Search result: Courses in Spring Semester 2023

Science in Perspective Information
In “Science in Perspective”-courses students learn to reflect on ETH’s STEM subjects from the perspective of humanities, political and social sciences.

Only the courses listed below will be recognized as "Science in Perspective" courses.
Language Courses of the UZH and ETH Zurich
A maximum of 3 credit points from language courses may be recognised in the category "Science in Context" throughout the entire bachelor's and master's degree program. Moreover, the following restrictions apply: In the case of the European languages English, French, Italian and Spanish, only advanced language courses from level B2 will be credited. German language courses are credited from level C2.

Only the courses listed below will be recognized as "GESS Science in Perspective" courses.

Course fees:
Registration dates:
851-0820-01LFrench B2-C1: Language and Cinema Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits1G
851-0820-01 GFrançais B2-C1 : Langue et cinéma (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
20s hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0827-01LFrench B2.2-C1: Society and Current Issues Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits1G
851-0827-01 GFrançais B2.2-C1 : Société et questions d'actualité (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
20s hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0816-05LFrench B2-C1: Textual Grammar Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits1G
851-0816-05 GFrançais B2-C1 : Grammaire textuelle (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
20s hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0816-15LFrench B2: Debating and Presentation Skills Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W1 credit1G
851-0816-15 GFrançais B2 : Débat et présentation orale (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
14s hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0815-04LFrench B2: Brush Up Your Skills Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0815-04 GFrançais B2 : Mise à niveau (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0816-13LFrench B2.2-C2: Practising French in Context Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W1 credit1G
851-0816-13 GFrançais B2.2-C2 : Pratiques du français en contexte (Sprachenzentrum)
Does not take place this semester.
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
14s hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0832-10LAdvanced English for Academic Purposes (C1-C2) Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0832-10 GAdvanced English for Academic Purposes (C1-C2) (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0886-00LNew Zealand Through Literature and Film (C1-C2) Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0886-00 GNew Zealand Through Literature and Film (C1-C2) (Sprachenzentrum)
Does not take place this semester.
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0856-04LSpanish B2-C1: Grammar and Communication Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0856-04 GEspañol B2-C1: Gramática y comunicación (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0846-01LSpanish B2: Starter Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0846-01 GEspañol B2: Inicial (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0834-17LSpanish B2: Oral Interaction Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0834-17 GEspañol B2: Interacción oral (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0849-00LBrazilian Portuguese A1 Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0849-00 GPortuguês brasileiro A1 (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**

Unterrichtssprache: Brasilianisch-Portugiesisch
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0849-01LBrazilian Portuguese A2 Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0849-01 GPortuguês brasileiro A2 (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**

Unterrichtssprache: Brasilianisch-Portugiesisch
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0849-02LBrazilian Portuguese B1 Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0849-02 GPortuguês brasileiro B1 (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0826-05LItalian B2: Italian for Academic Purposes Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits1G
851-0826-05 GItaliano B2: Lingua in contesto specifico (Sprachenzentrum)
Does not take place this semester.
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
14s hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0826-04LItalian B2-C1: Language and Literature Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0826-04 GItaliano B2-C1: Lingua e letteratura (Sprachenzentrum)
Does not take place this semester.
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0852-00LRussian II (A1.2) Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0852-00 GRussisch II (A1.2) (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0854-01LRussian IV (A2.2) Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0854-01 GRussisch IV (A2.2) (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0855-01LRussian for Insiders: Deepen Your Heritage Language Skills (A2-C1) Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W2 credits2G
851-0855-01 GRussisch für Insider: die Herkunftssprache erweitern (A2-C1) (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
2 hrsUniversity lecturers
851-0862-00LArabic II (A1.2) Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding course directly at "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zürich".

Course fees:

Registration dates:
W3 credits3G
851-0862-00 GArabisch II (A1.2) (Sprachenzentrum)
**Kurs vom Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich**
3 hrsUniversity lecturers
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