Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2021

Comparative and International Studies Master Information
860-0023-00LInternational Environmental Politics
Besonders geeignet für Studierende D-ITET, D-USYS
W3 KP2VT. Bernauer
KurzbeschreibungThis course focuses on the conditions under which problem solving efforts in international environmental politics emerge and the conditions under which such efforts and the respective public policies are effective.
LernzielThe objectives of this course are to (1) gain an overview of relevant questions in the area of international environmental politics from a social sciences viewpoint; (2) learn how to identify interesting/innovative questions concerning this policy area and how to answer them in a methodologically sophisticated way; (3) gain an overview of important global and regional environmental problems and how they could be solved.
InhaltThis course deals with how and why international problem solving efforts (cooperation) in environmental politics emerge, and under what circumstances such efforts are effective. Based on theories of international political economy and theories of government regulation various examples of international environmental politics are discussed: the management of international water resources, political responses to global warming, the protection of the stratospheric ozone layer, the reduction of long-range transboundary air pollution, protection of biodiversity, how to deal with plastic waste, the prevention of pollution of the oceans, etc.

The course is open to all ETH students. Participation does not require previous coursework in the social sciences.

After passing an end-of-semester test (requirement: grade 4.0 or higher) students will receive 3 ECTS credit points. The workload is around 90 hours (meetings, reading assignments, preparation of test).

Visiting students (e.g., from the University of Zurich) are subject to the same conditions. Registration of visiting students in the web-based system of ETH is compulsory.

This course will take place fully online. Course units have three components:

1. A pre-recorded lecture by Prof. Bernauer, available via Moodle, for all course units

2. Reading assignments, available via Moodle, for a few selected course units

3. Online meetings (via Zoom) for all course units on Mondays at 16:30 – 18:00, where we discuss your questions concerning the lecture and reading assignments and focus in greater depth on a particular facet of the respective course unit, on occasion with a guest (to be announced a few weeks ahead of the respective course unit).

You must watch the lecture and complete the reading assignment for the respective unit ahead of the online meeting. The online meeting will be recorded and made available via Moodle.

To facilitate your planning, the course is organized in terms of weekly units.
SkriptAssigned reading materials and slides will be available via Moodle.
LiteraturAssigned reading materials and slides will be available via Moodle.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis course will take place fully online. Course units have three components:

1. A pre-recorded lecture by Prof. Bernauer, available via Moodle, for all course units

2. Reading assignments, available via Moodle, for a few selected course units

3. Online meetings (via Zoom) for all course units on Mondays at 16:30 – 18:00, where we discuss your questions concerning the lecture and reading assignments and focus in greater depth on a particular facet of the respective course unit, on occasion with a guest (to be announced a few weeks ahead of the respective course unit).

You must watch the lecture and complete the reading assignment for the respective unit ahead of the online meeting. The online meeting will be recorded and made available via Moodle.

To facilitate your planning, the course is organized in terms of weekly units.
857-0027-00LInternational Organizations (Field Trip) Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Nur für Comparative and International Studies MSc.
W2 KP1SD. Hangartner
KurzbeschreibungA two-day field trip to international organizations in Geneva - e.g., the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
LernzielBecome familiar with the work and challenges of international organizations based in Geneva.
LiteraturKaren A. Mingst, Margaret P. Karns. The United Nations in the Twenty-First Century, Third Edition (Dilemmas in World Politics). Westview Press, 2007.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesTeams of 2-3 students prepare a 2-3 page background reading for the group on a specific international organization and lead the discussion with representatives of that organization during the visit.
851-0609-06LGoverning the Energy Transition Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Primarily suited for Master and PhD level.
W2 KP2VT. Schmidt, N. Schmid, S. Sewerin
KurzbeschreibungThis course addresses the role of policy and its underlying politics in the transformation of the energy sector. It covers historical, socio-economic, and political perspectives and applies various theoretical concepts to understand specific aspects of the governance of the energy transition.
Lernziel- To gain an overview of the history of the transition of large technical systems
- To recognize current challenges in the energy system to understand the theoretical frameworks and concepts for studying transitions
- To gain knowledge on the role of policy and politics in energy transitions
InhaltClimate change, access to energy and other societal challenges are directly linked to the way we use and create energy. Both the 2015 United Nations Paris climate change agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals make a fast and extensive transition of the energy system necessary.
This lecture introduces the social and environmental challenges involved in the energy sector and discusses the implications of these challenges for the rate and direction of technical change in the energy sector. It compares the current situation with historical socio-technical transitions and derives the consequences for policy-making. It introduces theoretical frameworks and concepts for studying innovation and transitions. It then focuses on the role of policy and policy change in governing the energy transition, considering the role of political actors, institutions and policy feedback.
The grade will be determined by a final exam.
SkriptSlides and reading material will be made available via (only for registered students).
LiteraturA reading list will be provided via at the beginning of the semester.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis course is particularly suited for students of the following programmes: MA Comparative International Studies; MSc Energy Science & Technology; MSc Environmental Sciences; MSc Management, Technology & Economics; MSc Science, Technology & Policy; ETH & UZH PhD programmes.
865-0064-00LDecolonizing Aid Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for MAS/CAS in Development and Cooperation students, as well as specialists with at least 24 months of practical experience in international cooperation.
Doctoral students dealing with empirical research in the area of development and cooperation (EZA) may be admitted "sur Dossier".

Registration only through the NADEL administration office.
W2 KP3GK. Schneider, L. Hensgen
KurzbeschreibungThe course is designed to increase awareness of how cultural perceptions and power structures have influenced society and our understanding of and practice in aid. It promotes alternatives to aid as linear and progressive Eurocentric narrative. The course draws on different theoretical perspectives and scrutinizes practical examples of aid interventions and similar initiatives.
LernzielThe course goes beyond awareness raising of personal cultural characteristics and recognizing cultural values within development concepts. It unfolds traces of colonialism and power structures in day to day live and the aid industry. It promotes searching and initiating alternatives to aid as a Eurocentric narrative. Participants get familiar with different theoretical perspectives on decoloniality and scrutinize practical examples of aid interventions and similar initiatives.
Inhalt- Decolonialism key terms and concepts
- Conceptions of and alternatives to development (cooperation)
- Cultural (self-​)awareness, diversity
- The role of culture in aid / development cooperation
- Implications of decolonialism for aid policy making and practice
865-0070-00LThe Private Sector and Development Organizations: Building Successful Alliances
Only for MAS/CAS in Development and Cooperation students, as well as specialists with at least 24 months of practical experience in international cooperation.
Doctoral students dealing with empirical research in the area of development and cooperation (EZA) may be admitted "sur Dossier".

Registration only through the NADEL administration office.
W1 KP2GF. Brugger
KurzbeschreibungThe following topics will be discussed: The political economy of the Corporate Social Responsibility discourse, voluntary governance regimes and development: theory of change and effectiveness of soft law approaches, PPPs: introducing concepts and taking stock of experience, analysis of private sector strategies from selected governance actors, engaging with the private sector.
LernzielThis course seeks to increase the participants' understanding of the multifaceted and dialectic relationships between civil society, governments and private sector. It equips participants with knowledge and tools required for a strategic interaction between private sector organizations and development agencies. The course enables participants to contribute effectively to policy debates on the role of private sector actors and development.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDer Besuch der Lehrveranstaltung ist an Voraussetzungen gebunden, die der Homepage des NADEL zu entnehmen sind.
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