Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2023

Biologie Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2023)
Vertiefung in Biochemie
Obligatorische Konzeptkurse
551-0319-00LCellular Biochemistry (Part I)O3 KP2VU. Kutay, F. Allain, T. Kleele, I. Zemp
KurzbeschreibungConcepts and molecular mechanisms underlying the biochemistry of the cell, providing advanced insights into structure, function and regulation of individual cell components. Particular emphasis will be put on the spatial and temporal integration of different molecules and signaling pathways into global cellular processes such as intracellular transport, cell division & growth, and cell migration.
LernzielThe full-year course (551-0319-00 & 551-0320-00) focuses on the molecular mechanisms and concepts underlying the biochemistry of cellular physiology, investigating how these processes are integrated to carry out highly coordinated cellular functions. The molecular characterisation of complex cellular functions requires a combination of approaches such as biochemistry, but also cell biology and genetics. This course is therefore the occasion to discuss these techniques and their integration in modern cellular biochemistry.
The students will be able to describe the structural and functional details of individual cell components, and the spatial and temporal regulation of their interactions. In particular, they will learn to explain the integration of different molecules and signaling pathways into complex and highly dynamic cellular processes such as intracellular transport, cytoskeletal rearrangements, cell motility, cell division and cell growth. In addition, they will be able to illustrate the relevance of particular signaling pathways for cellular pathologies such as cancer.
InhaltStructural and functional details of individual cell components, regulation of their interactions, and various aspects of the regulation and compartmentalisation of biochemical processes.
Topics include: biophysical and electrical properties of membranes; viral membranes; structural and functional insights into intracellular transport and targeting; vesicular trafficking and phagocytosis; post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression.
SkriptScripts and additional material will be provided during the semester. Please contact Dr. Alicia Smith for assistance with the learning materials. (
LiteraturRecommended supplementary literature (review articles and selected primary literature) will be provided during the course.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesTo attend this course the students must have a solid basic knowledge in chemistry, biochemistry and general biology. The course will be taught in English.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Obligatorische Masterkurs
551-1303-00LCellular Biochemistry of Health and Disease Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen O4 KP2ST. Kleele, V. Korkhov, G. Neurohr, V. Panse, M. Peter, A. E. Smith, F. van Drogen
KurzbeschreibungDuring this Masters level seminar style course, students will explore current research topics in cellular biochemistry focused on the structure, function and regulation of selected cell components, and the consequences of dysregulation for pathologies.
LernzielStudents will work with experts toward a critical analysis of cutting-edge research in the domain of cellular biochemistry, with emphasis on normal cellular processes and the consequences of their dysregulation. At the end of the course, students will be able to evaluate, critically discuss and write about scientific articles in the research area of cellular biochemistry, and they will identify open testable research questions.
InhaltGuided by an expert in the field, students will engage in classical round-table style discussions of current literature with occasional frontal presentations. Students will alternate as discussion leaders throughout the semester, with the student leader responsible to briefly summarize key general knowledge and context of the assigned primary research paper. Together with the faculty expert, all students will participate in discussion of the primary paper, including the foundation of the biological question, specific questions addressed, key methods, key results, remaining gaps and research implications. By the end of the semester, students will formulate their ideas about open testable research questions that extend from the published work.
LiteraturThe literature will be provided during the course
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course will be taught in English.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgefördert
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengefördert
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
Wahlpflicht Konzeptkurse
Siehe D-BIOL Master-Wegleitung
551-0307-00LMolecular and Structural Biology I: Protein Structure and Function
D-BIOL students are obliged to take part I and part II (next semester) as a two-semester course
W3 KP2VR. Glockshuber, K. Locher, E. Weber-Ban
KurzbeschreibungBiophysik der Proteinfaltung, Membranproteine und Biophysik von Membranen, enzymatischen Katalyse, katalytische RNA und RNAi, aktuelle Themen in Proteinbiophysik und Strukturbiologie.
LernzielVerständnis von Struktur/Funktionsbeziehungen in Proteinen, Proteinfaltung, Vertiefung der Kenntnisse in Biophysik, in physikalischen Messmethoden und modernen Methoden der Proteinreinigung und Protein-Mikroanalytik.
SkriptSkripte zu einzelnen Themen der Vorlesung sind unter abgelegt.
- Creighton, T.E., Proteins, Freeman, (1993).
- Fersht, A., Enzyme, Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science (1999), Freeman.
- Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer: Biochemistry (5th edition), Freeman (2001).

Aktuelle Themen: Literatur wird jeweils in der Vorlesung angegeben
551-0309-00LConcepts in Modern Genetics
Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module BIO348 at UZH.

Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
W6 KP4VY. Barral, D. Bopp, A. Hajnal, O. Voinnet
KurzbeschreibungConcepts of modern genetics and genomics, including principles of classical genetics; yeast genetics; gene mapping; forward and reverse genetics; structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes; molecular mechanisms and regulation of transcription, replication, DNA-repair and recombination; analysis of developmental processes; epigenetics and RNA interference.
LernzielThis course focuses on the concepts of classical and modern genetics and genomics.
InhaltThe topics include principles of classical genetics; yeast genetics; gene mapping; forward and reverse genetics; structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes; molecular mechanisms and regulation of transcription, replication, DNA-repair and recombination; analysis of developmental processes; epigenetics and RNA interference.
SkriptScripts and additional material will be provided during the semester.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgefördert
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenKreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengefördert
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
Wahlpflicht Masterkurse
551-1153-00LSystems Biology of Metabolism
Number of participants limited to 15.
W4 KP2VU. Sauer, N. Zamboni
KurzbeschreibungStarting from contemporary biological problems related to metabolism, the course focuses on systems biological approaches to address them. In a problem-oriented, this-is-how-it-is-done manner, we thereby teach modern methods and concepts.
LernzielDevelop a deeper understanding of how relevant biological problems can be solved, thereby providing advanced insights to key experimental and computational methods in systems biology.
InhaltThe course will be given as a mixture of lectures, studies of original research and guided discussions that focus on current research topics. For each particular problem studied, we will work out how the various methods work and what their capabilities/limits are. The problem areas range from microbial metabolism to cancer cell metabolism and from metabolic networks to regulation networks in populations and single cells. Key methods to be covered are various modeling approaches, metabolic flux analyses, metabolomics and other omics.
SkriptScript and original publications will be supplied during the course.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course extends many of the generally introduced concepts and methods of the Concept Course in Systems Biology. It requires a good knowledge of biochemistry and basics of mathematics and chemistry.
636-0007-00LComputational Systems Biology Information W6 KP3V + 2UJ. Stelling
KurzbeschreibungStudy of fundamental concepts, models and computational methods for the analysis of complex biological networks. Topics: Systems approaches in biology, biology and reaction network fundamentals, modeling and simulation approaches (topological, probabilistic, stoichiometric, qualitative, linear / nonlinear ODEs, stochastic), and systems analysis (complexity reduction, stability, identification).
LernzielThe aim of this course is to provide an introductory overview of mathematical and computational methods for the modeling, simulation and analysis of biological networks.
InhaltBiology has witnessed an unprecedented increase in experimental data and, correspondingly, an increased need for computational methods to analyze this data. The explosion of sequenced genomes, and subsequently, of bioinformatics methods for the storage, analysis and comparison of genetic sequences provides a prominent example. Recently, however, an additional area of research, captured by the label "Systems Biology", focuses on how networks, which are more than the mere sum of their parts' properties, establish biological functions. This is essentially a task of reverse engineering. The aim of this course is to provide an introductory overview of corresponding computational methods for the modeling, simulation and analysis of biological networks. We will start with an introduction into the basic units, functions and design principles that are relevant for biology at the level of individual cells. Making extensive use of example systems, the course will then focus on methods and algorithms that allow for the investigation of biological networks with increasing detail. These include (i) graph theoretical approaches for revealing large-scale network organization, (ii) probabilistic (Bayesian) network representations, (iii) structural network analysis based on reaction stoichiometries, (iv) qualitative methods for dynamic modeling and simulation (Boolean and piece-wise linear approaches), (v) mechanistic modeling using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and finally (vi) stochastic simulation methods.
LiteraturU. Alon, An introduction to systems biology. Chapman & Hall / CRC, 2006.

Z. Szallasi et al. (eds.), System modeling in cellular biology. MIT Press, 2010.

B. Ingalls, Mathematical modeling in systems biology: an introduction. MIT Press, 2013
401-0649-00LApplied Statistical RegressionW5 KP2V + 1UM. Dettling
KurzbeschreibungThis course offers a practically oriented introduction into regression modeling methods. The basic concepts and some mathematical background are included, with the emphasis lying in learning "good practice" that can be applied in every student's own projects and daily work life. A special focus will be laid in the use of the statistical software package R for regression analysis.
LernzielThe students acquire advanced practical skills in linear regression analysis and are also familiar with its extensions to generalized linear modeling.
InhaltThe course starts with the basics of linear modeling, and then proceeds to parameter estimation, tests, confidence intervals, residual analysis, model choice, and prediction. More rarely touched but practically relevant topics that will be covered include variable transformations, multicollinearity problems and model interpretation, as well as general modeling strategies.

The last third of the course is dedicated to an introduction to generalized linear models: this includes the generalized additive model, logistic regression for binary response variables, binomial regression for grouped data and poisson regression for count data.
SkriptA script will be available.
LiteraturFaraway (2005): Linear Models with R
Faraway (2006): Extending the Linear Model with R
Draper & Smith (1998): Applied Regression Analysis
Fox (2008): Applied Regression Analysis and GLMs
Montgomery et al. (2006): Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe exercises, but also the classes will be based on procedures from the freely available, open-source statistical software package R, for which an introduction will be held.

In the Mathematics Bachelor and Master programmes, the two course units 401-0649-00L "Applied Statistical Regression" and 401-3622-00L "Statistical Modelling" are mutually exclusive. Registration for the examination of one of these two course units is only allowed if you have not registered for the examination of the other course unit.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Medien und digitale Technologiengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgeprüft
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt gefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgeprüft
Kreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Integrität und Arbeitsethikgeprüft
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
529-0041-00LModerne Massenspektroskopie, gekoppelte Analysenmethoden, ChemometrieW6 KP3GR. Zenobi, B. Hattendorf, P. Sinués Martinez-Lozano
KurzbeschreibungModerne Massenspektrometrie, Kopplung von Trenn- mit Identifikationsmethoden, Speziierung und Chemometrie
LernzielUmfassende Kenntnis der vorgestellten analytischen Methoden und ihre Anwendungen in der Praxis.
InhaltKopplung von Trenn- mit Identifikationsmethoden wie GC-MS, LC-MS, GC-IR, LC-IR, LC-NMR etc.; Bedeutung der Speziierung. Moderne Massenspektrometrie: Flugzeit-, Orbitrap- und Ionen-Cyclotron-Resonanz-Massenspektrometrie, ICP-MS. Weiche Ionisationsmethoden, Desorptions-Methoden, Spray-Methoden. Bildgebende MS-Methoden. Einsatz statistischer Methoden und der Informatik zur Verarbeitung analytisch-chemischer Daten (Chemometrie).
SkriptEin Skript wird online zur Verfügung gestellt.
LiteraturHinweise zur aktuellen Literatur werden in der Vorlesung bezw. im Skript gegeben
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesÜbungen sind in die Vorlesung integriert
529-0051-00 "Analytische Chemie I (3. Semester)"
529-0058-00 "Analytische Chemie II (4. Semester)"
(oder äquivalent)
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Medien und digitale Technologiengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgefördert
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt gefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Integrität und Arbeitsethikgefördert
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
636-0108-00LBiological Engineering and BiotechnologyW4 KP3VM. Fussenegger
KurzbeschreibungBiological Engineering and Biotechnology will cover the latest biotechnological advances as well as their industrial implementation to engineer mammalian cells for use in human therapy. This lecture will provide forefront insights into key scientific aspects and the main points in industrial decision-making to bring a therapeutic from target to market.
LernzielBiological Engineering and Biotechnology will cover the latest biotechnological advances as well as their industrial implementation to engineer mammalian cells for use in human therapy. This lecture will provide forefront insights into key scientific aspects and the main points in industrial decision-making to bring a therapeutic from target to market.
Inhalt1. Insight Into The Mammalian Cell Cycle. Cycling, The Balance Between Proliferation and Cancer - Implications For Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing. 2. The Licence To Kill. Apoptosis Regulatory Networks - Engineering of Survival Pathways To Increase Robustness of Production Cell Lines. 3. Everything Under Control I. Regulated Transgene Expression in Mammalian Cells - Facts and Future. 4. Secretion Engineering. The Traffic Jam getting out of the Cell. 5. From Target To Market. An Antibody's Journey From Cell Culture to The Clinics. 6. Biology and Malign Applications. Do Life Sciences Enable the Development of Biological Weapons? 7. Functional Food. Enjoy your Meal! 8. Industrial Genomics. Getting a Systems View on Nutrition and Health - An Industrial Perspective. 9. IP Management - Food Technology. Protecting Your Knowledge For Business. 10. Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing I. Introduction to Process Development. 11. Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing II. Up- stream Development. 12. Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing III. Downstream Development. 13. Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing IV. Pharma Development.
SkriptHandout during the course.
551-1407-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series I: Transcription & Processing & Translation
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W4 KP2VF. Allain, N. Ban, S. Jonas, U. Kutay, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungThis course covers aspects of RNA biology related to gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. These include RNA transcription, processing, alternative splicing, editing, export and translation.
LernzielThe students should obtain an understanding of these processes, which are at work during gene expression.
InhaltTranscription & 3'end formation ; splicing, alternative splicing, RNA editing; the ribosome & translation, translation regulation, RNP biogenesis & nuclear export, mRNA surveillance & mRNA turnover; signal transduction & RNA.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic knowledge of cell and molecular biology.
551-1409-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series II: Non-Coding RNAs: Biology and TherapeuticsW4 KP2VJ. Hall, M. Stoffel, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungThis course covers aspects of RNA biology related to the functions of non-coding RNAs as well as their use as drugs to treat diseases.
LernzielThe students should get familiar with the wide array of roles, which non-coding RNAs play in cellular functions.
InhaltMicro RNAs; computational approaches to miRNAs; micro RNA function in metabolism; viruses and viral RNAs; nucleic acid-based drugs; ncRNA-mediated genome regulation; epigenetic programming of genome remodelling in ciliates; telomerase and telomeres; tRNA biology.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic knowledge of cell and molecular biology.
227-0939-00LCell BiophysicsW6 KP4GT. Zambelli
KurzbeschreibungApplying two fundamental principles of thermodynamics (entropy maximization and Gibbs energy minimization), an analytical model is derived for a variety of biological phenomena at the molecular as well as cellular level, and critically compared with the corresponding experimental data in the literature.
LernzielEngineering uses the laws of physics to predict the behavior of a system. Biological systems are so diverse and complex prompting the question whether we can apply unifying concepts of theoretical physics coping with the multiplicity of life’s mechanisms.

Objective of this course is to show that biological phenomena despite their variety can be analytically described using only two principles from statistical mechanics: maximization of the entropy and minimization of the Gibbs free energy.

Starting point of the course is the probability theory, which enables to derive step-by-step the two pillars of thermodynamics from the perspective of statistical mechanics: the maximization of entropy according to the Boltzmann’s law as well as the minimization of the Gibbs free energy. Then, an assortment of biological phenomena at the molecular and cellular level (e.g. cytoskeletal polymerization, action potential, photosynthesis, gene regulation, morphogen patterning) will be examined at the light of these two principles with the aim to derive a quantitative expression describing their behavior. Each analytical model is finally validated by comparing it with the corresponding experimental results from the literature.

By the end of the course, students will also learn to critically evaluate the concepts of making an assumption and making an approximation.
Inhalt• Basics of theory of probability
• Boltzmann's law
• Entropy maximization and Gibbs free energy minimization

• Ligand-receptor: two-state systems and the MWC model
• Random walks, diffusion, crowding
• Electrostatics for salty solutions
• Elasticity: fibers and membranes
• Molecular motors
• Action potential: Hodgkin-Huxley model
• Photosynthesis and vision
• Gene regulation
• Development: Turing patterns

Theory and corresponding exercises are merged together during the classes.
SkriptNo lecture notes because the two proposed textbooks are more than exhaustive!

An extra hour (Mon 17.00 o'clock - 18.00) will be proposed via ZOOM to solve together the exercises of the previous week.

!!!!! I am using OneNote. All lectures and exercises will be broadcast via ZOOM (the link of the recordings will be available in Moodle on Fri, 22 Dec after the last lesson) !!!!!
Literatur• (Statistical Mechanics) K. Dill, S. Bromberg, "Molecular Driving Forces", 2nd Edition, Garland Science, 2010.

• (Biophysics) R. Phillips, J. Kondev, J. Theriot, H. Garcia, "Physical Biology of the Cell", 2nd Edition, Garland Science, 2012.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesParticipants need a good command of
• differentiation and integration of a function with one or more variables (basics of Analysis),
• Newton's and Coulomb's laws (basics of Mechanics and Electrostatics).

Notions of vectors in 2D and 3D are beneficial.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengefördert
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Medien und digitale Technologiengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgefördert
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt geprüft
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgeprüft
Kreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Integrität und Arbeitsethikgeprüft
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion geprüft
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement geprüft
551-0357-00LCellular Matters: Properties, Functions and Applications of Biomolecular Condensates
The number of participants is limited to 30 and will only take place with a minimum of 6 participants.

The first lecture will serve to form groups of students and assign papers.
W4 KP2ST. Michaels, F. Allain, P. Arosio, Y. Barral, D. Hilvert, M. Jagannathan, R. Mezzenga, G. Neurohr, R. Riek, A. E. Smith, K. Weis, H. Wennemers, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungThis Master level course delves into the emerging field of biomolecular condensates - membrane-less organelles in cells. Using interdisciplinary concepts from biology, chemistry, biophysics, and soft matter, we will explore the biological properties of these condensates, their functions in health and disease, and their potentiol as new biomimetic materials for various applications.
LernzielIn the last decade, a novel type of cell compartments called biomolecular condensates have been discovered. This discovery is radically changing our understanding of the cell, its organization, and dynamics. The emerging picture is that the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm are highly complex fluids that can (meta)stably segregate into membrane-less compartments, similary to emulsions.

This interdisciplinary course encompasses milestone works and cutting-edge research questions in the young field of biomolecular condensates, including their properties, functions, and applications. The course begins with a lecture series that introduces the topic of condensates to an interdisciplinary audience and provides a theoretical foundation for understanding current research questions in the field. the lecturesprovide a base for student presentations of recent publications in the field, and for research seminars given by course lecturers, who are all active researchers with diverse expertise. Through this exciting interdisciplinary understanding of biomolecular condensates, bridging biology, chemistry, biophysics, and soft matter.

Students will not only learn how to critically read and evaluate scientific literature but will also gain valuable experience in giving scientific presentations to an interdisciplinary audience. Each presentation will require an introduction, critical analysis of the results, and a discussion of their significance, allowing student to substantiate their statements with a critical mindset that considers the pros and cons of chosen approaches and methods, as well as any limitations or possible follow-up experiments. This process will enable student to ask relevant querions and actively participate in class discussions, further enhancing their scientific skills.

In preparing the presentations, the students will have the unique opportunity to interact closely with each other and with the lecturers, who are all internationally well-established experts, and receive guidance in selectin a topic for the final presentaton and supporting literature.
InhaltThe topic of biomolecular condensates goes beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines and requires a multi-disciplinary approach that leverages and cross-fertilizes biology, physical chemistry, biophysics, and soft matter. This course will explore the properties, functions and potentioal applicatons of biomolecular condensates, including their role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, as well as their use as smart biomimetic materials.

This course is divided into two parts. The fist part will introduce the basic concepts essentialto the study of biomolecular condensates and phase separation. Topics include: fundamental units and scales in soft matter, phase transitions in biology, biopolymers and molecular self-assembly, introduction to active matter. This will establish a foundation for the second part, which will explore milestone works and current research in the field of biomolecular condensates. Each lecture of this second part will consist of:
1) a short literature seminar, where student groups will present and discuss a milestone paper assigned in advance and
2) a research seminar, where one of the course lecturers will present their own state-of-the art research in the field, building upon the milestone literature.
At the beginning of the course, student groups will be formed and assigned the milestone papers.
SkriptLecture slides and some scripts will be provided.
LiteraturNo compulsory textbooks. Literature will be provided during the course
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Medien und digitale Technologiengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgeprüft
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgeprüft
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggeprüft
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt geprüft
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Integrität und Arbeitsethikgefördert
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
529-0733-02LChemical Biology and Synthetic BiochemistryW6 KP3GK. Lang, M. Fottner
KurzbeschreibungOverview of modern chemical biology and synthetic biochemistry techniques, focussed on protein modification and labeling and on methods to endow proteins with novel functionalities.
LernzielAfter taking this course, students should be capable of the following: A) Recall different possibilities for modifying proteins in vitro and in vivo and their applications in a biological context, B) Understand the chemical and biochemical consequences of modifications and assess the different reaction possibilities in the context of in vivo - in vitro, C) Critically analyze and assess current chemical biology articles D) Question the approaches learned and apply them to new biological problems.
Inhaltprinciples of protein labeling and protein modification (fluorescent proteins, enzyme-mediated labeling, bioorthogonal chemistries)

advanced genetic code expansion methods (amber suppression, orthogonal ribosomes, unnatural base pairs, genome engineering and genome editing)

directed evolution and protein engineering

chemical biology of ubiquitin and targeted protein degradation
SkriptA script will not be handed out. Handouts to the lecture will be provided through moodle.
LiteraturCitations from the original literature relevant to the individual lectures will be assigned during the lectures.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesKnowledge provided in the bachelor lectures 'Nucleic Acids and Carbohydrates' and 'Proteins and Lipids' is assumed for this lecture.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Medien und digitale Technologiengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgefördert
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Menschenführung und Verantwortunggefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Sensibilität für Vielfalt gefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Integrität und Arbeitsethikgefördert
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
Zusätzliche Konzeptkurse
551-0307-00LMolecular and Structural Biology I: Protein Structure and Function
D-BIOL students are obliged to take part I and part II (next semester) as a two-semester course
W3 KP2VR. Glockshuber, K. Locher, E. Weber-Ban
KurzbeschreibungBiophysik der Proteinfaltung, Membranproteine und Biophysik von Membranen, enzymatischen Katalyse, katalytische RNA und RNAi, aktuelle Themen in Proteinbiophysik und Strukturbiologie.
LernzielVerständnis von Struktur/Funktionsbeziehungen in Proteinen, Proteinfaltung, Vertiefung der Kenntnisse in Biophysik, in physikalischen Messmethoden und modernen Methoden der Proteinreinigung und Protein-Mikroanalytik.
SkriptSkripte zu einzelnen Themen der Vorlesung sind unter abgelegt.
- Creighton, T.E., Proteins, Freeman, (1993).
- Fersht, A., Enzyme, Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science (1999), Freeman.
- Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer: Biochemistry (5th edition), Freeman (2001).

Aktuelle Themen: Literatur wird jeweils in der Vorlesung angegeben
551-0309-00LConcepts in Modern Genetics
Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module BIO348 at UZH.

Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
W6 KP4VY. Barral, D. Bopp, A. Hajnal, O. Voinnet
KurzbeschreibungConcepts of modern genetics and genomics, including principles of classical genetics; yeast genetics; gene mapping; forward and reverse genetics; structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes; molecular mechanisms and regulation of transcription, replication, DNA-repair and recombination; analysis of developmental processes; epigenetics and RNA interference.
LernzielThis course focuses on the concepts of classical and modern genetics and genomics.
InhaltThe topics include principles of classical genetics; yeast genetics; gene mapping; forward and reverse genetics; structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes; molecular mechanisms and regulation of transcription, replication, DNA-repair and recombination; analysis of developmental processes; epigenetics and RNA interference.
SkriptScripts and additional material will be provided during the semester.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgefördert
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Selbstdarstellung und soziale Einflussnahmegefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenKreatives Denkengeprüft
Kritisches Denkengefördert
Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion gefördert
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
551-0313-00LMicrobiology (Part I)W3 KP2VW.‑D. Hardt, L. Eberl, B. Nguyen, J. Piel, M. Pilhofer, A. Vagstad
KurzbeschreibungAdvanced lecture class providing a broad overview on bacterial cell structure, genetics, metabolism, symbiosis and pathogenesis.
LernzielThis concept class will be based on common concepts and introduce to the enormous diversity among bacteria and archaea. It will cover the current research on bacterial cell structure, genetics, metabolism, symbiosis and pathogenesis.
InhaltAdvanced class covering the state of the research in bacterial cell structure, genetics, metabolism, symbiosis and pathogenesis.
SkriptUpdated handouts will be provided during the class.
LiteraturCurrent literature references will be provided during the lectures.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesEnglish
The lecture "Grundlagen der Biologie II: Mikrobiologie" is the basis for this advanced lecture.
551-0317-00LImmunology IW3 KP2VM. Kopf, A. Oxenius
KurzbeschreibungEinführung in strukturelle und funktionelle Eigenschaften des Immunsystems.
Grundlegendes Verständnis der Mechanismen und der Regulation einer Immunantwort.
LernzielEinführung in strukturelle und funktionelle Eigenschaften des Immunsystems.
Grundlegendes Verständnis der Mechanismen und der Regulation einer Immunantwort.
Inhalt- Einleitung und historischer Hintergrund
- Angeborene und adaptive Immunantwort, Zellen und Organe des Immunsystems
- B Zellen und Antikörper
- Generation von Diversität
- Antigen-Präsentation und Histoinkompatibilitätsantigene (MHC)
- Thymus und T Zellselektion
- Autoimmunität
- Zytotoxische T Zellen und NK Zellen
- Th1 und Th2 Zellen, regulatorische T Zellen
- Allergien
- Hypersensitivititäten
- Impfungen und immun-therapeutische Interventionen
SkriptDie Studenten haben elekronischen Zugriff auf die Vorlesungsunterlagen. Der Link ist unter "Lernmaterialien" zu finden.
Literatur- Kuby, Immunology, 9th edition, Freemen + Co., New York, 2020
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesImmunology I (WS) und Immunology II (SS) werden für D-BIOL Studenten in einer Sessionsprüfung als eine Lerneinheit geprüft. Alle anderen Studenten schreiben Einzelprüfungen für Immunologie I und Immunologie II. Alle Prüfungen (kombinierte Prüfung Immunologie I und II, Einzelprüfungen) werden in jeder Prüfungssession angeboten.
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengefördert
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgefördert
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgefördert
Persönliche KompetenzenAnpassung und Flexibilitätgefördert
Kreatives Denkengefördert
Kritisches Denkengeprüft
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement gefördert
529-0731-00LNucleic Acids and Carbohydrates
Hinweis für BSc Biologiestudierende: Nur einer der beiden Konzeptkurse 529-0731-00 Nucleic Acids and Carbohydrates (Herbstsemester) oder 529-0732-00 Proteins and Lipids (Frühlingsemester) kann für das Bachelorstudium angerechnet werden.
W6 KP3GK. Lang, P. A. Kast, S. J. Sturla, H. Wennemers
KurzbeschreibungStruktur, Funktion und Chemie von Nukleinsäuren und Kohlenhydraten. DNA/RNA Struktur und Synthese; rekombinante DNA Technologie und PCR; DNA Arrays und Genomics; Antisense Ansatz und RNAi; Polymerasen und Transkriptionsfaktoren; katalytische RNA; DNA Schädigung und Reparatur; Kohlenhydratstruktur und Synthese; Kohlenhydratarrays; Cell Surface Engineering; Kohlenhydratimpfstoffe
LernzielStruktur, Funktion und Chemie von Nukleinsäuren und Kohlenhydraten. DNA/RNA Struktur und Synthese; rekombinante DNA Technologie und PCR; DNA Arrays und Genomics; Antisense Ansatz und RNAi; Polymerasen und Transkriptionsfaktoren; katalytische RNA; DNA Schädigung und Reparatur; Kohlenhydratstruktur und Synthese; Kohlenhydratarrays; Cell Surface Engineering; Kohlenhydratimpfstoffe
InhaltStruktur, Funktion und Chemie von Nukleinsäuren und Kohlenhydraten. DNA/RNA Struktur und Synthese; rekombinante DNA Technologie und PCR; DNA Arrays und Genomics; Antisense Ansatz und RNAi; Polymerasen und Transkriptionsfaktoren; katalytische RNA; DNA Schädigung und Reparatur; Kohlenhydratstruktur und Synthese; Kohlenhydratarrays; Cell Surface Engineering; Kohlenhydratimpfstoffe
SkriptKein Skript; Illustrationen aus der Originalliteratur passend zu den behandelten Themen werden wöchentlich zur Verfügung gestellt (in der Regel als Handouts auf dem Moodle Server).
LiteraturHauptsächlich basierend auf Originalliteratur, eine detaillierte Liste wird in der Vorlesung ausgeteilt
Fachspezifische KompetenzenKonzepte und Theoriengeprüft
Verfahren und Technologiengeprüft
Methodenspezifische KompetenzenAnalytische Kompetenzengeprüft
Soziale KompetenzenKommunikationgeprüft
Kooperation und Teamarbeitgeprüft
Persönliche KompetenzenSelbstbewusstsein und Selbstreflexion geprüft
Selbststeuerung und Selbstmanagement geprüft
Empfohlene Masterkurse
551-0575-00LWriting Scientific Reports for MSc Biology Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W2 KP1GR. Taylor
KurzbeschreibungThis short course is designed to accompany MSc students in writing their first reports in English, providing input on scientific writing in English as well as feedback on drafts sections of the report.
LernzielStudents will learn to:
- Plan, draft, structure, and edit scientific reports
- Produce reader-friendly sentences
- Establish a clear and logical flow between sentences and paragraphs
- Select formal vocabulary and use it in a generally accurate and correct manner
- Choose and use generally suitable grammatical structures, punctuation, and identify areas in which further development is needed
InhaltThe course covers the process of writing reports in biology, helping students to focus on the language and communicative aspects of these reports. Topics covered include structuring sentences, paragraphs, and longer sections (introductions, methods, etc.); presenting and integrating non-textual elements such as graphs and tables; reviewing common grammar problems for advanced writers in English; and editing drafts and proofs. Sessions will consist of a mix of specialist input, group and pair work, and editing sessions.

Students who attend this cous will turn in three sections of a report (approx. 500 words each) for feedback, revising these texts for a final portfolio that is graded.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesParticipants should be at a stage in their research where they can already start drafting parts of the report.
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