Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2023

Science in Perspective Information
In “Science in Perspective”-courses students learn to reflect on ETH’s STEM subjects from the perspective of humanities, political and social sciences.

Only the courses listed below will be recognized as "Science in Perspective" courses.
Type B: Reflection About Subject-Specific Methods and Contents
Subject-specific courses. Particularly relevant for students interested in those subjects.

All these courses are also listed under the category “Typ A”, and every student can enroll in these courses.
853-0061-00LIntroduction to Cybersecurity PoliticsW3 credits2G
853-0061-00 GEinführung in die Cybersicherheitspolitik2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00HG D 7.2 »
M. Dunn Cavelty, F. J. Egloff
853-8002-00LThe Role of Technology in National and International Security PolicyW3 credits2G
853-8002-00 GDie Rolle von Technologie in nationaler und internationaler Sicherheitspolitik2 hrs
Tue08:15-10:00IFW A 36 »
O. Thränert, A. Dossi, M. Leese, N. Masuhr
851-0742-01LContract Design II Restricted registration - show details
To be considered for Contract Design II, you must have completed Contract Design I in the same semester. Students can only register for Contract Design II after having obtained approval by Prof. Stremitzer.
W1 credit1U
851-0742-01 UContract Design II
Does not take place this semester.
The course was cancelled and will take place in spring semester 2024.
16s hrsA. Stremitzer
851-0196-00LPhilosophy of Pure and Applied Mathematics: From Foundations to Practice Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0196-00 SPhilosophy of Pure and Applied Mathematics: From Foundations to Practice2 hrs
Wed12:15-14:00RZ F 21 »
Y. P.‑H. Hamami
851-0185-00LEthics in Mathematics Restricted registration - show details
Recommended for students of D-MATH
W3 credits2S
851-0185-00 SEthics in Mathematics2 hrs
Thu14:15-16:00HG E 22 »
M. Cordes
851-0763-00LSupervised Research (Law, Economics, and Data Science) Restricted registration - show details W3 credits
851-0763-00 ASupervised Research (Law, Economics, and Data Science)E. Ash, S. Galletta
851-0703-00LIntroduction to LawW2 credits2V
851-0703-00 VGrundzüge des Rechts2 hrs
Mon14:15-16:00HG E 3 »
O.  Streiff Gnöpff
851-0738-00LIntellectual Property: Introduction
Particularly suitable for students of D-CHAB, D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT, D- MATL, D-MTEC.
W2 credits2V
851-0738-00 VGeistiges Eigentum: Eine Einführung2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00HG E 3 »
22.12.09:15-13:00HG E 33.1 »
09:15-13:00HG E 33.3 »
M. Schweizer
853-0047-01LWorld Politics Since 1945: The History of International Relations (Without Exercises)W3 credits2V
853-0047-00 VWeltpolitik seit 1945: Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen2 hrs
Wed10:15-12:00CAB G 11 »
A. Wenger
701-0703-00LEnvironmental Ethics (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: 07SMEEE266

Please register at:

after you received your logon information you can enrol to courses at:

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W3 credits2V
701-0703-00 VEthik und Umwelt (Universität Zürich)
**Kurs an der Universität Zürich**
Verbindliche Informationen bitte dem Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Univeristät Zürich entnehmen

Die Vorlesung wird von der UZH angeboten und findet im HS23 an der ETH statt.
2 hrs
Fri12:15-14:00HG F 7 »
University lecturers
853-0061-00LIntroduction to Cybersecurity PoliticsW3 credits2G
853-0061-00 GEinführung in die Cybersicherheitspolitik2 hrs
Mon10:15-12:00HG D 7.2 »
M. Dunn Cavelty, F. J. Egloff
853-8002-00LThe Role of Technology in National and International Security PolicyW3 credits2G
853-8002-00 GDie Rolle von Technologie in nationaler und internationaler Sicherheitspolitik2 hrs
Tue08:15-10:00IFW A 36 »
O. Thränert, A. Dossi, M. Leese, N. Masuhr
851-0196-00LPhilosophy of Pure and Applied Mathematics: From Foundations to Practice Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2S
851-0196-00 SPhilosophy of Pure and Applied Mathematics: From Foundations to Practice2 hrs
Wed12:15-14:00RZ F 21 »
Y. P.‑H. Hamami
851-0763-00LSupervised Research (Law, Economics, and Data Science) Restricted registration - show details W3 credits
851-0763-00 ASupervised Research (Law, Economics, and Data Science)E. Ash, S. Galletta
851-0252-10LProject in Behavioural Finance Restricted registration - show details
Particularly suitable for students of D-MTEC.
W3 credits2S
851-0252-10 SProject in Behavioural Finance
The lecturers will communicate the exact lesson times of ONLINE courses.
2 hrs
Wed10:00-12:00ON LI NE »
S. Andraszewicz, C. Hölscher, A. C. Roberts
851-0738-00LIntellectual Property: Introduction
Particularly suitable for students of D-CHAB, D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT, D- MATL, D-MTEC.
W2 credits2V
851-0738-00 VGeistiges Eigentum: Eine Einführung2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00HG E 3 »
22.12.09:15-13:00HG E 33.1 »
09:15-13:00HG E 33.3 »
M. Schweizer
363-0565-00LPrinciples of MacroeconomicsW3 credits2V
363-0565-00 VPrinciples of Macroeconomics
The lecture takes place in presence and will be recorded.
2 hrs
Tue16:15-18:00ETA F 5 »
J.‑E. Sturm
363-0503-00LPrinciples of Microeconomics
GESS (Science in Perspective): This lecture is for MSc students only. BSc students register for 351-1109-00L Einführung in die Mikroökonomie.
W3 credits2G
363-0503-00 GPrinciples of Microeconomics2 hrs
Thu16:15-18:00ETA F 5 »
M. Filippini
351-1109-00LIntroduction to Microeconomics
GESS (Science in Perspective):
This course is only for students enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree programme.

Students enrolled in a Master’s degree programme may attend “Principles of Microeconomics” (LE 363-0503-00L) instead.

Note for D-MAVT students: If you have already successfully completed “Principles of Microeconomics” (LE 363-0503-00L), then you will not be permitted to attend it again.
W3 credits2G
351-1109-00 GEinführung in die Mikroökonomie2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00HG E 3 »
M. Wörter, M. Beck
851-0742-00LContract Design I Restricted registration - show details
You can find all course materials and the most recent announcements on Moodle. Please log in to Moodle using your ETH or UZH credentials. Then search for "Contract Design I (851-0742-00L; Fall 2023)" and enroll. The password is "ContractDesign01".

It is NOT a legal drafting class focused on contractual language.

Number of participants limited to 160.
Max 80 ETHZ and 80 UZH Students
W3 credits2V
851-0742-00 VContract Design I
The course is going to take place twice a week during the first half of the semester. All lectures will be held in-person.
28s hrs
Mon/116:15-18:00HG D 7.2 »
Thu/112:15-14:00HG D 7.2 »
A. Stremitzer, A. Tacconelli
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