Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2021

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Master Information
Master Studies (Programme Regulations 2018)
The core courses and specialisation courses below are a selection for students who wish to specialise in the area of "Communication", see

The individual study plan is subject to the tutor's approval.
Specialisation Courses
These specialisation courses are particularly recommended for the area of "Communication", but you are free to choose courses from any other field in agreement with your tutor.

A minimum of 40 credits must be obtained from specialisation courses during the Master's Programme.
227-0102-00LDiscrete Event Systems Information W6 credits4G
227-0102-00 GDiskrete Ereignissysteme4 hrs
Thu14:15-16:00HG D 7.2 »
16:15-18:00HG D 7.2 »
R. Jacob, L. Vanbever, R. Wattenhofer
227-0103-00LControl Systems Information W6 credits2V + 2U
227-0103-00 VRegelsysteme2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00NO C 60 »
F. Dörfler
227-0103-00 URegelsysteme2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00CHN C 14 »
21.09.12:15-14:00CHN C 14 »
F. Dörfler
227-0116-00LVLSI 1: HDL based design for FPGAs Information W6 credits5G
227-0116-00 GVLSI 1: HDL based design for FPGAs5 hrs
Tue08:15-10:00ETF C 1 »
Wed13:15-16:00ETZ D 61.1 »
13:15-16:00ETZ D 61.2 »
13:15-16:00ETZ D 96.1 »
F. K. Gürkaynak, L. Benini
227-0148-00LVLSI III: Test and Fabrication of VLSI Circuits Information W6 credits4G
227-0148-00 GVLSI III: Test and Fabrication of VLSI Circuits
Does not take place this semester.
Will be offered in spring 2022 as "227-0148-00L VLSI4: Practical VLSI: measurement and testing"
4 hrsL. Benini
227-0166-00LAnalog Integrated Circuits Information W6 credits2V + 2U
227-0166-00 VAnalog Integrated Circuits2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00ETZ E 6 »
T. Jang
227-0166-00 UAnalog Integrated Circuits
Some of the exercise lessons will take place in computer room ETZ D61.1.
To be announced during the course lessons.
2 hrs
Fri14:15-16:00ETZ E 6 »
T. Jang
227-0301-00LOptical Communication FundamentalsW6 credits2V + 1U + 1P
227-0301-00 VOptical Communication Fundamentals2 hrs
Tue14:15-16:00ETZ K 91 »
J. Leuthold
227-0301-00 UOptical Communication Fundamentals1 hrs
Tue16:15-17:00ETZ K 91 »
J. Leuthold
227-0301-00 POptical Communication Fundamentals1 hrs
Tue17:15-18:00ETZ K 91 »
J. Leuthold
227-0377-10LPhysics of Failure and Reliability of Electronic Devices and SystemsW3 credits2V
227-0377-10 VPhysics of Failure and Reliability of Electronic Devices and Systems2 hrs
Thu14:15-16:00ETZ K 91 »
I. Shorubalko, M. Held
227-0423-00LNeural Network Theory Information W4 credits2V + 1U
227-0423-00 VNeural Network Theory2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00HG F 5 »
H. Bölcskei
227-0423-00 UNeural Network Theory
The exercise will take place online on:
The reserved room is meant for those students who want to follow the course from the campus.
1 hrs
Tue12:15-13:00HG F 5 »
H. Bölcskei
227-0447-00LImage Analysis and Computer Vision Information W6 credits3V + 1U
227-0447-00 VImage Analysis and Computer Vision3 hrs
Thu14:15-17:00HG F 1 »
L. Van Gool, E. Konukoglu, F. Yu
227-0447-00 UImage Analysis and Computer Vision1 hrs
Thu17:15-19:00ETZ D 61.1 »
17:15-19:00ETZ D 61.2 »
L. Van Gool, E. Konukoglu, F. Yu
227-0468-00LAnalog Signal Processing and Filtering Information
Suitable for Master Students as well as Doctoral Students.
W6 credits2V + 2U
227-0468-00 VAnalog Signal Processing and Filtering2 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00CHN E 46 »
H. Schmid
227-0468-00 UAnalog Signal Processing and Filtering2 hrs
Wed10:15-12:00CHN E 46 »
H. Schmid
227-0477-00LAcoustics IW6 credits4G
227-0477-00 GAcoustics I4 hrs
Mon14:15-18:00ETZ E 7 »
K. Heutschi
227-0652-00LMaxwell, Einstein, and the GPSW6 credits2V + 2U
227-0652-00 VMaxwell, Einstein, and the GPS2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00ETZ E 9 »
T. Zambelli
227-0652-00 UMaxwell, Einstein, and the GPS2 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00HG G 26.1 »
T. Zambelli
252-0535-00LAdvanced Machine Learning Information W10 credits3V + 2U + 4A
252-0535-00 VAdvanced Machine Learning
Freitag 8-10 HG F1 mit Videoübertragung ins HG F3
Donnerstag 15-16 ETA F 5 mit Videoübertragung ins ETF E 1
3 hrs
Thu15:15-16:00ETA F 5 »
15:15-16:00ETF E 1 »
Fri08:15-10:00HG F 1 »
08:15-10:00HG F 3 »
J. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0535-00 UAdvanced Machine Learning2 hrs
Wed14:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
16:15-18:00CAB G 61 »
Thu16:15-18:00ML F 34 »
Fri14:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
J. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
252-0535-00 AAdvanced Machine Learning
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
4 hrsJ. M. Buhmann, C. Cotrini Jimenez
263-4640-00LNetwork Security Information W8 credits2V + 2U + 3A
263-4640-00 VNetwork Security2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00HG E 1.2 »
A. Perrig, S. Frei, M. Legner, K. Paterson
263-4640-00 UNetwork Security2 hrs
Thu16:15-18:00CAB G 61 »
A. Perrig, S. Frei, M. Legner, K. Paterson
263-4640-00 ANetwork Security
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
3 hrsA. Perrig, S. Frei, M. Legner, K. Paterson
401-3055-64LAlgebraic Methods in Combinatorics Information W6 credits2V + 1U
401-3055-64 VAlgebraic Methods in Combinatorics2 hrs
Wed10:15-12:00IFW A 36 »
B. Sudakov
401-3055-64 UAlgebraic Methods in Combinatorics1 hrs
Mon12:15-13:00ML F 34 »
13:15-14:00ML F 34 »
B. Sudakov
227-0147-10LVLSI 3: Full-Custom Digital Circuit Design Restricted registration - show details W6 credits2V + 3U
227-0147-10 VVLSI 3: Full-Custom Digital Circuit Design
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00ETZ E 8 »
C. Studer, O. Castañeda Fernández
227-0147-10 UVLSI 3: Full-Custom Digital Circuit Design
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
3 hrs
Thu13:15-16:00ETZ G 91 »
C. Studer, O. Castañeda Fernández
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