Suchergebnis: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2023

Biologie Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2023)
Vertiefung in Biochemie
Obligatorische Konzeptkurse
551-0319-00LCellular Biochemistry (Part I)O3 KP2V
551-0319-00 VCellular Biochemistry (Part I)2 Std.
Mo11:45-13:30HPM D 7.2 »
U. Kutay, F. Allain, T. Kleele, I. Zemp
Obligatorische Masterkurs
551-1303-00LCellular Biochemistry of Health and Disease Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen O4 KP2S
551-1303-00 SCellular Biochemistry of Health and Disease2 Std.
Fr09:45-11:30HIT H 42 »
T. Kleele, V. Korkhov, G. Neurohr, V. Panse, M. Peter, A. E. Smith, F. van Drogen
Wahlpflicht Konzeptkurse
Siehe D-BIOL Master-Wegleitung
551-0307-00LMolecular and Structural Biology I: Protein Structure and Function
D-BIOL students are obliged to take part I and part II (next semester) as a two-semester course
551-0307-00 VMolecular and Structural Biology I: Protein Structure and Function2 Std.
Mo15:45-17:30HCI J 3 »
R. Glockshuber, K. Locher, E. Weber-Ban
551-0309-00LConcepts in Modern Genetics
Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module BIO348 at UZH.

Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
551-0309-00 VConcepts in Modern Genetics
**gemeinsam mit der Universität Zürich**
4 Std.
Mo13:45-15:30HIL E 3 »
Di08:00-09:45Y15 G 60 »
Y. Barral, D. Bopp, A. Hajnal, O. Voinnet
Wahlpflicht Masterkurse
551-1153-00LSystems Biology of Metabolism
Number of participants limited to 15.
551-1153-00 VSystems Biology of Metabolism2 Std.
Mo09:45-11:30HPL D 34 »
U. Sauer, N. Zamboni
636-0007-00LComputational Systems Biology Information W6 KP3V + 2U
636-0007-00 VComputational Systems Biology3 Std.
Mi14:15-17:00HG D 3.2 »
17.01.15:15-17:00HG D 3.2 »
J. Stelling
636-0007-00 UComputational Systems Biology2 Std.
Fr10:15-12:00HG D 1.2 »
J. Stelling
401-0649-00LApplied Statistical RegressionW5 KP2V + 1U
401-0649-00 VApplied Statistical Regression2 Std.
Mo08:15-10:00HG E 1.2 »
06.02.14:15-16:00HG E 33.5 »
M. Dettling
401-0649-00 UApplied Statistical Regression
Mon 10-12 might not work for all different programmes where this course is offered. However, the relevant parts of the exercises will be live-streamed and recorded for later viewing.
1 Std.
Mo/2w10:15-12:00HG E 1.2 »
30.10.10:15-12:00HG E 1.2 »
M. Dettling
529-0041-00LModerne Massenspektroskopie, gekoppelte Analysenmethoden, ChemometrieW6 KP3G
529-0041-00 GModerne Massenspektroskopie, gekoppelte Analysenmethoden, Chemometrie3 Std.
Mo09:45-11:30HCI H 2.1 »
Mi11:45-12:30HCI H 2.1 »
R. Zenobi, B. Hattendorf, P. Sinués Martinez-Lozano
636-0108-00LBiological Engineering and BiotechnologyW4 KP3V
636-0108-00 VBiological Engineering and Biotechnology
The lecture is held at the D-BSSE in Basel and transmitted per video conference to Zürich (HG D16.2).
Attention: the lecture starts on Wednesday, September 27.
3 Std.
Mi13:15-16:00BSS E 27 »
13:15-16:00HG D 16.2 »
M. Fussenegger
551-1407-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series I: Transcription & Processing & TranslationW4 KP2V
551-1407-00 VRNA Biology Lecture Series I: Transcription & Processing & Translation
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
2 Std.F. Allain, N. Ban, S. Jonas, U. Kutay, weitere Dozierende
551-1409-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series II: Non-Coding RNAs: Biology and TherapeuticsW4 KP2V
551-1409-00 VRNA Biology Lecture Series II: Non-Coding RNAs: Biology and Therapeutics2 Std.
Do15:45-17:30HCI H 2.1 »
J. Hall, M. Stoffel, weitere Dozierende
227-0939-00LCell BiophysicsW6 KP4G
227-0939-00 GCell Biophysics4 Std.
Di16:15-18:00NO C 44 »
Do16:15-18:00ML F 38 »
T. Zambelli
551-0357-00LCellular Matters: Properties, Functions and Applications of Biomolecular Condensates
The number of participants is limited to 30 and will only take place with a minimum of 6 participants.

The first lecture will serve to form groups of students and assign papers.
551-0357-00 SCellular Matters: Properties, Functions, and Applications of Biomolecular Condensates2 Std.
Mi09:45-11:30HCI H 2.1 »
T. Michaels, F. Allain, P. Arosio, Y. Barral, D. Hilvert, M. Jagannathan, R. Mezzenga, G. Neurohr, R. Riek, A. E. Smith, K. Weis, H. Wennemers, weitere Dozierende
529-0733-02LChemical Biology and Synthetic BiochemistryW6 KP3G
529-0733-02 GChemical Biology and Synthetic Biochemistry
Lecture 2 hours on Wednesday 10-12
1 hour exercise Wednesday 12-13 or 13-14 from second week on - according to agreement.
3 Std.
Mi09:45-11:30HCI J 4 »
11:45-13:30HCI J 4 »
K. Lang, M. Fottner
Zusätzliche Konzeptkurse
551-0307-00LMolecular and Structural Biology I: Protein Structure and Function
D-BIOL students are obliged to take part I and part II (next semester) as a two-semester course
551-0307-00 VMolecular and Structural Biology I: Protein Structure and Function2 Std.
Mo15:45-17:30HCI J 3 »
R. Glockshuber, K. Locher, E. Weber-Ban
551-0309-00LConcepts in Modern Genetics
Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module BIO348 at UZH.

Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
551-0309-00 VConcepts in Modern Genetics
**gemeinsam mit der Universität Zürich**
4 Std.
Mo13:45-15:30HIL E 3 »
Di08:00-09:45Y15 G 60 »
Y. Barral, D. Bopp, A. Hajnal, O. Voinnet
551-0313-00LMicrobiology (Part I)W3 KP2V
551-0313-00 VMicrobiology (Part I)2 Std.
Mo09:45-11:30HCI G 7 »
W.‑D. Hardt, L. Eberl, B. Nguyen, J. Piel, M. Pilhofer, A. Vagstad
551-0317-00LImmunology IW3 KP2V
551-0317-00 VImmunology I2 Std.
Di08:15-10:00HG G 3 »
M. Kopf, A. Oxenius
529-0731-00LNucleic Acids and Carbohydrates
Hinweis für BSc Biologiestudierende: Nur einer der beiden Konzeptkurse 529-0731-00 Nucleic Acids and Carbohydrates (Herbstsemester) oder 529-0732-00 Proteins and Lipids (Frühlingsemester) kann für das Bachelorstudium angerechnet werden.
529-0731-00 GNucleic Acids and Carbohydrates
Lecture 2 hours on Tuesday, 10-12
Exercises: 1 hour according to agreement, presumably Tuesday 8-9 or 9-10. Exercises will start in the second week of semester.
3 Std.
Di07:45-08:30HCI D 2 »
08:45-09:30HCI D 2 »
09:45-11:30HCI J 3 »
16.11.17:45-19:30HCI G 7 »
11.12.09:45-11:30HCI F 2 »
12.12.17:45-19:30HCI J 4 »
14.12.14:45-17:30HCI J 4 »
K. Lang, P. A. Kast, S. J. Sturla, H. Wennemers
Empfohlene Masterkurse
551-0575-00LWriting Scientific Reports for MSc Biology Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W2 KP1G
551-0575-00 GWriting Scientific Reports for MSc Biology
**Course is offered in collaboration with Language Center of UZH and ETH Zuerich**

Time: 08:30 - 11:45
20s Std.
Mi/207:45-11:30HIT F 42 »
R. Taylor
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