Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

High-Energy Physics (Joint Master with EP Paris) Information
Proseminars and Semester Papers
To organise a semester project take contact with one of the instructors.
402-0215-MSLExperimental Semester Project in Physics Information Restricted registration - show details W9 credits18ASupervisors
AbstractThe aim of the project is to give the student experience in working in a research environment, carrying out physics experiments, analysing and interpreting the resulting data.
Learning objective
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Leistungskontrolle erfolgt aufgrund eines oder mehrerer schriftlicher Berichte bzw. einer schriftlichen Arbeit. Ein Vortrag über die gewonnenen Ergebnisse ist ein obligatorischer Bestandteil der Leistungskontrolle.
GESS Science in Perspective
» Recommended GESS Science in Perspective (Type B) for D-PHYS.
» see GESS Science in Perspective: Language Courses ETH/UZH
» see GESS Science in Perspective: Type A: Enhancement of Reflection Capability
Master's Thesis
402-2000-00LScientific Works in Physics
Target audience:
Master students who cannot document to have received an adequate training in working scientifically.

Directive Link
O0 creditsC. Grab
AbstractLiterature Review: ETH-Library, Journals in Physics, Google Scholar; Thesis Structure: The IMRAD Model; Document Processing: LaTeX and BibTeX, Mathematical Writing, AVETH Survival Guide; ETH Guidelines for Integrity; Authorship Guidelines; ETH Citation Etiquettes; Declaration of Originality.
Learning objectiveBasic standards for scientific works in physics: How to write a Master Thesis. What to know about research integrity.
462-0900-00LMaster's Thesis Restricted registration - show details O30 credits57DSupervisors
AbstractThe Master's thesis is normally conducted in the fourth semester and concludes the degree programme. With the Master's thesis students verify their ability to undertake independent and scientifically structured work in the area of high energy physics.
Learning objective
Prerequisites / NoticeThe time limit for completing the Master's thesis is six months.
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