Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2021

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2021)
Vertiefung in Verkehrssysteme und -verhalten
101-0427-01LPublic Transport Design and OperationsW6 KP4GF. Corman, F. Leutwiler
KurzbeschreibungThis course aims at analyzing, designing, improving public transport systems, as part of the overall transport system.
LernzielPublic transport is a key driver for making our cities more livable, clean and accessible, providing safe, and sustainable travel options for millions of people around the globe. Proper planning of public transport system also ensures that the system is competitive in terms of speed and cost. Public transport is a crucial asset, whose social, economic and environmental benefits extend beyond those who use it regularly; it reduces the amount of cars and road infrastructure in cities; reduces injuries and fatalities associated to car accidents, and gives transport accessibility to very large demographic groups.

Goal of the class is to understand the main characteristics and differences of public transport networks.
Their various performance criteria based on various perspective and stakeholders.
The most relevant decision making problems in a planning tactical and operational point of view
At the end of this course, students can critically analyze existing networks of public transport, their design and use; consider and substantiate possible improvements to existing networks of public transport and the management of those networks; optimize the use of resources in public transport.

General structure:
general introduction of transport, modes, technologies,
system design and line planning for different situations,
mathematical models for design and line planning
timetabling and tactical planning, and related mathematical approaches
operations, and quantitative support to operational problems,
evaluation of public transport systems.
InhaltBasics for line transport systems and networks
Passenger/Supply requirements for line operations
Objectives of system and network planning, from different perspectives and users, design dilemmas
Conceptual concepts for passenger transport: long-distance, urban transport, regional, local transport

Planning process, from demand evaluation to line planning to timetables to operations
Matching demand and modes
Line planning techniques
Timetabling principles

Allocation of resources
Management of operations
Measures of realized operations
Improvements of existing services
SkriptLecture slides are provided.
LiteraturCeder, Avi: Public Transit Planning and Operation, CRC Press, 2015, ISBN 978-1466563919 (English)

Holzapfel, Helmut: Urbanismus und Verkehr – Bausteine für Architekten, Stadt- und Verkehrsplaner, Vieweg+Teubner, Wiesbaden 2012, ISBN 978-3-8348-1950-5 (Deutsch)

Hull, Angela: Transport Matters – Integrated approaches to planning city-regions, Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group, London / New York 2011, ISBN 978-0-415-48818-4 (English)

Vuchic, Vukan R.: Urban Transit – Operations, Planning, and Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken / New Jersey 2005, ISBN 0-471-63265-1 (English)

Walker, Jarrett: Human Transit – How clearer thinking about public transit can enrich our communities and our lives, ISLAND PRESS, Washington / Covelo / London 2012, ISBN 978-1-59726-971-1 (English)

White, Peter: Public Transport - Its Planning, Management and Operation, 5th edition, Routledge, London / New York 2009, ISBN 978-0415445306 (English)
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Medien und digitale Technologiengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgeprüft
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgeprüft
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt gefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Integrität und Arbeitsethikgefördert
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
151-0227-00LBasics of Air Transport (Aviation I)W4 KP3GP. Wild
KurzbeschreibungIn general the course explains the main principles of air transport and elaborates on simple interdisciplinary topics.
Working on broad 14 different topics like aerodynamics, manufacturers, airport operations, business aviation, business models etc. the students get a good overview in air transportation.
The program is taught in English and we provide 11 different experts/lecturers.
LernzielThe goal is to understand and explain basics, principles and contexts of the broader air transport industry.
Further, we provide the tools for starting a career in the air transport industry. The knowledge may also be used for other modes of transport.
Ideal foundation for Aviation II - Management of Air Transport.
InhaltWeekly: 1h independent preparation; 2h lectures and 1 h training with an expert in the respective field

Concept: This course will be tought as Aviation I. A subsequent course - Aviation II - covers the "Management of Air Transport".

Content: Transport as part of the overall transportation scheme; Aerodynamics; Aircraft (A/C) Designs & Structures; A/C Operations; Aviation Law; Maintenance & Manufacturers; Airport Operations & Planning; Aviation Security; ATC & Airspace; Air Freight; General Aviation; Business Jet Operations; Business models within Airline Industry; Military Aviation.

Technical visit: This course includes a guided tour at Zurich Airport and Dubendorf Airfield (baggage sorting system, apron, Tower & Radar Simulator at Skyguide Dubendorf).
SkriptPreparation materials & slides are provided prior to each class
LiteraturLiterature will be provided by the lecturers, respectively there will be additional Information upon registration (normally available in Moodle)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe lecture is planned as class teaching with live-streaming and recordings.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Medien und digitale Technologiengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgeprüft
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt geprüft
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
101-0417-00LTransport Planning MethodsW6 KP4GK. W. Axhausen
KurzbeschreibungThe course provides the necessary knowledge to develop models supporting and also evaluating the solution of given planning problems.
The course is composed of a lecture part, providing the theoretical knowledge, and an applied part in which students develop their own models in order to evaluate a transport project/ policy by means of cost-benefit analysis.
Lernziel- Knowledge and understanding of statistical methods and algorithms commonly used in transport planning
- Comprehend the reasoning and capabilities of transport models
- Ability to independently develop a transport model able to solve / answer planning problem
- Getting familiar with cost-benefit analysis as a decision-making supporting tool
InhaltThe course provides the necessary knowledge to develop models supporting the solution of given planning problems and also introduces cost-benefit analysis as a decision-making tool. Examples of such planning problems are the estimation of traffic volumes, prediction of estimated utilization of new public transport lines, and evaluation of effects (e.g. change in emissions of a city) triggered by building new infrastructure and changes to operational regulations.

To cope with that, the problem is divided into sub-problems, which are solved using various statistical models (e.g. regression, discrete choice analysis) and algorithms (e.g. iterative proportional fitting, shortest path algorithms, method of successive averages).

The course is composed of a lecture part, providing the theoretical knowledge, and an applied part in which students develop their own models in order to evaluate a transport project/ policy by means of cost-benefit analysis. Interim lab session take place regularly to guide and support students with the applied part of the course.
SkriptMoodle platform (enrollment needed)
LiteraturWillumsen, P. and J. de D. Ortuzar (2003) Modelling Transport, Wiley, Chichester.

Cascetta, E. (2001) Transportation Systems Engineering: Theory and Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.

Sheffi, Y. (1985) Urban Transportation Networks: Equilibrium Analysis with Mathematical Programming Methods, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs.

Schnabel, W. and D. Lohse (1997) Verkehrsplanung, 2. edn., vol. 2 of Grundlagen der Strassenverkehrstechnik und der Verkehrsplanung, Verlag für Bauwesen, Berlin.

McCarthy, P.S. (2001) Transportation Economics: A case study approach, Blackwell, Oxford.
101-0437-00LTraffic EngineeringW6 KP4GA. Kouvelas
KurzbeschreibungFundamentals of traffic flow theory and control.
LernzielThe objective of this course is to fully understand the fundamentals of traffic flow theory in order to effectively manage traffic operations. By the end of this course students should be able to apply basic techniques to model different aspects of urban and inter-urban traffic performance, including congestion.
InhaltIntroduction to fundamentals of traffic flow theory and control. Includes understanding of traffic data collection and processing techniques, as well as data analysis, traffic modeling, and methodologies for traffic control.
SkriptThe lecture notes and additional handouts will be provided during the lectures.
LiteraturAdditional literature recommendations will be provided during the lectures.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesVerkehr III - Road Transport Systems 6th Sem. BSc (101-0415-00L)
Special permission from the instructor can be requested if the student has not taken Verkehr III
227-0523-00LEisenbahn-Systemtechnik IW6 KP4GM. Meyer
KurzbeschreibungGrundlagen der Eisenbahnfahrzeuge und ihr Zusammenspiel mit der Bahninfrastruktur:
- Zugförderungsaufgaben und Fahrzeugarten
- Fahrdynamik
- Mechanischer Aufbau der Eisenbahnfahrzeuge
- Bremssysteme
- Antriebsstrang und Hilfsbetriebeversorgung
- Bahnstromversorgung
- Sicherungsanlagen
- Normen
- Verfügbarkeit und Sicherheit
- Betriebsleitung und Instandhaltung
Lernziel- Überblick über die technischen Eigenschaften von Eisenbahnsystemen
- Kenntnisse über den Aufbau der Eisenbahnfahrzeuge
- Verständnis für die Abhängigkeiten verschiedenster Ingenieur-Disziplinen in einem vielfältigen System (Mechanik, Elektro- und Informationstechnik, Verkehrstechnik)
- Verständnis für die Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten eines Ingenieurs in einem stark von wirtschaftlichen und politischen Randbedingungen geprägten Umfeld
- Einblick in die Aktivitäten der Schienenfahrzeug-Industrie und der Bahnen in der Schweiz
- Begeisterung des Ingenieurnachwuchses für die berufliche Tätigkeit im Bereich Schienenverker und Schienenfahrzeuge
InhaltEST I (Herbstsemester) - Begriffen, Grundlagen, Merkmale

1 Einführung:
1.1 Geschichte und Struktur des Bahnsystems
1.2 Fahrdynamik

2 Vollbahnfahrzeuge:
2.3 Mechanik: Kasten, Drehgestelle, Lauftechnik, Adhäsion
2.2 Bremsen
2.3 Traktionsantriebssysteme
2.4 Hilfsbetriebe und Komfortanlagen
2.5 Steuerung und Regelung

3 Infrastruktur:
3.1 Fahrweg
3.2 Bahnstromversorgung
3.3 Sicherungsanlagen

4 Betrieb:
4.1 Interoperabilität, Normen und Zulassung
4.3 Anwendungsbeispiele

Voraussichtlich ein oder zwei Gastreferate

Geplante Exkursionen:
Betriebszentrale SBB, Zürich Flughafen
Reparatur und Unterhalt, SBB Zürich Altstetten
Fahrzeugfertigung, Stadler Bussnang
SkriptAbgabe der Unterlagen (gegen eine Schutzgebühr) zu Beginn des Semesters. Rechtzeitig eingschriebene Teilnehmer können die Unterlagen auf Wunsch und gegen eine Zusatzgebühr auch in Farbe beziehen.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDozent:
Dr. Markus Meyer, Emkamatik GmbH

Voraussichtlich ein oder zwei Gastvorträge von anderen Referenten.

EST I (Herbstsemester) kann als in sich geschlossene einsemestrige Vorlesung besucht werden. EST II (Frühjahrssemester) dient der weiteren Vertiefung der Fahrzeugtechnik und der Integration in die Bahninfrastruktur.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Persönliche KompetenzenKritisches Denkengeprüft
363-1047-00LUrban Systems and TransportationW3 KP2GG. Loumeau
KurzbeschreibungThis course is an introduction to urban and regional economics. It focuses on the formation and development of urban systems, and highlight how transport infrastructure investments can affect the location, size and composition of such systems.
LernzielThe main objective of this course is to provide students with some basic tools to analyze the fundamental economic forces at play in urban systems (i.e., agglomeration and congestion forces), and the role of transport networks in shaping the structure of these systems. Why do urban areas grow or decline? How do transport networks affect the location of individuals and firms? Does the location of a firm determine its productivity? Can transport infrastructure investments reduce economic disparities? These are some of the questions that students should be able to answer after having completed the course.
InhaltThe course is organized in four parts. I start with the key observation that economic activity (both in terms of population density and productivity) is unevenly distributed in space. For instance, the share of the population living in urban centers is increasing globally, from 16% in 1900 and 50% in 2000 to about 68% by the year 2050 (UN, World Economic Prospects, 2014). The goal of the first part is then to understand the economic forces at play behind these trends, looking at the effects within and across urban areas. I will also discuss how natural or man-made geographical characteristics (e.g., rivers, mountains, borders, etc.) affect the development of such urban systems.

In the second part, I discuss the planning and pricing of transport networks, moving from simple local models to more complex transport models at a global scale. The key aspects include: the first and second best road pricing, the public provision of transport networks and the demographic effects of transport networks.

In the third part, I combine the previous two parts and analyze the interaction between urban systems and transportation. Thereby, the main focus is to understand the economic mechanisms that can lead to a general equilibrium of all actors involved. However, as the study of the historical development of urban systems and transport networks provides interesting insights, I will discuss how their interaction in the past shapes today’s economic geography.

Finally, I broaden the scope of the course and explore related topics. There will be a particular emphasis on the relation between urban systems and fiscal federalism as well as environmental policies. Both aspects are important determinants of the contemporary developments of urban systems, and as such deserve our attention.

In general, this class focuses on the latest research developments in urban and regional economics, though it does not require prior knowledge in this field. It pays particular attention to economic approaches, which are based on theoretical frameworks with strong micro-foundations and allow for precise policy recommendations.
SkriptCourse slides will be made available to students prior to each class.
LiteraturCourse slides will be made available to students.
101-0492-00LMicroscopic Modelling and Simulation of Traffic OperationsW3 KP2GM. Makridis
KurzbeschreibungThe course introduces basics of microscopic modelling and simulation of traffic operations, including model design and development, calibration, validation, data analysis, identification of strategies for improving traffic flow performance, and evaluation of such strategies.
The aim is to provide the fundamentals for building a realistic traffic-engineering project from beginning to end.
LernzielThe objective of this course is to conduct a realistic traffic engineering project from beginning to end. The students will first familiarize themselves with microscopic traffic models. Students will work in groups on a project that includes a base scenario on a real traffic network. Throughout the semester, along with theoretical concepts, the students will build the base scenario (design, calibration and validation) and will develop alternative scenarios regarding modification on the infrastructure, simulation of in-vehicle technologies and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication.
Simulations will be implemented in Aimsun software. The students will be asked to understand, analyze, interpret and present traffic properties. Evaluation of alternative scenarios over the same network will be performed. Finally, students will be asked to design, implement, analyze and present a novel proposal, which will be compared with the base scenario.
Upon completion of the course, the students will:
• Understand the basic models used in microsimulation software (car-following, lane changing, gap acceptance, give ways, on/off-ramps, etc.).
• Design a road transport network inside the simulation software.
• Understand the basics behind modeling traffic demand and supply, vehicle dynamics, performance indicators for evaluation and network design for a realistic road transport network.
• Understand how to design a complete study, implement and validate it for planning purposes, e.g. creating a new road infrastructure.
• Make valid and concrete engineering proposals based on the simulation model and alternative scenarios.
InhaltIn this course, the students will first learn some microscopic modelling and simulation concepts, and then complete a traffic-engineering project with microscopic traffic simulator Aimsun.
Microscopic modelling and simulation concepts will include:
1) Car following models
2) Lane change models
3) Calibration and validation methodology
Specific tasks for the project will include:
1) Building a model with the simulator Aimsun in order to replicate and analyze the traffic conditions measured/observed.
2) Calibrating and validating the simulation model.
3) Redesigning/extending the model to improve the traffic performance through Aimsun and with/without programming in Python or C++.
The course will be based on a project that each group of students will build (design, calibrate, analyze and presentation) across the semester. A mid-term and final presentation of the work will be asked from each group of students.
It consists of weekly 2-hour lectures. The students work in pairs on a group project that completes in the end of the semester. The modelling software used is Aimsun and lectures (theory and hands on experience) are taking place in a computer room.
The course Road Transport Systems (Verkehr III), or simultaneously taking the course Traffic Engineering is encouraged. Previous experience with Aimsun/Python/C++ is helpful but not mandatory.
SkriptThe lecture notes and additional handouts will be provided before the lectures.
LiteraturAdditional literature recommendations will be provided at the lectures.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesStudents need to know some basic road transport concepts. The course Road Transport Systems (Verkehr III), or simultaneously taking the course Traffic Engineering is encouraged. Previous experience with Aimsun is helpful but not mandatory.
101-0491-00LAgent Based Modeling in TransportationW6 KP4GM. Balac
KurzbeschreibungThis course provides an introduction to agent-based modeling in transportation. The lectures and exercises offer an opportunity to learn about agent-based models' current methodology, focusing on MATSim, how agent-based models are set up, and perform a practical case study by working in teams.
LernzielAt the end of the course, the students should:
- have an understanding of agent-based modeling
- have an understanding of MATSim
- have an understanding of the process needed to set up an agent-based study
- have practical experience of using MATSim to perform practical transportation studies
InhaltThis course provides an introduction to agent-based models for transportation policy analysis. Four essential topics are covered:

1) Introduction of agent-based modeling and its comparison to the traditional state of practice modeling
2) Introduction of MATSim, an open-source agent-based model, developed at ETH Zurich and TU Berlin, and its various parts
3) Setting up an agent-based model simulation, where different statistical methods used in the process will be introduced and explained. Here the open-source eqasim framework used at ETH Zurich to set up agent-based models will be introduced
4) Conducting a transport policy study. The case study will be performed in groups and will include a paper-like report.

During the course, outside lecturers will give several lectures on using MATSim in practice (i.e., SBB).
LiteraturAgent-based modeling in general
Bonabeau, E. (2002). Agent-based modeling: Methods and techniques for simulating human systems. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 99(suppl 3), 7280-7287.
Helbing, D (2012) Social Self-Organization, Understanding Complex Systems, Springer, Berlin.
Heppenstall, A., A. T. Crooks, L. M. See and M. Batty (2012) Agent-Based Models of Geographical Systems, Springer, Dordrecht.


Horni, A., K. Nagel and K.W. Axhausen (eds.) (2016) The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim, Ubiquity, London

Additional relevant readings, primarily scientific articles, will be recommended throughout the course.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThere are no strict preconditions in terms of which lectures the students should have previously attended. However, knowledge of basic statistical theory is expected, and experience with at least one high-level programming language (Java, R, Python, or other) is recommended.
101-0469-00LStrassenverkehrssicherheitW6 KP4GM. Deublein, P. Eberling
KurzbeschreibungInhalt sind die Erfassung von Strassenverkehrsunfällen sowie deren statistische und geografische Analysemöglichkeiten. Am Beispiel von Innerortsstrassen werden verschiedene Einflussfaktoren auf das Unfallgeschehen genauer untersucht und Lösungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Verfahren der Sicherheitsarbeit in der Praxis von Verwaltungen und Polizei sind ebenfalls Thema der Veranstaltung.
LernzielVermittlung des Grundlagenwissens zur Strassenverkehrssicherheit, Wecken des Verständnisses für das Unfallgeschehen, Gewährung von Einblicken in Möglichkeiten zur Erhöhung der Verkehrssicherheit
InhaltUnfallentstehung, Verkehrsunfallerfassung, statistische (deskriptiv und multivariat, accident prediction models) und geografische Analyse von Verkehrsunfällen, Gefahrenanalyse und Sanierungstechnik, Instrumente der Verkehrssicherheit der Infrastruktur, Verkehrspolitik in der Schweiz und international
LiteraturBasisliteratur: Botschaft zu Via Sicura; Handlungsprogramm des Bundes für mehr Sicherheit im Strassenverkehr; Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management; ELVIK, R.; VAA, T. (2004). The Handbook of Road Safety Measures. Oxford: ELSEVIER Ltd.; EU-Projekt RiPCORD-iSEREST (
Weiterführende Literatur: wird in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben
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