Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016
Environmental Sciences Bachelor ![]() | ||||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
851-0577-00L | Principles of Political Science | O | 4 credits | 2V + 1U | S. Mohrenberg, Q. Nguyen | |
Abstract | This course covers the basic questions, concepts, theories, methods, and empirical findings of political science. | |||||
Learning objective | This course covers the basic questions, concepts, theories, methods, and empirical findings of political science. | |||||
Content | Der Kurs ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Im ersten Teil erhalten die Teilnehmenden eine Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie, den Ablauf politikwissenschaftlicher Forschung, den Aufbau eines Forschungsdesigns und die Methodik der empirischen Sozialwissenschaften. Hier geht es primär darum zu zeigen wie PolitikwissenschaftlerInnen denken und arbeiten. Der zweite Teil des Kurses widmet sich zwei zentralen Teilbereichen der Politikwissenschaft: der Analyse politischer Systeme und den internationalen Beziehungen. Der Schwerpunkt dieses zweiten Teils liegt auf der Analyse politischer Systeme sowie den wichtigsten politischen Akteuren und der Beschaffenheit und Wirkung politischer Institutionen. Zur Veranschaulichung der behandelten Konzepte und Theorien gehen wir schwergewichtig und vergleichend auf die politischen Systeme Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz ein. Der Teilbereich der internationalen Beziehungen wird nur kursorisch behandelt, da dieser Teilbereich Inhalt einer Folgeveranstaltung im Frühlingssemester (Internationale Politik, Prof. Schimmelfennig) ist. Zur Vorlesung wird ein Tutorat (Uebung) angeboten. Darin werden die zentralen Konzepte, Methoden und Themen der Vorlesung geübt und vertieft. Die Teilnahme am Tutorat ist integraler Bestandteil des Kurses. Der im Tutorat behandelte Stoff ist Bestandteil der Prüfungen. | |||||
Lecture notes | This course is based on the following textbook: "Politikwissenschaft: Grundlagen" by Thomas Bernauer, Patrick Kuhn, Stefanie Walter and Detlef Jahn (Nomos, 2015, 3nd Edition). | |||||
Literature | This course is based on the following textbook: "Politikwissenschaft: Grundlagen" by Thomas Bernauer, Patrick Kuhn, Stefanie Walter and Detlef Jahn (Nomos, 2015, 3nd Edition). | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Students attending this course and passing the required tests (one in the middle, the other at the end of the semester) will obtain 4 ECTS credit points. | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0727-00L | Politics of Environmental Problem Solving in Developing Countries | W | 2 credits | 2G | U. Scheidegger | |
Abstract | The course focuses on processes and drivers of decision-making on natural resources management issues in developing countries. It gives insights into the relevance of ecological aspects in developing countries. It covers concepts, instruments, processes and actors in environmental politics at the example of specific environmental challenges of global importance. | |||||
Learning objective | After completion of the module, students will be able to: - Identify and appraise ecological aspects in development cooperation, development policies and developing countries' realities - Analyze the forces, components and processes, which influence the design, the implementation and the outcome of ecological measures - Characterize concepts, instruments and drivers of environmental politics and understand, how policies are shaped, both at national level and in multilateral negotiations - Study changes (improvements) in environmental politics over time as the result of the interaction of processes and actors, including international development organizations - Analyze politics and design approaches to influence them, looking among others at governance, social organization, legal issues and institutions | |||||
Content | Key issues and basic concepts related to environmental politics are introduced. Then the course predominantly builds on case studies, providing information on the context, specifying problems and potentials, describing processes, illustrating the change management, discussing experiences and outcomes, successes and failures. The analysis of the cases elucidates factors for success and pitfalls in terms of processes, key elements and intervention strategies. Different cases not only deal with different environmental problems, but also focus on different levels and degrees of formality. This ranges from local interventions with resource user groups as key stakeholders, to country level policies, to multi- and international initiatives and conventions. Linkages and interaction of the different system levels are highlighted. Special emphasis is given to natural resources management. The cases address the following issues: - Land use and soil fertility enhancement: From degradation to sustainable use - Common property resource management (forest and pasture): Collective action and property rights, community-based management - Ecosystem health (integrated pest management, soil and water conservation) - Payment for environmental services: Successes in natural resources management - Climate change and agriculture: Adaptation and mitigation possibilities - Biodiversity Convention: Implications for conservations and access to genetic resources - Biodiversity as a means for more secure livelihoods: Agroforestry and intercropping - The Millennium Development Goals: Interactions between poverty and the environment - Poverty and natural resources management: Poverty reduction strategies, the view of the poor themselves - Food security: Policies, causes for insecurity, the role of land grabbing - Biofuels and food security: Did politics misfire? - Strategy development at global level: IAASTD and World Development Report 2008 | |||||
Lecture notes | Information concerning the case studies and specific issues illustrated therein will be provided during the course (uploaded on Moodle) | |||||
Literature | Robbins P, 2004. Political ecology: a critical introduction. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 242 p. Peet R, Robbins P, Watts M, 2011. Global political ecology. Routledge, New York, 450 p. Keeley J, Scoones I, 2000. Knowledge, power and politics: the environmental policy-making process in Ethiopia. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 38(1), 89-120. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The performance assessment will consist of an individual essay to be written by each student based on at least five references in addition to the sources provided in the course. Students can choose from a list of topics. Criteria for assessment will be communicated at the beginning of the course. | |||||
701-0731-00L | Environmental Behavior in Social Context | W | 2 credits | 2S | H. Bruderer Enzler | |
Abstract | This introductory class in the environmental social sciences covers topics such as environmental behavior, environmental concern, social dilemmas and social norms. | |||||
Learning objective | Basic knowledge of the environmental social sciences Overview on current fields of research and their relevance for practical application | |||||
Content | Umweltverhalten ist stets in einen gesellschaftlichen Kontext eingebettet und wird durch verschiedenste soziale, psychologische und situationale Faktoren beeinflusst. In diesem Kurs wird Umweltverhalten daher unter anderem im Zusammenhang mit Umweltbewusstsein, sozialen Dilemmata und sozialen Normen diskutiert. Alle Themen werden zunächst eingeführt und anschliessend durch Studierende vertieft. Die Studierenden gestalten voraussichtlich in Zweiergruppen eine Unterrichtsstunde und verfassen eine kurze schriftliche Arbeit. Fragen, die uns während des Semesters beschäftigen: - Wie kommt es zu Umweltschädigungen, obwohl niemand diese beabsichtigt? - Wer verhält sich besonders umweltschonend? Wie wird dies gemessen? - Welche Rolle spielt das Umweltbewusstsein? - Welche Rolle spielen äussere Faktoren (Möglichkeiten, Kosten etc.)? - Wie sehr lassen wir uns dadurch beeinflussen, was andere machen? - Kooperieren wir nur, wenn auch andere dies tun? | |||||
Literature | Diekmann, A., & Preisendörfer, P. (2001). Umweltsoziologie. Eine Einführung. Reinbek: Rowohlt. Steg, L., van den Berg, A., & de Groot, J. (2013). Environmental Psychology. An Introduction. Chichester: BPS Blackwell. | |||||
701-0985-00L | Social Intercourse with Current Environmental Risks | W | 1 credit | 1V | B. Nowack, C. M. Som-Koller | |
Abstract | The lecture treats the social intercourse with risks of technical systems. The notion of risk and the perception of risk are discussed by case studies (e.g. nanotechnology) and socio-political instruments for decision-making are presented. Methods are presented that can be applied to deal with environmental risks and how they can be used for sustainable innovation. | |||||
Learning objective | - Getting acquainted to the extended risk concept - Evaluation of the risks caused by technology within the societal context - Knowledge about the mode science and society handle current environmental risks (examples gene- and nanotechnology) - Knowledge about handling risks (e.g. precautionary principle, protection goal, damage definition, ethics) Knowledge about possibilities for sustainable innovation | |||||
Content | - Risks and technical systems (risk categories, risk perception, risk management) - Illustration with case studies (nanotechnology) - Implementation (politics, science, media, etc.) - Decision making (technology assessment, cost/benefit analysis etc.) - The role of the media - prospects for future developments | |||||
Lecture notes | Copies of slides and selected documents will be distributed | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The lecture is held biweekly (for 2 hours). The dates are 26.9., 3.10. (out of schedule), 24.10, 7.11, 21.11, 5.12, 19.12 | |||||
227-0802-02L | Sociology | W | 2 credits | 2V | A. Diekmann | |
Abstract | Various studies are used to introduce basic sociological concepts, theories and empirical research methods, along with selected sociological topics. The goal of the course is to provide participants with an understanding of working practice in empirical sociology and the central findings of sociological studies. | |||||
Learning objective | To learn about methods of empirical social research and key results of classic and modern sociological studies. | |||||
Content | Soziologie befasst sich mit den Regelmässigkeiten sozialer Handlungen und ihrer gesellschaftlichen Folgen. Sie richtet ihren Blick auf die Beschreibung und Erklärung neuer gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen und erfasst diese mit emprischen Forschungsmethoden. Die Vorlesung wird u.a. anhand von Beispielstudien - klassische Untersuchungen ebenso wie moderne Forschungsarbeiten - in die Grundbegriffe, Theorien, Forschungsmethoden und Themenbereiche der Soziologie einführen. Folgende Themen werden behandelt: 1. Einführung in die Arbeitsweise der Soziologie anhand verschiedener Beispielstudien. Darstellung von Forschungsmethoden und ihrer Probleme. Etappen des Forschungsprozesses: Hypothese, Messung, Stichproben, Erhebungsmethoden, Datenanalyse. 2. Darstellung und Diskussion soziologischer Befunde aus der Umwelt- und Techniksoziologie. (1) Modernisierung und Technikrisiken, (2) Umweltbewegung, Umweltbewusstsein und Umweltverhalten, (3) Umweltprobleme als "soziale Dilemmata", (4) Modelle der Diffusion technischer Innovationen. 3. Der Beitrag der Sozialtheorie. Vorstellung und Diskussion ausgewählter Studien zu einzelnen Themenbereichen, z.B.: (1) Die Entstehung sozialer Kooperation, (2) Reputation und Märkte, (3) Soziale Netzwerke u.a.m. Ergänzende Gruppenarbeiten (nicht verpflichtend). Im Rahmen des MTU-Programms des ITET und Programmen anderer Departemente können Semesterarbeiten in Soziologie (Durchführung einer kleinen empirischen Studie, Konstruktion eines Simulationsmodels sozialer Prozesse oder Diskussion einer vorliegenden soziologischen Untersuchung) angefertigt werden. Kreditpunkte (in der Regel 6 bis 12) für "kleine" oder "grosse" Semesterarbeiten werden nach den Regeln des Departements, das Semestergruppenarbeiten ermöglicht, vergeben. | |||||
Lecture notes | Folien der Vorlesung und weitere Materialien (Fachartikel, Kopien aus Büchern) werden auf der Webseite der Vorlesung zum Download zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Literature | Folien der Vorlesung und weitere Materialien (Fachartikel, Kopien aus Büchern) werden auf der Webseite der Vorlesung zum Download zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Interesse am Thema und Bereitschaft zum Mitdenken. | |||||
851-0591-00L | Digital Sustainability in the Knowledge Society Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MATL, D-MAVT, D-MTEC, D-USYS. | W | 2 credits | 2V | M. M. Dapp | |
Abstract | How do various interest groups influence the methods of production, distribution, and use of digital resources? Current models focusing on strong intellectual property rights are contrasted with open models like, e.g. Open Source/Content/Access. The course discusses consequences from different models and introduces »digital sustainability« as an alternative vision for society. | |||||
Learning objective | At the heart of the discourse is the handling of digital goods and intellectual property in society. Digitization and the Internet allow handling knowledge in a way, which directly contrasts with the traditional understanding of "intellectual property" and the industries based on it. Starting from economic and legal basics, we compare proprietary and open/"free" models. Sustainable development as a concept is transferred to digital goods, taking into account the particular nature of digital stuff. After the lecture, you should (hopefully) be able to - characterize the nature of digital goods vs. physical goods - critique the basic concepts of copyright and patent rights - explain the political/legal and economic differences between proprietary and open approaches to the production and use of digital goods - using an example, explain the meaning of digital sustainability and argue why it is relevant for a knowledge society - transfer the ideas of the free/open source software model to other digital goods (e.g., open content, open access) | |||||
Content | Technical reality: Within minutes you can make perfect copies of high-value digital goods of knowledge or culture (as text, audio, video, image or software) and distribute them around the globe -- for free. «Digitization plus Internet» allows for the first time in humankind's history the (theoretically) free access and global exchange of knowledge at minimal cost. A tremendous opportunity for societal development, in north and south. «Cool, so what's the problem?» The problem is, that this reality poses a fundamental threat to today's business model of the knowledge and culture industries (starting from the music label and Hollywood, via publishers, up to software vendors). Powerful commercial interests are at stake as «knowledge» (the fourth factor of production) will become ever more important in the 21st century. Accordingly, «piracy» and «file-sharing» are attacked with all means. At the core lies the question about the design of property in digital assets. For that, we apply a concept of «intellectual property», which is several hundred years old and does not address digtal reality in an adequate manner, sometimes leading to absurd situations. Its original goal seems to get forgotten: to help society develop by spreading knowledge as much as possible. Using the PC becomes the new cultural technique of the 21st century. In contrast to «reading, writing and arithmetics», this new cultural technique cannot exist in isolation, but depends on a hard- and software infrastructure. This dependency extends to the provider of the infrastructure, who can define technical rules, which can take away or restrict the user's freedom. Even advanced users may have difficulties in recognizing these, often hidden, restrictions and in evaluating their societal relevance. But exactly these invisible consequences we need to understand and investigate, because they decide about access, distribution and usage of digital knowledge. Comparable to the environmentalist movement of the 60s and 70s, a growing political movement for «Free Software» exists today, with «GNU/Linux» as its most popular symbol. The movement fights against treating software code as private property but as a central cultural good available to all without private interests. Based on the success of the Free Software movement, new initiatives extend the concepts to other domains (e.g. scientific knowledge, music)... As a «teaser» to the lecture, you are invited to read the essay «ETH Zurich - A Pioneer in Digital Sustainability!». It can be downloaded from More on starting from September. Stay tuned. | |||||
Lecture notes | Slides and other material (both usually in English) will be made available on a weekly basis as the lecture proceeds. | |||||
Literature | Content of the following books is covered (PDFs freely available online): 1 Volker Grassmuck, Freie Software - Zwischen Privat- und Gemeineigentum, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2. Aufl. Bonn 2004. 2 François Lévêque & Yann Ménière, The Economics of Patents and Copyright, Berkeley Electronic Press, 2004. 3 Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks, Yale University Press. New Haven 2006. Other recommended books are: 1 (general) Chris DiBona et al., Open Sources – Voices from the Open Source Revolution, O'Reilly, 1999. 2 (pol. sc.) Steven Weber, The Success of Open Source, Harvard UP, 2004. 3 (law) James Boyle, Shamans, Software, & Spleens - Law and The Construction of the Information Society, Harvard UP, 1996. 4 (law) Lawrence Lessig, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, Basic Books, New York 1999. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | For administrative and didactic reasons (high level of interaction and credit group assignments on current hot topics), the number of participants is limited to 45. Of course, any interested person is invited to attend the lecture without doing the group assignment. The website is actively used for the lecture. | |||||
851-0594-00L | International Environmental Politics Particularly suitable for students of D-ITET, D-USYS | W | 3 credits | 2V | T. Bernauer | |
Abstract | This course focuses on the conditions under which cooperation in international environmental politics emerges and the conditions under which such cooperation and the respective public policies are effective and/or efficient. | |||||
Learning objective | The objectives of this course are to (1) gain an overview of relevant questions in the area of international environmental politics from a social sciences viewpoint; (2) learn how to identify interesting/innovative questions concerning this policy area and how to answer them in a methodologically sophisticated way; (3) gain an overview of important global and regional environmental problems. | |||||
Content | This course deals with how and why international cooperation in environmental politics emerges, and under what circumstances such cooperation is effective and efficient. Based on theories of international political economy and theories of government regulation various examples of international environmental politics are discussed: the management of international water resources, the problem of unsafe nuclear power plants in eastern Europe, political responses to global warming, the protection of the stratospheric ozone layer, the reduction of long-range transboundary air pollution in Europe, the prevention of pollution of the oceans, etc. The course is open to all ETH students. Participation does not require previous coursework in the social sciences. After passing an end-of-semester test (requirement: grade 4.0 or higher) students will receive 3 ECTS credit points. The workload is around 90 hours (meetings, reading assignments, preparation of test). Visiting students (e.g., from the University of Zurich) are subject to the same conditions. Registration of visiting students in the web-based system of ETH is compulsory. | |||||
Lecture notes | Assigned reading materials and slides will be available at (select link 'Registered students, please click here for course materials' at top of that page). Log in with your nethz name and password. Questions concerning access to course materials can be addressed to Mike Hudecheck (Mike Hudecheck <>). All assigned papers must be read ahead of the respective meeting. Following the course on the basis of on-line slides and papers alone is not sufficient. Physical presence in the classroom is essential. Many books and journals covering international environmental policy issues can be found at the D-GESS library at the IFW building, Haldeneggsteig 4, B-floor, or in the library of D-USYS. | |||||
Literature | Assigned reading materials and slides will be available at (select link 'Registered students, please click here for course materials' at top of that page). Log in with your nethz name and password. Questions concerning access to course materials can be addressed to Mike Hudecheck (Mike Hudecheck <>). | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | None | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0721-00L | Psychology | O | 3 credits | 2V | R. Hansmann, C. Keller, M. Siegrist | |
Abstract | This course provides an introduction to psychological research and modelling, focusing on cognitive psychology and the psychological experiment. Participants learn to formulate problems for psychological investigation and apply basic forms of psychological experiment. | |||||
Learning objective | Students are able to - describe the areas, concepts, theories, methods and findings of psychology. - differentate scientific psychology from "everyday" psychology. - structure the conclusions and significance of an experiment. according to a theory of psychology. - formulate a problem for psychological investigation. - apply basic forms of psychological experiment. | |||||
Content | Einführung in die psychologische Forschung und Modellbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der kognitiven Psychologie und des psychologischen Experiments. Themen sind u.a.: Wahrnehmung; Lernen und Entwicklung; Denken und Problemlösen; Kognitive Sozialpsychologie; Risiko und Entscheidung. | |||||
752-2120-00L | Consumer Behaviour I | O | 2 credits | 2V | M. Siegrist, C. Keller, B. S. Sütterlin | |
Abstract | Introduction in consumer research. The following aspects will be emphasized in the course: Consumer decision making, indiviudal determinants of consumer behavior, environmental influences on consumer behavior, influencing consumer behavior | |||||
Learning objective | Introduction in consumer research. The following aspects will be emphasized in the course: Consumer decision making, indiviudal determinants of consumer behavior, environmental influences on consumer behavior, influencing consumer behavior | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0771-00L | Environmental Conciousness and Public Relations ![]() ![]() Number of participants limited to 60. Sign in until 29.09.2016. Please describe your expectations. Why do want to attend this special topic? Do you have any pre-information about the integral model? Do you have any practical experience in environmental communication? | W | 2 credits | 2G | R. Locher Van Wezemael | |
Abstract | "Environmental Conciousness and Public Relations" shows how to communicate about environment and sustainability successfully. We look at campaigns, exhibitions and other public relations measures to learn, how to design and realize good communication. | |||||
Learning objective | You learn how to handle tools and concepts in environmental communication. And you can evaluate communication projects. We also discuss the evolution of consciousness. | |||||
Content | - Methods and tools in environmental communication. - Marketing mix - Examples of campaigns, events, print products, media relations. - Integral sustainability | |||||
Lecture notes | Handouts | |||||
Literature | - Integral Vision; Ken Wilber, 2005 | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | We will discuss new trends in environmental communication with the focus on integral solutions. | |||||
701-0785-00L | Environmental and Science Communication ![]() ![]() Number of participants limited to 120. 60 ETH students and 60 UZH students. The time (date and exact time) of enrolment is decisive. If there are less than 60 enrolments of one group either ETH or UZH students then the available spaces will be given to the other group. ATTENTION: Enrolment of this course unit is only possible from August 31 until September 14, 2016. Information for UZH students: Enrolment to this course unit is only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module 251359 at UZH. Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link | W | 4 credits | 2V | M. Schäfer | |
Abstract | The course gives an introductionary overview in research questions, theoretical perspectives and empirical results of science communication and environmental communication. They will be illustrated by concrete examples and via lectures from external guests. . | |||||
Learning objective | Goals: Learning to understand structures and processes of environmental and science communication, becoming more sensitive for problems of science public relations, getting an insight into public debates about environmental issues. Methods: invitation of media practitioners and experts, discussions, lectures on key theoretical concepts of communication. Topics: Concrete communication instruments like media conferences, theoretical perspectives of public relations, basic principles and examples of information campaigns, environment and science as media topics, functions and structures of science communication, relations between science, media and politics. | |||||
Content | I. Introduction - Topics: Environment, Science, Risks, Media - Forms, Functions, Effects of Public and Mass Communication II. Stakeholders and their Public Relations Efforts - Public Relations and Science PR: Theoretical Perspectives, Instruments III. Science and Environmental Issues in the Media - Forms and Functions of Science Journalism - Problems of Selection, Interpretation, Quality - Media Content Analysis - Online Communication IV. Uses and Effects of Science and Environmental Communication - Extent of Media Use - Effects on Knowledge, Risk Perceptions, Environmental Attitudes - Effects on Science itself | |||||
Lecture notes | Literature and powerpoint presentations will be provided on the OLAT platform. | |||||
Literature | Boykoff, Maxwell T. (2011): Who Speaks for the Climate? Making Sense of Media Reporting on Climate Change. Cambridge, New York. Brossard, Dominique / Scheufele, Dietram A. (2013): Science, New Media, and the Public. In: Science 339, H. 6115, S. 40-41. Bubela, Tania / Nisbet, Matthew C. / Borchelt, Rick / Brunger, Fern / Critchley, Cristine / Einsiedel, Edna et al. (2009): Science Communication Reconsidered. In: Nature Biotechnology 27, H. 6, S. 514-518. Göpfert, Winfried (2007): The Strength of PR and the Weakness of Science Journalism. In: Bauer, Martin / Bucchi, Massimiano (Hg.): Journalism, Science and Society. Science Communication Between News and Public Relations. New York, S. 215-226. Gregory, Jane / Miller, Steve (1998): Science in Public. Communication, Culture, and Credibility. New York. Hansen, Anders (2011): Communication, Media and Environment: Towards Reconnecting Research on the Production, Content and Social Implications of Environmental Communication. In: International Communication Gazette 73, H. 1-2, S. 7-25. Renn, Ortwin (2008): Concepts of Risk: An Interdisciplinary Review. In: GAIA 17, H. 1 & 2, S. 50-66 / 196-204. Rödder, Simone / Franzen, Martina / Weingart, Peter (Hg.): The Sciences' Media Connection - Public Communication and its Repercussions. Dordrecht, S. 59-85. Schäfer, Mike S. (2011): Sources, Characteristics and Effects of Mass Media Communication on Science: A Review of the Literature, Current Trends and Areas for Future Research. In: Sociology Compass 5, H. 6, S. 399-412. Sjöberg, Lennart (2000): Factors in Risk Perception. In: Risk Analysis 20, H. 1, S. 1-11. Slovic, Paul (1987): Perception of Risk. In: Science 236, H. 4799, S. 280-285. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Die Vorlesung wendet sich auch an Studierende der Publizistikwissenschaft der Universität Zürich Voraussetzungen: Die Vorlesung hat einführenden Charakter. | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0701-00L | Philosophy of Science | O | 3 credits | 2V | G. Hirsch Hadorn, C. J. Baumberger | |
Abstract | The lecture explores various strands in philosophy of science in a critical way, focusing on the notion of rationality in science, especially with regards to environmental research. It addresses the significance and limits of empirical, mathematical and logical methods, as well as problems and ethical issues raised by the use of science in society. | |||||
Learning objective | Students learn to engage with problems in the philosophy of science and to relate them to natural and environmental sciences, thus developing their skills in critical thinking about science and its use. They know the most important positions in philosophy of science and the objections they face. They can identify, structure and discuss issues raised by the use of science in society. | |||||
Content | 1. Core differences between classical Greek and modern conceptions of science. 2. Classic positions in the philosophy of science in the 20th century: logical empiricism and critical rationalism (Popper); the analysis of scientific concepts and explanations. 3. Objections to logical empiricism and critical rationalism, and further developments: What is the difference between the natural sciences, the social sciences and the arts and humanities? What is progress in science (Kuhn, Fleck, Feyerabend)? Is scientific knowledge relativistic? What is the role of experiments and computer simulations? 4. Issues raised by the use of science in society: The relation between basic and applied research; inter- and transdisciplinarity; ethics and accountability of science. | |||||
Lecture notes | A reader will be available for students. | |||||
Literature | A list of introductory literature and handbooks will be distributed to the students. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Oral examination during the session examination. Further optional exercises accompany the lecture and offer the opportunity for an in-depth discussion of selected texts from the reader. Students receive an additional credit point. They have to sign up separately for the exercises for the course 701-0701-01 U. | |||||
701-0703-00L | Environmental Ethics ![]() | O | 2 credits | 2V | M. Huppenbauer | |
Abstract | The lecture beginns with an introduction to applied ethics in general. The main focus is on environmental ethics. Students learn to handle important concepts and positions of environmental ethics. They achieve a deeper understanding of these concepts and positions in applying them to ecological problems and discussing them in case studies. | |||||
Learning objective | On completion of this lecture course you will have acquired the ability to identify and process general and environmental ethical problems. You will be capable of recognising and analysing environmental ethical problems and of working towards a solution. You will have acquired a fundamental knowledge of standpoints and argumentations to be found within the field of environmental ethics and will have practised these in small case studies. | |||||
Content | - Introduction to general and applied ethics. - Overview and discussion of ethical theories relevant to the environment. - Familiarisation with various basic standpoints within environmental ethics. - Cross-section topics, such as sustainability, intergenerational justice, protection of species, etc. - Practising of newly acquired knowledge in case studies (protection of species, climate change, etc.) | |||||
Lecture notes | Summaries of the individual sessions will be distributed, including the most important theories and keywords; reading list. In the part of the course serving as an introduction to general and applied ethics, we shall be using the following textbook: Barbara Bleisch/Markus Huppenbauer: Ethische Entscheidungsfindung. Ein Handbuch für die Praxis, 2nd Edition Zürich 2014 | |||||
Literature | - Angelika Krebs (Hrg.) Naturethik. Grundtexte der gegenwärtigen tier- und ökoethischen Diskussion 1997 - Andrew Light/Holmes Rolston III, Environmental Ethics. An Anthology, 2003 - John O'Neill et al., Environmental Values, 2008 - Klaus Peter Rippe, Ethik im ausserhumanen Bereich, Paderborn (mentis) 2008 Generel introductions: - Barbara Bleisch/Markus Huppenbauer: Ethische Entscheidungsfindung. Ein Handbuch für die Praxis, Zürich 2014, 2. Auflage - Marcus Düwell et. al (Hrg.), Handbuch Ethik, 2. Auflage, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag), 2006 - Johann S. Ach et. al (Hrg.), Grundkurs Ethik 1. Grundlagen, Paderborn (mentis) 2008 | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The procedure for accumulating CP will be explained at the start of term. I expect participants to be motivated and contribute to discussions, keeping the course interesting and lively. | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0701-01L | Philosophy of Science: Exercises | W | 1 credit | 1U | G. Hirsch Hadorn, C. J. Baumberger | |
Abstract | The exercises in philosophy of science serve to develop skills in critical thinking by discussing seminal texts about the rationality of science. Topics discussed include the significance and limits of empirical, mathematical and logical methods, as well as problems and ethical issues raised by the use of science in society. | |||||
Learning objective | Students can engage with problems in the philosophy of science and to relate them to natural and environmental sciences. They learn to analyze and summarize philosophical texts. In this way, they develop their skills in critical thinking with a focus on the rationality of science. | |||||
Content | The optional exercises accompany the lecture and serve to develop skills in critical thinking with a focus on the rationality of science, based on discussing seminal texts. The texts cover important positions in the philosophy of science and their critics. Topics discussed include the significance and limits of empirical, mathematical and logical methods, as well as problems and ethical issues raised by the use of science in society. | |||||
Lecture notes | A reader will be available for students. | |||||
Literature | A list of literature will be distributed to the students together with the reader. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Students that want to subscribe for this course also have to subscribe for the lecture 701-0701-00 V "Wissenschaftsphilosophie". Credit points are given for preparing a structure and a summary of one of the texts. | |||||
701-0791-00L | Environmental History - Introduction and Overview ![]() Number of participants limited to 100. | W | 2 credits | 2V | D. Speich Chassé | |
Abstract | Our society faces a serious ecological crisis. Of what historical dimension is this crisis? How have human societies already in earlier times changed their environment, and, consequently, perhaps also ours? What were the main ecological challenges for societies and how did they change over time? And how did societies adapt to changing environmental conditions? | |||||
Learning objective | Introduction into environmental history; survey of long-term development of human-nature-interrelations; discussion of selected problems. Improved ability to assess current problems from a historical perspective and to critically interrogate one's own standpoint. | |||||
Lecture notes | Course material is provided on OLAT. | |||||
Literature | McNeill, John R. 2000. Something new under the sun: An environmental history of the twentieth-century world, New York: Norton. Uekötter, Frank (Ed.) 2010. The turning points of environmental history, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Winiwarter, Verena und Martin Knoll 2007. Umweltgeschichte: Eine Einführung, Köln: Böhlau. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Students are asked to write an exam during the second last session (11.12.2015). | |||||
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» Political Science | ||||||
» Law | ||||||
» Sociology | ||||||
» Economy | ||||||
» Psychology, Pedagogics |
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