Suchergebnis: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2021

Science, Technology, and Policy Master Information
Naturwissenschaftlich-technische Ergänzung
Umwelt und Ressourcen
103-0347-00LLandscape Planning and Environmental Systems Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W3 KP2V
103-0347-00 VLandscape Planning and Environmental Systems Für Fachstudierende und Hörer/-innen ist eine Spezialbewilligung der Dozierenden notwendig.2 Std.
Fr08:00-09:35HIL E 8 »
A. Grêt-Regamey
651-4057-00LClimate History and PalaeoclimatologyW3 KP2G
651-4057-00 GClimate History and Palaeoclimatology2 Std.
Fr10:15-12:00ML F 39 »
H. Stoll, I. Hernández Almeida, H. Zhang
701-1341-00LWater Resources and Drinking WaterW3 KP2G
701-1341-00 GWater Resources and Drinking Water
Online event: Will primarily take place online. Reserved rooms will remain blocked on campus for students to follow the course from there.
2 Std.
Fr08:15-10:00CAB G 11 »
S. Hug, M. Berg, F. Hammes, U. von Gunten
701-1677-00LQuantitative Vegetation Dynamics: Models from Tree to GlobeW3 KP3G
701-1677-00 GQuantitative Vegetation Dynamics: Models from Tree to Globe
Online event: Will primarily take place online (Zoom). Reserved rooms will remain blocked on campus for students to follow the course from there.
3 Std.
Fr14:15-17:00CHN G 22 »
H. Lischke, U. Hiltner, B. Rohner
651-4097-00LApplied Mineralogy and Non-Metallic Resources IW3 KP2G
651-4097-00 GApplied Mineralogy and Non-Metallic Resources I
The lecture starts in the second week of the semester.
2 Std.
Do08:15-10:00NO E 39 »
R. Kündig
701-1346-00LCarbon Mitigation Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 100
Priority is given to the target groups: Bachelor and Master Environmental Sciences and PHD Environmental Sciences until September 21st,2021.
Waiting list will be deleted October 1st, 2021.
701-1346-00 GCarbon Mitigation2 Std.
Mo10:15-12:00CHN C 14 »
N. Gruber
103-0347-01LLandscape Planning and Environmental Systems (GIS Exercises) Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W3 KP2U
103-0347-01 ULandscape Planning and Environmental Systems (GIS Exercises) Für Fachstudierende und Hörer/-innen ist eine Spezialbewilligung der Dozierenden notwendig.2 Std.
Mi15:45-17:30HIL E 10.1 »
15:45-17:30HIL E 15.2 »
15:45-17:30HIL F 15.4 »
A. Grêt-Regamey, C. Brouillet, N. Klein
701-1253-00LAnalysis of Climate and Weather Data Information W3 KP2G
701-1253-00 GAnalysis of Climate and Weather Data
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
2 Std.C. Frei
701-1551-00LSustainability Assessment Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 35.

Waiting list will be deleted October 1st, 2021.

No enrollment possible after October 1st, 2021.
701-1551-00 GSustainability Assessment2 Std.
Fr10:15-12:00CHN G 42 »
P. Krütli, D. Nef
701-1257-00LEuropean Climate ChangeW3 KP2G
701-1257-00 GEuropean Climate Change2 Std.
Mo10:15-12:00LFO C 13 »
C. Schär, J. Rajczak, S. C. Scherrer
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