course units within Block G4 are offered in the spring semester.
Core Courses from Group I (Modules)
Module A
151-0107-20LHigh Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) IW4 credits4G
151-0107-20 GHigh Performance Computing for Science and Engineering (HPCSE) I
Lecture: 10-12h
Exercises: 8-10h

The lecture begins on Friday at 10-12 in the first week but the exercises begin on Friday at 8-10 in the second week of the Semester.
4 hrs
Fri08:15-10:00HG E 26.1 »
08:15-10:00HG E 26.3 »
08:15-10:00HG E 27 »
08:15-10:00ML H 44 »
10:15-12:00ML H 44 »
20.09.10:15-12:00ML H 44 »
P. Koumoutsakos
Module B
263-2800-00LDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing Information Restricted registration - show details W8 credits3V + 2U + 2A
263-2800-00 VDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing3 hrs
Mon13:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
M. Püschel, T. Ben Nun
263-2800-00 UDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing2 hrs
Thu13:15-15:00CHN C 14 »
M. Püschel, T. Ben Nun
263-2800-00 ADesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
2 hrsM. Püschel, T. Ben Nun
Core Courses from Group II
No offering in the Autumn Semester
Bachelor's Thesis
If you wish to have recognised 402-2000-00L Scientific Works in Physics instead of 401-2000-00L Scientific Works in Mathematics (as allowed for the CSE programme), take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having passed the performance assessment.
401-2000-00LScientific Works in Mathematics
Target audience:
Third year Bachelor students;
Master students who cannot document to have received an adequate training in working scientifically.
O0 credits
401-2000-00 VScientific Works in Mathematics
Groups are selected in myStudies.
This mandatory course is offered twice per semester.
Carry your ETH student card with you to prove your identity.
1s hrs
25.09.18:15-19:00HG E 1.2 »
11.12.18:15-19:00HG E 1.2 »
Ö. Imamoglu
401-2000-01LLunch Sessions – Thesis Basics for Mathematics Students
Details and registration for the optional MathBib training course:
Z0 credits
401-2000-01 GLunch Sessions – Thesis Basics für Mathematik-Studierende
7. -11. Oktober 2019 ab 12 Uhr
7.10. Basic 1: Starterkit, Ort: Mathematik-Bibliothek, HG G 7
8.10. Basic 2: Die mathematischen Datenbanken MathSciNet und zbMATH, Ort: Mathematik-Bibliothek, HG G 7
9.10. Basic 3: LaTeX-Grundlagen für Einsteiger, Ort: HG G 19.1
11.10. Basic 4: LaTeX-Workshop, Ort: HG G 19.1
3s hrsSpeakers
402-2000-00LScientific Works in Physics
Target audience:
Master students who cannot document to have received an adequate training in working scientifically.

Directive Link
W0 credits
402-2000-00 VScientific Works in Physics
The lecture will be performed twice: on 30 September 2019 und 2 December 2019 from 16:45-18:30.
2s hrs
30.09.16:45-18:30HPH G 2 »
02.12.16:45-18:30HPH G 2 »
C. Grab
401-3990-18LBachelor's Thesis Restricted registration - show details
Only for Computational Science and Engineering BSc, Programme Regulations 2018.

Successful participation in the course unit 401-2000-00L Scientific Works in Mathematics or 402-2000-00L Scientific Works in Physicsis is required.
For more information, see
O14 credits30D
401-3990-18 DBachelor-Arbeit (RW) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.420s hrsby appt.Supervisors
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2012 and 2016)
Basic Courses
Block G1 (Programme Regulations 2012 and 2016)
401-0353-00LAnalysis 3 Information O4 credits2V + 2U
401-0353-00 VAnalysis 32 hrs
Mon08:15-10:00HG G 3 »
M. Iacobelli
401-0353-00 UAnalysis 3
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Exercises start in the second week of the semester.
Es wird auch mindestens eine Übungsgruppe auf Deutsch angeboten.
2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00CAB G 56 »
10:15-12:00CLA E 4 »
10:15-12:00ETZ E 7 »
10:15-12:00ETZ G 91 »
10:15-12:00ETZ H 91 »
10:15-12:00LEE C 114 »
10:15-12:00LFV E 41 »
10:15-12:00LFW B 3 »
24.01.13:15-15:00HG G 26.1 »
M. Iacobelli
402-0811-00LProgramming Techniques for Scientific Simulations IO5 credits4G
402-0811-00 GProgramming Techniques for Scientific Simulations I4 hrs
Thu13:45-17:30HCI J 3 »
25.09.14:45-16:30HCI G 3 »
R. Käppeli
401-0663-00LNumerical Methods for CSEO8 credits4V + 2U + 1P
401-0663-00 VNumerical Methods for CSE
No lectures on 26 and 27 September and on 3 and 4 October 2019.
The cancelled lectures will be compensated as follows:
19 September 2019, 12-13
20 September 2019, 15-17
10 October 2019, 12-13
11 October 2019, 15-17
18 October 2019, 15-17
4 hrs
Thu10:15-12:00HG F 1 »
Fri13:15-15:00HG F 1 »
19.09.12:15-13:00HG F 1 »
20.09.15:15-17:00HG F 1 »
10.10.12:15-13:00HG F 1 »
11.10.15:15-17:00HG F 1 »
18.10.15:15-17:00HG F 1 »
R. Hiptmair
401-0663-00 UNumerical Methods for CSE
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Mon 10-12 or Mon 13-15 according to exercise group allocation.
In addition, a `Zentralpräsenz' will be offered (Mon 18-20 in HG E 41).
2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00CLA E 4 »
10:15-12:00LFW B 3 »
10:15-12:00LFW E 13 »
10:15-12:00ML H 41.1 »
10:15-12:00ML J 34.1 »
10:15-12:00ML J 34.3 »
13:15-15:00HG E 33.3 »
13:15-15:00LEE D 105 »
13:15-15:00LFW B 3 »
13:15-15:00LFW C 5 »
13:15-15:00ML F 40 »
R. Hiptmair
401-0663-00 PNumerical Methods for CSE
programming homework
1 hrsR. Hiptmair
Block G2 (Programme Regulations 2012 and 2016)
252-0834-00L Information Systems for Engineers will be offered in the Spring Semester.
401-0603-00LStochastics (Probability and Statistics) Information Restricted registration - show details O4 credits2V + 1U
401-0603-00 VStochastik2 hrs
Mon15:15-17:00HG E 7 »
C. Czichowsky
401-0603-00 UStochastik
Groups are selected in myStudies.
Mo 17-18 oder Di 12-13 gemäss Gruppeneinteilung (für Studiengang Materialwissenschaft geht nur Mo 17-18)
1 hrs
Mon17:15-18:00HG E 21 »
17:15-18:00HG E 33.1 »
17:15-18:00HG E 33.5 »
17:15-18:00HG G 26.5 »
17:15-18:00ML F 40 »
17:15-18:00ML J 34.1 »
Tue12:15-13:00HG E 21 »
12:15-13:00HG E 33.1 »
12:15-13:00HG F 26.5 »
12:15-13:00HG G 26.3 »
12:15-13:00ML F 36 »
C. Czichowsky
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