Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2023

History and Philosophy of Knowledge Master Information
Basic Courses
701-0019-00LReadings in Environmental Thinking Information Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
701-0019-00 SReadings in Environmental Thinking2 hrs
Fri16:15-18:00CHN G 42 »
J. Ghazoul
851-0196-00LPhilosophy of Pure and Applied Mathematics: From Foundations to Practice Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0196-00 SPhilosophy of Pure and Applied Mathematics: From Foundations to Practice2 hrs
Wed12:15-14:00RZ F 21 »
Y. P.‑H. Hamami
851-0438-00LEnvironment in Transition. Literature between Ecological Crisis and Utopia Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0438-00 SUmwelt im Umbruch. Literatur zwischen Ökokrise und Utopie2 hrs
Thu16:15-18:00IFW B 42 »
I. Barner
851-0066-00LScience as a Profession? History and Present of Scientific Work Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0066-00 SWissenschaft als Beruf? Geschichte und Gegenwart wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens2 hrs
Tue16:15-18:00IFW C 35 »
M. Wulz
851-0039-00LPlural Perspectives on Rationality Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0039-00 SPlural Perspectives on Rationality
Does not take place this semester.
Die Lehrveranstaltung wird im FS24 angeboten.
2 hrs
862-0117-00LHistory of Knowledge or History of Science? Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
862-0117-00 SWissensgeschichte oder Wissenschaftsgeschichte? Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.2 hrs
Mon16:15-18:00IFW B 42 »
M. Hagner, A. Te Heesen
851-0622-00LInequality and Injustice: Economic and Philosophical Perspectives Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0622-00 SUngleichheit und Ungerechtigkeit: ökonomische und philosophische Perspektiven2 hrs
Thu14:15-16:00LEE D 105 »
I. Günther, K. Harttgen, N. Mazouz
851-0194-00LSemiotics: Between Science and Literature Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2V
851-0194-00 VSemiotics: Between Science and Literature
Does not take place this semester.
2 hrs
851-0162-00LPhilosophy of Physics Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0162-00 SPhilosophie der Physik2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00LEE C 114 »
M. Hampe, R. Wallny
862-0118-00LDemocracy & Education: John Dewey’s Philosophy of Education between the Classroom and Civil Society Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
862-0118-00 SDemocracy & Education: John Dewey’s Philosophy of Education between the Classroom and Civil Society Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.2 hrs
Wed10:00-12:00STB F 11 »
M. Boenig-Liptsin
851-0527-00LIntroduction to the History of Technology: Concepts, and Current Debates Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2V
851-0527-00 VEinführung in die Technikgeschichte: Themenfelder, Konzepte und aktuelle Debatten2 hrs
Tue12:15-14:00IFW C 33 »
F. Mauch
851-0314-00LThe Left and Antisemitism Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0314-00 SDie Linke und der Antisemitismus2 hrs
Thu14:15-16:00RZ F 21 »
A. Kilcher
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